Wednesday, August 26, 2020
HR Managers Effectiveness
Presentation Internationalization and globalization has made difficulties for human asset professionals around the world. Human asset the executives is a crucial idea in the board of associations and businesses.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on HR Managers’ Effectiveness explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More All organizations ought to have a human capital office in the event that they are to create. In any case, because of globalization and internationalization, laborers from various societies meet, and this presents a test (Jackson, 2002). Human asset supervisors must have a worldwide vision to oversee staff appropriately. Worldwide vision empowers a chief to build up a group that contends universally. Human asset the board relate straightforwardly to the executives of individuals to help an association to accomplish its targets and objectives (Jackson, 2002). Culture assumes a crucial job in human asset the executives from the choice of up-and-comers, enrollment, assessment, meetings and business. The distinctions in culture cause associations to have a work power that has individuals with various work esteems, practices and mentalities (Mooij, 2010). The test is increasingly convoluted since supervisors may have certain convictions and presumptions on how they ought to deal with their staff. Much of the time, the social foundations of administrators impact the presumptions and convictions that they hold (Mooij, 2010). This further shows the effect of culture in HR the executives. In this manner, HR the executives is probably going to be defenseless to social decent variety since social bearers, to deal with other social bearers, devise the practices.Advertising Looking for article on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, HR specialists must oblige social assorted varieties when they structure HR exercises. They should know a bout social decent varieties to be powerful in the administration of individuals. They should acknowledge social contrasts in their work power and structure the board practices and arrangements that mull over contrasts in culture. In this paper, I will give a contention that help the conviction that HR directors must know about social contrasts to be successful in the administration of individuals. Job of Human Resources and Training Managers in Culturally Diverse Environment The conventional jobs of HR supervisors are determination, enlistment, assessment and work of individuals. Be that as it may, with monetary development, globalization and the requirement for high serious capacities, the jobs of HR chiefs have experienced a change. HR directors must contemplate that an organization’s ability is probably going to be the wellspring of ceaseless upper hand thus endurance, consumer loyalty, and productivity. An advanced human asset director must concentrate on long haul objec tives and destinations of the association. To accomplish this, one of the jobs of present day HR chiefs is to empower participative administration of an association (Kapoor, 2011). Participative administration gives representatives obligations, authority and responsibility in the work that they do. Human asset administrators give representatives instruments that they use to improve their yield and effect decidedly on the base line.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on HR Managers’ Effectiveness explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More This strategy guarantees that the requirements of workers are known, and it improves correspondence among representatives and the board. Through participatory administration, workers can illuminate their issues, and they are engaged (Kapoor, 2011). Subsequently, in this administration technique, social contrasts are thought about. Laborers of various social foundations can cooperate without clashes in thoughts. They can settle on choices that don't influence others and yet contribute monstrously to the main concern. Accordingly, I completely concur with the announcement. The other job of a HR supervisor is to be a key colleague and change specialist. A HR supervisor is to lead and help an association to figure the general procedure of the association. In this way, a HR supervisor needs to adjust human asset rehearses, exercises, activities and strategies with the system that the association has received. Suitable plan and skilful usage of HR procedure are basic in the end of hazard in an association (Kapoor, 2011). Thus, a human asset supervisor needs to contribute being developed and achievement of the absolute organization’s business arrangements and expectations. Administrators must secure laborers with various gifts. Moreover, associations must create pioneers who can advance development and successfully deal with a socially assorted team.Advertising Searching for exposition on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More HR chiefs must speak to various societies with the goal that the general structure of the choice gathering body of an association duplicates the different piece of the market. Consequently, I halfway concur with the announcement. Making of organization with center level and cutting edge directors is a key job of HR chiefs. Cutting edge and center level administrators assume a huge job in achievement of organization’s targets (Kapoor, 2011). Also, they have a noteworthy effect in the presentation of workers. They guarantee that there is order and control in an association. There exists a positive connection between's the feelings and affectability of laborers and their relationship with their line chiefs with work fulfillment, unwaveringness and responsibility. Subsequently, because of globalization and social decent variety in the working environment, HR supervisors must guarantee that a positive relationship exists between line administrators and laborers. HR supervisors must guarantee that socially educated separation doesn't exist as it might prompt decrease in representative execution. In this way, I completely concur with the announcement. HR directors are additionally employees’ supporters and victors of globalization. They assume a noteworthy job in hierarchical achievement by means of their insight on and about promotion. Their promotion job remembers mastery for the production of a workplace that makes representatives spurred, energized and superior workers. Inspiration causes representatives to accomplish their work since they appreciate the work. Furthermore, promotion causes HR administrators to empower discipline among laborers. Control incorporates arrangements, frameworks and practices that support responsibility among laborers (Lynn, Beth, Michelle, Karen, Don, Amy Gangaram, 2008). The mix of employees’ inspiration and order prompts laborers fervor about their work. It additionally prompts laborers being responsible for thei r activities and profoundly compensated for their commitment. As victors of globalization, HR chiefs perceive the advantages of social decent variety in an association. Henceforth, a human asset chief should execute hierarchical techniques that are touchy to certain social impacts. In this way, I completely concur with the announcement. As associations experience changes, staff and chiefs must learn new administration and the executives abilities. Laborers from various foundations face various difficulties and can be spurred in an unexpected way. The test that preparation supervisors have is the assurance and advancement of abilities that chiefs must need to support development of an association. Thus, preparing directors need to decide the abilities that workers require to perform ideally. They need to decide the passage level and preparing prerequisite for all situations in an association. In the assurance of required abilities and preparing of staff, preparing supervisors must th ink about social assorted variety. This ought to educate the authority and the executives style that can be received in a socially differing association. Preparing directors must perceive the effect of social contrasts when they create preparing modules. They should figure out how staff and administrators can exploit social decent variety in an association. Henceforth, it is their job to create procedures that can be utilized to oversee social decent variety (Lynn, Beth, Michelle, Karen, Don, Amy Gangaram, 2008). They need to decide the degree to which contrasts in culture are worthwhile or disadvantageous to an association. Thus, they can train three authority and the board styles dependent on benefits and faults of assorted variety of an organization’s workforce. Directors can be prepared to disregard social decent variety and its belongings in a business. For this situation, preparing directors advise administrators that social decent variety is superfluous in the executiv es of the association. On the other hand, preparing supervisors can show line chiefs how to limit social contrasts in an association. In this administration style, laborers from various social foundations are probably going to be made to follow the personal conduct standards of the prevailing society in the association. At last, preparing supervisors can show line chiefs to oversee social contrasts (Stahl Mendenhall, 2005). Through the selection of a synergetic methodology, workers and chiefs limit issues that could emerge because of social contrasts through administration of the decent variety. The job of preparing administrators in showing social contrasts the executives techniques cause me to concur somewhat with the announcement. Moreover, chiefs need to boost the advantages that social decent variety can bring into the association. The administration of social decent variety in an association is the best choice that preparation supervisors shoul
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Literary Criticism of A Lesson Before Dying Essay Example
Artistic Criticism of A Lesson Before Dying Paper Postulation: The relationship that creates among Jefferson and Wiggins structures the passionate center of the novel. The power of A Lesson before Dying is a consequence of the exchange that Gaines powerfully renders between the dampened detainee and the debilitated teacher. Backing Do you see anybody here who could design a homicide, a theft, can plancan plan anything? A cornered creature to strike rapidly out of dread, a characteristic acquired from his precursors in the most profound Jungle of blackest Africayes, indeed, that he can dobut to design? To design, men of honor of the Jury? No, noble men, this skull here holds no plans. What you see here is a thing that follows up on order. A thing to hold the handle of a furrow, a thing to stack your bunches of cotton, a thing to burrow your trench, to slash your wood, to pull your corn. That is the thing that you see here, however you don't see anything equipped for arranging a theft or a homicide. (7-8) She is resolved, in the months her godson has left to live, to persuade him regarding his humankind: l dont need them to kill no hoard, she [says]. l need a man to go to that seat, on his own two feet' (13). Just as a changed man, the content suggests, can Wiggins himself become an impetus for social fairness through instruction. Gainess story likewise focuses to the job that language can accept in representative oppression and in opportunity. We will compose a custom article test on Literary Criticism of A Lesson Before Dying explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Literary Criticism of A Lesson Before Dying explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Literary Criticism of A Lesson Before Dying explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Jefferson can perceive his mankind through composition (Wiggins has furnished him with a tablet and pencil). Opportunity through education is an essential figure of speech in the African American expressive custom. Henry Louis Gates, in his vernacular hypothesis The Signifying Monkey (1988), contends that the main engraving of this figure of speech is found in African American slave arratives, wherein the slave wrote to exhibit their own enrollment in the human network (Gates 128). Gaines connotes on this African American convention, capably making, through Jefferson, a countertext. It is through the demonstration of composing that Jefferson can satisfy his back up parents wish that he pass on with respect. With unpretentious composition that gives a false representation of the multifaceted nature of the story, Gaines annals two mens Journey to self wortha emblematic change which urges the peruser to reexamine the characteristics that describe a legend humiliating second By robincccc
Sunday, August 16, 2020
2017 National Book Critics Circle Awards Name Finalists
2017 National Book Critics Circle Awards Name Finalists The National Book Critics Circle Awards began in 1975, and are determined by a jury of working critics and book-review editors. Today, they announced their 30 finalists for outstanding books of 2017, in the categories of autobiography, biography, criticism, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The awards will be presented on March 15, 2018 at the New School in New York City in a ceremony that is free to the public. There will be readings by the authors at the New School the night before, and a fundraising reception after the event. Here are the 2017 nominees for the National Book Critics Circle Awards: NONFICTION: Gulf: The Making of An American Sea by Jack Davis The Evangelicals: The Struggle to Shape America by Frances FitzGerald The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia by Masha Gessen Border: A Journey to the Edge of Europe by Kapka Kassabova A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived: The Human Story Retold Through Our Genes by Adam Rutherford BIOGRAPHY: Prairie Fires: The american dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Caroline Fraser The Invention of Angela Carter: A Biography by Edmund Gordon The Kelloggs: The Battling Brothers of Battle Creek by Howard Markel Gorbachev: His Life and Times by William Taubman Hoover: An Extraordinary Life in Extraordinary Times by Kenneth Whyte AUTOBIOGRAPHY: The Best We Could Do: An Illustrated Memoir by Thi Bui Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body by Roxane Gay Admissions: A Life in Brain Surgery by Henry Marsh The Girl From the Metropol Hotel: Growing Up in Communist Russia by Ludmilla Petrushevskaya Nine Continents: A Memoir In and Out of China by Xiaolu Guo POETRY: Fourth Person Singular by Nuar Alsadir Earthling by James Longenbach Whereas by Layli Long Soldier The Darkness of Snow by Frank Ormsby Directions for Use by Ana Ristovic CRITICISM: You Play the Girl: On Playboy Bunnies, Stepford Wives, Train Wrecks, Other Mixed Messages by Carina Chocano The Art of Death: Writing the Final Story by Edwidge Danticat Guidebook to Relative Strangers: Journeys into Race, Motherhood and History by Camille Dungy Tell Me How It Ends: An Essay in Forty Questions by Valeria Luiselli Bunk: The Rise of Hoaxes, Humbug, Plagiarists, Phonies, Post-Facts and Fake News by Kevin Young Fiction: Exit West by Mohsin Hamid The Ninth Hour by Alice McDermott The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy Improvement by Joan Silber Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward There were also some winners announced for special prizes from the NBCC. John McPhee, a journalist, essayist, author, and journalism professor at Princeton, won the Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement Award. McPhee is considered a pioneer of creative nonfiction, and won the 1999 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction for Annals of the Former World. Carmen Maria Machado won the fourth annual John Leonard Prize for her debut story collection, Her Body and Other Parties. The prize recognizes outstanding first books in any genre. Machados fabulist collection was also a finalist for the 2017 National Book Award for Fiction. Charles Finch, an American author and literary critic who writes essays and reviews for the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and more, received the 2017 Nona Balakian Citation for Excellence in Reviewing. Finch is the author of the Charles Lenox mysteries, Victorian-era sleuth novels that include The Inheritance and A Beautiful Blue Death. He is also the author of contemporary novel The Last Enchantments. Sign up to Today In Books to receive daily news and miscellany from the world of books. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
How to Concentrate in Class
A class can get boring and you can get distracted. Your professor is long-winded, your best friend is hilarious, or your cell phone keeps going off. But learning how to concentrate in class is imperative to getting a good grade and actually learning something. Here are some tips for how to concentrate in class when the distractions seem like too much to handle. How to Concentrate on Class 1. Sit Near the Front The front row isn’t just for the nerds. (Although being a nerd is really, really cool because nerds tend to end up ruling the world). Sitting in the front of the class will automatically help you concentrate because it takes away any distractions (whisperers, texters, coughers, etc.) in front of you. 2. Participate The people who have learned how to concentrate know that they need to participate actively in class. Engage the teacher in conversation. Raise your hand for every question. Start a discussion. The more engaged you are with the lecture, the more you will want to concentrate on it. So, it is a way of fooling yourself into concentrating. Trick yourself into getting interested even if you cant imagine that you could be. Youll surprise yourself by how interested you really are if you give it a shot. . 3. Take Good Notes Get your pen working to keep your mind focused. Many kinesthetic learners are jittery – their brain doesn’t connect that they are working when they’re just listening. If you’re one of those people, and you can find out here if you are, then move your pen and take good notes during the lecture to help you concentrate. 4. Turn Off Your Phone If you really need to concentrate, then turn off your phone completely. No cheating by setting it to vibrate! Nothing will jar your concentration more than getting a text from a friend or a notification from social media during a lecture. 5. Eat a Healthy Breakfast Hunger can be a big distraction. It is tough to concentrate when you would rather be raiding the buffet at the your local restaurant. Grab some brain food before you head to class in order to get rid of a very obvious distraction. 6. Get a Good Night’s Sleep For maximum concentration, make sure you have slept at least eight hours. I know it can be tough to do, especially in college, but your concentration will be almost gone if you are fighting fatigue. Get some shut-eye so you can pay attention to the things that matter most. 7. Reward Yourself If you really have trouble focusing in class, then reward yourself at the end of class for paying attention. Indulge in your favorite latte, add five bucks to your â€Å"saving for shoes†account, or even just give yourself mini rewards throughout the class period like a piece of candy or a brief phone check if youve concentrated for fifteen minutes. Give yourself something to work for besides your good grade if that hasn’t been enough of a motivator. 8. Get the Jitters Out If you are an antsy person – one of those kinesthetic learners – and your teacher is not able to allow you to move in the classroom, then make sure you have gotten your energy out before class. Run laps around the library. Take the stairs everywhere you go. Ride your bike to class. Use some of your energy beforehand, so you can concentrate during your class period. 9. Change It Up If you can feel your ability to concentrate starting to slip, then change something. Get a new pen from your bag. Cross your other leg. Stretch. Tense and flex your muscles. Take a moment to give yourself a brief break from the monotony. You’ll be surprised how well this works to get you back on track.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Anatomical Directional Terms and Body Planes
Anatomical directional terms are like the directions on a compass rose of a map. Like the directions, North, South, East and West, they can be used to describe the locations of structures in relation to other structures or locations in the body. This is particularly useful when studying anatomy as it provides a common method of communication that helps to avoid confusion when identifying structures. Also as with a compass rose, each directional term often has a counterpart with converse or opposite meaning. These terms are very useful when describing the locations of structures to be studied in dissections. Anatomical directional terms can also be applied to the planes of the body. Body planes are used to describe specific sections or regions of the body. Below are examples of some commonly used anatomical directional terms and planes of the body. Anatomical Directional Terms Anterior: In front of, frontPosterior: After, behind, following, toward the rearDistal: Away from, farther from the originProximal: Near, closer to the originDorsal: Near the upper surface, toward the backVentral: Toward the bottom, toward the bellySuperior: Above, overInferior: Below, underLateral: Toward the side, away from the mid-lineMedial: Toward the mid-line, middle, away from the sideRostral: Toward the frontCaudal: Toward the back, toward the tailBilateral: Involving both sides of the bodyUnilateral: Involving one side of the bodyIpsilateral: On the same side of the bodyContralateral: On opposite sides of the bodyParietal: Relating to a body cavity wallVisceral: Relating to organs within body cavitiesAxial: Around a central axisIntermediate: Between two structures Anatomical Body Planes Imagine a person standing in an upright position. Now imagine dissecting this person with imaginary vertical and horizontal planes. This is the best way to describe anatomical planes. Anatomical planes can be used to describe any body part or an entire body. (View a detailed body plane image.) Lateral Plane or Sagittal Plane: Imagine a vertical plane that runs through your body from front to back or back to front. This plane divides the body into right and left regions. Median or Midsagittal Plane: Sagittal plane that divides the body into equal right and left regions.Parasagittal Plane: Sagittal plane that divides the body into unequal right and left regions. Frontal Plane or Coronal Plane: Imagine a vertical plane that runs through the center of your body from side to side. This plane divides the body into front (anterior) and back (posterior) regions. Transverse Plane: Imagine a horizontal plane that runs through the midsection of your body. This plane divides the body into upper (superior) and lower (inferior) regions. Anatomical Terms: Examples Some anatomical structures contain anatomical terms in their names that help identify their position in relation to other body structures or divisions within the same structure. Some examples include the anterior and posterior pituitary, superior and inferior venae cavae, the median cerebral artery, and the axial skeleton. Affixes (word parts that are attached to base words) are also useful in describing the position of anatomical structures. These prefixes and suffixes give us hints about the locations of body structures. For example, the prefix (para-) means near or within. The parathyroid glands are located on the posterior side of the thyroid. The prefix epi- means upper or outermost. The epidermis is the outermost skin layer. The prefix (ad-) means near, next to, or toward. The adrenal glands are located atop the kidneys. Anatomical Terms: Resources Understanding anatomical directional terms and body planes will make it easier to study anatomy. It will help you to be able to visualize positional and spatial locations of structures and navigate directionally from one area to another. Another strategy that can be employed to help you visualize anatomical structures and their positions is to use study aids such as anatomy coloring books and flashcards. It may seem a bit juvenile, but coloring books and review cards actually help you to visually comprehend the information.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Does Things Change in Poor Area of China Free Essays
Does things change in poor areas? When I was young ,my mother often told me it’s very bitter for them to go to school, they had to get up very early in the morning,then prepared for their brakefast by themselves and did some housework . they couldn’t leave until they finished all of that. They even couldn’t have lunch because proverty. We will write a custom essay sample on Does Things Change in Poor Area of China or any similar topic only for you Order Now But now ,things about education has changed. Student can get a better care. Now government pay more attention to education,especially in poor areas. Our country has done a lot to improve the education in our country. And they had realized the importance of education for the development of a country since the setting of our country. But they couldn’t do much to poor areas. But now ,with the development of economy, we have enough money to pay for fees for education. Everything has changed in poor areas. Carations from the government push the process of education development in poor areas. Government can support these areas with enough money and good teachers. As a result ,children in poor areas can get the same education resourses as others in rich places. From china daily ,children in guizhou now can get free lunch and beautiful classroom because the aid. What’s more, their family don’t need to care about the payments. In this way ,more children can get the opportunity to know more about the world. In fect, there are so many photographers who care about poor areas. They use their camara to tell people what is going on in poor areas, and try to tell the government. Yes , government can help poor place, but they don’t have enough information. These special people just contribute themselves to the development of poor areas. They even organize activities to collect money for the education of poor places. Most of them will spend most of their time to do that. Thanks to them ,these places can’t perfect their education fast without them. Thanks to the government and people who contribute themselves to education of poor areas, now children can get more opportuties to get formillar with the world. And things have changed to the good side. New word; Principal : main, or most important poverty-stricken : extremely poor malnourished: weak or sick because you do not eat enough or do not eat enough of the right foods poverty: a lack of something, especially ideas or feelings allowance: an amount of something that you are officially allowed by a particular set of rules or by the law; a tax exemption administration : the government of a country; the activity of governing a country or region; a department of the U. S. overnment launched : to start a major activity such as a military attack, a public investigation, or a new career or project; to start selling a new product or service to the public remote : far away from other cities, towns, or people; far away in distance or space; far away in the past or future rural: relating to parts of a country that are not near cities and where the population is low; typical of the countryside Sentence The central government launched a program in October that aims to improve nutrition for rural students in poor areas. When it was introduced, Xinglong school would receive packed bread and milk from the Dafang county education administration every day, but it did not work out, After raising the problem with the education administration, the school was allowed to provide hot lunches, with a daily allowance of 3 yuan (50 US cents) per child. Although many students are malnourished due to poverty, free school lunches will make them healthier, he added. Unlike many students in urban areas of China, where child obesity is becoming a problem, How to cite Does Things Change in Poor Area of China, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Business Growth and Organisation Business Enterprises
Question: Discuss about the Business Growth and Organisation for Business Enterprises. Answer: Introduction: The biggest challenge in the growth of the organization is to manage big data available within the enterprise. To use the techniques of business intelligence, it is worth important to know about the big data management (Richard, 2014). They play a core value in in the growth of the business. With the integration of the process like storage, analysis, and use of application is a driving feature in improving the quality of the products and services offered by the organization. Customer satisfaction can be improved by improving the storing management of big data. The enhancement in the volume of data results into the key management of the big data. The process of business intelligence can be achieved by the combination of operational data and analytical tools used for presenting the complex data to the decision makers and planners. With the proper management of big data, the quality of the product and delivery time offered by the organization can be improved which result into the improv ement in managerial work (Chen, 2011). BI focuses on the strategy development and in the operation of decision making. The use of BI is the strategy development of the organization can be carried out in the following areas such as management of the performance, operational activities between customer and business, development of application for the specific purpose of the organization, collection of reports from the management for the growth of the business, accessing of the data for answering the non-regular question. In this paper, we will focus on the case study of big data analysis by the organization of Tata consultancy. Tata consultancy focuses to provide services to the widely spread organization. They have their share in the market of UK. The organization is associated with the generation of big data related with network operation and services provided to the customer. Identification and development of business strategy: The business strategy can be developed for the organization of Tata consultancy by going through the following phases: Analysis: The solution to the business problem helps in providing the justification of cost and benefits. Key performance indicator plays a key role in the requirement analysis of the Tata consultancy organization. Designing: The solution can be achieved by focusing on the functional deliverables of the project through prototyping. Development: The meta-model should be prepared on the basis of metadata collected on the basis of big data available in the company (Sun, 2014). Deployment: The development of the design schema helps in accessing the requirement of the Tata consultancy organization. Evolution: The success of the application helps to measure the proper management of the big data. From the research, it has been observed that the strategy which is used by the Tata consultancy is to generate maximum amount information, searching through the historical business records, use of big data management helps to provide information with no delay in time, facilitate the process of decision making, report is generated by dividing the organization into different structure and lastly, analysing the data. Data integration is the key step to resolve the problem occurred in the business (Alfawaz, 2011). In case of an emergency, alerts should be generated by doing proper monitoring of the processes. The management of big data results into the automation in the delivery process of information (Rao, 2011). Instant information can be provided to the customer, geography, and the product. Alignment of business objective and Strategy: Business objective Big data volume Big data velocity Big data variety Big data value Objective of having knowledge of the market Data of customer Data of competitor Direct communication between commodity Use of social media Surveys Analysis of the market Availability of demographic data Data used for benchmarking Trends in the data High value should be given to the data Data of customer Data of competitor Objective of having knowledge of human Based on experience Collaboration for data integrity Decision based on real time analysis Based on skills Based on experience Based on tactics knowledge Value given to heuristics Objective of having Procedural knowledge Use of Standards Use of using the standards and others Use of standard for material Volume of field data Use of knowledge for designing Use of material Variety in design Use of CAD / CAE Proper analysis should be done Manufacturing of the product Data used by CAD / CAE Best practices used for collecting the data gathering Test and validation practices used Data used for serving Data used for manufacturing of the process Objective of having technological knowledge Designing of knowledge Analysing Standard of material Verification and validation of the data Safety and security provided to the system Acquisition of real time data Helps in measuring cost Helps in measuring reliability of the system Packaging of the system Use of ergonomics Value given to patents Required Technology Stack: The focus should be given on four different modules which are discussed below: Analysis of Portfolio: These decisions are made by the top level management. The company should focus on customer, product, and supply. Ethical decision should be taken for allocating the resources. Scenario: The transformation of decision should be taken from strategic to tactical. The simulation of What if procedure for maintaining the structure of value chain (Mohamed, 2009). The result of this analysis helps in understanding the threats occurred in the company. Value: It helps in balancing the outcomes which can result into the creation of conflict. The reliability of the company can be improved by focusing on the investment on inventory. The consequence of this phase is to optimize the tactical plan. Situation: The analysis of this phase results into the analysis of action plan and business policy. The model above shows the technological approach for incorporation between structured and unstructured information. Hadoop is a technique which is used for analysing and managing the big data of the enterprise. Investment is the unifying element at syntactical level. The next level in the model is the foundational investment. Data analytics and master data management: Master data management is the mechanism through which standards, processes, governance, tools, and policies can be defined to manage critical data. Mastering of data is the collection of reference model and analytical data. The reference model emphasis on business objects used for transaction. Decision making is the key process of analytical data. The objective of importing MDM within the infrastructure of Tata consultancy services results into the processes like collection, aggregation, consolidation, matching, assuring the quality of the project, and distribution of data throughout the organization. Master data management make use of three processes for transferring the big data. Firstly, consolidation of the data focuses on collecting master data from different sources and integrating into single operational data store. Secondly, federation of the data is used for representing the virtual data to more than on one system. Number of destination can be used for providing virtual data . Lastly, the propagation of data is used for replicating the data from one system to another system. The process of business intelligence can be achieved by the combination of operational data and analytical tools used for presenting the complex data to the decision makers and planners. In the legacy system point to point interface is used. Areas of business where big data is more prominent can be summarised below: Particulars Application Advantage Ecosystem for value Capabilities of the ecosystem Focus should be given on political and economic factors which are responsible for upstream and downstream of processes Ecosystem used for capturing knowledge Data used by the third party New opportunities should be created within the organization of Tata consulting services Mitigation of the risk should be enforced Services and products used by organization New channels should be enforced for creating products and services Process of monetization should be applied on the dataset Big data play a role of core component in the development of products and services Experience should be measured for developing new products Services offered by the Tata consultancy can be enhanced Use of data for the management of portfolio Market association Multiple channels can be enhanced View of the customers should be taken into consideration Market should be fragmented into smaller market At every individual level, process of segmentation should be performed Awareness for the context Advantageous for the user of big data Acquisition, services, retention, marketing, and etc. should be used for managing new customer Organization culture Transformation in the culture of the employees Data should be given importance Knowledge should be pooled Sharing of knowledge should be supported Employees concern should be mitigated Efficiency should be improved Support of NoSQL for Big Data Analytics: In todays era, every organization changes his methodologies to implement NoSQL for handling big data of the organization. The companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and etc. has changed their technique from RDBMS to NoSQL. On the basis of market research and other consultation, Tata consultancy services have start making use of NoSQL for handling big data of the enterprise. NoSQL is useful for handling unstructured data processes which are dynamic nature and provide support to cloud based processes. There were some drawbacks in the traditional system like SQL and RDBMS which have been overcome by the implementation of NoSQL within the organization. The evaluation of NoSQL helps in handling the techniques of cloud computing and big data. It is preferred by the organization because the rate of increase in the availability of the data is becoming high. So, the need of managing this big data is also become a necessity for doing planning and control for the organization. The data is not handled by the SQL and RDBMS. Therefore, not only SQL comes into existence. It supports the processing of real data. NoSQl works on the collection of data where due to the large abundance of data, the data is get duplicated. It provides the solution to the two major problem of the organization which are categorised as scalability and the support of simplifying the development process of the organization. The use of NoSQL results into faster and cheaper accessing of the information (Lane, 2007). It requires minimum coding for organization the big data of Tata consultancy services enterprise. The NoSQL database is used by the organization of Tata consultancy because it makes use of big data for the development of the application and the related databases. It provides flexible data model for the architecture of the database which is the basic requirement in handling the big data. For access the big data, continuous application should be available. Hadoop is the base of messaging infra structure which makes use of NoSQL for handling big data (Perkins, 2011). It is used for the generation of data, storage, monitoring, and logging with the proposed system. For the analysing of big data, NoSQL plays a major role in handling data. NoSQL Databases and big data: NoSQL is useful for handling unstructured data processes which are dynamic nature and provide support to cloud based processes. There were some drawbacks in the traditional system like SQL and RDBMS which have been overcome by the implementation of NoSQL within the organization. The two main reason for which data consultancy services makes use of NoSQL for handling big data of the organization is fast accessibility of inserted data and scalability for managing large volumes of data. For operating the workloads of the big data, No SQL database is used for addressing broad sets of applications (Mark, 2011. The use of NoSQL results into faster and cheaper accessing of the information. It requires minimum coding for organization the big data of Tata consultancy services enterprise. The table below shows that NoSQL is efficient in handling operational and analytical data. Particulars Operational Analytical Latency period 1 ms 100 ms 1 min 100 min Concurrency control 1000 100,000 1 10 Pattern of access Write and read function Read function Form of Queries Selective Unselective Scope of data Operational data Retrospective data End user End user are the customer End user are the data scientist Technology used NoSQl Map reduce technique Role of Social media in the decision making process: The organization makes use of social media in the following cases which are summarised below: In monitoring the working practices of the professionals Accessing the information which cannot be access from other means Deals as a showcase for the organization Helps in the professional development Helps in finding the feedback and reviews on the services provided by the organization Collaboration speed can be increased to a high extent Research can be done to take decision of the business. Cost can be reduced which was being spent on the traditional networking system of the organization Process of decision making can be accelerated by using the peer input Reliability of the information can be improved Travel cost can be reduced Helps in increasing the rate of content sharing Helps in the use of forum Competitive intelligence can be enhanced Working practices of the organization can be improved Member directory helps in giving the details of the member associated with the organization. Replacement of emails can be done by using the social media within the organization Predictive model can be developed Increment in the sale of services Brings cooperation among the employees Becoming the network access point for the professionals Development of trust Helps in taking decision for the welfare of the organization and employees Big Data value creation process: Use case: Tata consultancy focuses to provide services to the widely spread organization. They have their share in the market of UK. The organization is associated with the generation of big data related with network operation and services provided to the customer. Value Creation: With the exploitation of data, 20 % of the revenue can be increased. Internal opportunities of the organization provided 65% of data and 35% can be achieved by external opportunities associated with the organization (Danchev, 2009). The value for the business can be created by focusing on three sources firstly, licensing of data, secondly, data products, and thirdly, offerings provided to data services. Internal value can be improved by network operation External value can be improved by the services provided to other organization Opportunities for substantial revenue play a key role in data analytics Offerings provided to public services Improvements in the quality of service Provides satisfaction to the customer Automated travel analysis mechanism should be used Helps in ensuring the quality of the data Permission platforms should be organized Anonymization should be applied Value of sharing can be improved Partnership can be developed Enhancement in the public and private value Strategy for organizational change Helps in gathering domain knowledge The table below shows the relation between big data and value creation: Quality of data should be ensured Legal data should be promoted Platforms for permission Portals for providing permissions Sharing of value Created value should be shared with the originator of the data Data partnership should be enhanced Partnership should be developed with the third party Public and private value should be created Management of data among the employees and customer Regulation and legislation Changes should be done under the legislation Strategy for corporate analytics Clear articulation of the value should be created Organizational change Organizational change should be promoted with the organizational culture Analytical strategy Articulation of analytical strategy for creating value for the organization Structure of the team The team should be comprised of data analyst and IT specialists. Ethics Ethics should be followed in making use of data for carrying out the business activity Reflection: Particulars Description Data Data related with profile of the customer and demographic location. Generation of data in the interaction on consultant services Tracking of location of the customer Creation of Value Internal value can be improved by network operation External value can be improved by the services provided to other organization Opportunities for substantial revenue plays a key role in data analytics Offerings provided to public services Management of the organization Joint venture can be established with the function of global analytics External projects should be emphasized Management of the network Process Core areas of the network and customer should be summarized by analysing the big data by using the technique of NoSQL External projects should be emphasized IT skills should be developed People Technical skills should be developed among the employees for handling big data and using the techniques which helps in facilitating the handling of big data Problem solving, knowledge of the business, and communication are the pillars of handling big data related with people Technology Makes use of NoSQL Challenges Management of network ad customer is the biggest challenge which come forward in the growth of the organization Proper communication should be carried out for handling the big data of the organization Strategy should be changed according to the change in organizational culture Innovation should be handled by the organization effectively for the betterment of the organization Use of robust data policy Conclusion: In this paper, we will focus on the case study of big data analysis by the organization of Tata consultancy. From the research, it has been noticed that the biggest challenge in the growth of the organization is to manage big data available within the enterprise. To use the techniques of business intelligence, it is worth important to know about the big data management. it has been observed that the strategy which is used by the Tata consultancy is to generate maximum amount information, searching through the historical business records, use of big data management helps to provide information with no delay in time, facilitate the process of decision making, report is generated by dividing the organization into different structure and lastly, analysing the data. In this paper, the focus is also given on the use of master data management by the organization. Master data management is the mechanism through which standards, processes, governance, tools, and policies can be defined to man age critical data. Mastering of data is the collection of reference model and analytical data. The value for the Tata consultancy can be created by focusing on three sources firstly, licensing of data, secondly, data products, and thirdly, offerings provided to data services. References Richard, V. (2014).Creating business value from big data and business analytics. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2016]. Chen, H. (2011).Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2016]. Sun, Z. (2014).Big data analytics as a service for business intelligence. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2016]. Rao, A. (2011).Big data and business intelligentce. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2016]. Mohamed, A. (2009).Big data analytics in manufacturing: Driving new level of management productivity. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2016]. Alfawaz, M. (2011).An Introduction to NoSQL data management for big data. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2016]. Lane, J. (2007).Why NoSql is better for Big Data Management. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2016]. Perkins, T. (2015).3Key elements for successfully creating values in big data journey. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2016]. Mark, K. (2011).Four strategy to create value for big data. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2016]. Danchev, M. (2009).Understanding the value creation process. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2016].
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Analysis Of The Time Machine Essays - The Time Machine, Morlock
Analysis Of The Time Machine The Time Machine by H.G. Wells is considered a classic in todays literary community. I also believe that this novel is a good book. It was an interesting story the first time I studied it, and I have found new ideas each time I have read it since. It is amazing that such a simple narrative could have so many complex ideas. Unfortunately, some do not take the same position that I do. They cast it off as a silly little novel that deserves no merit. Obviously I disagree with these critics. The Time Machine follows the criteria that I believe a good novel should have. A good novel should include an element of fantasy and should stimulate ideas in the audience that they never came to realize before. The aspect of good versus evil should also be incorporated into a novel, mainly to capture the readers attention. If readers find themselves rooting for a particular character or set of characters against another, they become involved in the novel. The characters should also be realistic so th e audience can relate to them. The Time Machine follows these criteria with few exceptions. Why should this novel be looked at now, 100 years after it was written? The Time Machine is a science fiction novel that has a much different view of the future than the view that is commonly held today. Modern society foresees the future as a technologically advanced society that would make our present society look primitive. Many movies today portray this view of the future. Wellss view of the future is the antithesis to the one that is held today. The regression of society is rarely discussed as the future. The idea that human beings have reached their progressive and evolutionary peak could be an actuality. The Time Machine could be a possibility for the future despite the universal belief that humans still have a long way to progress. Neither technology nor peacefulness exists in the future that The Time Machine portrays. Wells apparently has a grim outlook for what society will evolve to in the future. Wells introduces a meta-utopia or a dystopian future, which is, to say the least, a radically unique idea. A meta-utopian society is one that regresses instead of progresses. The protagonist of the book, the Time Traveller, builds a time machine and travels to the year 802,701. The landscape that he relates to the reader is a heap of granite, bound together by masses of aluminum, which were obviously old buildings that had been demolished. The Time Traveller encounters two races of regressed human beings the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are frail creatures, no taller than four feet. They pass their time frolicking in the fields. They do not seem to be interested in the continuous pursuit of intellectual advance or technological progress which would assuredly make their lives much easier. Unlike the Eloi, the Morlocks are subterranean creatures. They are carnivorous, cannot tolerate the daylight and they feed upon the helpless Eloi at night, whom they breed like cattle. These two races seem to be manifestations of human characteristics that would only be harmful. The Eloi represent those who live off of human emotion and activity, and are plagued by premature decrepitness and degeneration. They survive off the hard work of others. The Morlocks represent an industrialized society in a negative fashion. They are slovenly, unaesthetic and lack a sense of beauty needed to appreciate life. Wellss believes that these traits would lead to a degeneration of society. While these concepts are new and different to those who read Wellss novel, the main idea that revolutionized science fiction was the introduction of the time machine. The time machine has become a staple in the science fiction genre. Many movies incorporate the idea of a vehicle that can move the characters years ahead or behind the present. The time machine is integral to the fantasy aspect of the story. A fantasy is fiction made up on highly imaginative or fanciful character and premise. Many would jump at the opportunity to travel to anyplace in time. Knowing whats going to happen in the future and being able to change
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Free Essays on Tess Of The DUrbervilles
â€Å"I take thee to be my lawful wedded [husband], to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto me, until death do us part.†Traditional wedding vows are held sacred not only to the ones who pronounce them but vows are also kept sacred in many religions. There are many contrasting views of this sacred sacrament that Christians call Marriage. In the religion of Catholics, marriage is a sacred bonding of the mind, body and soul. "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.†(Proverbs 31:29) In Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Tess, the focal point of the novel, remained faithful at heart to her marriage despite all of her hardships. As marriage completely changes people’s lives â€Å"for better or for worse†every day, Tess’s ceremony affected her actions and her ability to progress as a young woman. The book is divided into seven phases, each of which tells a concise and particular story within the larger story of Tess's life and each accomplishes specific goals in moving Tess from her simple, youthful life in the country to her tragic early death. To an extent, this makes the characters in Tess seem one-dimensional. Angel Clare, who appears briefly in the first section, is shown to be graceful, kind, and life loving but after a while, the genuine â€Å"angel†turns cold and heartless. Alec D’Urberville, who in the beginning took advantage of the pure Tess, ended up offering a home and family to her when she had no one else to turn to. For the reader, Hardy created predictable characters to produce suspense of not being able to guess how they will turn out by the end. Many readers of Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles believe that Alec, logically, is Tess's opposition throughout the novel. Often, readers lose perspective of not only the negative impact Angel has on Tess's l... Free Essays on Tess Of The D'Urbervilles Free Essays on Tess Of The D'Urbervilles In Phase five of Tess of the D’Urbervilles I feel that Tess really grew as a person. In this chapter she grew up and took responsibility for things that have happened and that will happen. She knows that everything that has happened isn’t totally her fault but, she needed to own up to her part in those events. In this phase she understands the estrangement from her husband and because of that she doesn’t want to go to his family to ask for more money. At the same time her family needs money to fix their roof that has started to leak and she is devoted to them so she sends them the rest of her money. About the same time that she has to give all her money to her family she gets a letter from her friend Marian telling her of work on a farm. She now knows what she has to do and that is go out and get a job to support herself. On her way to the farm she looks for work at other diaries so she doesn’t have to face her past but, she has to face it anyway when the man that Angel hit on Christmas Eve shows up. He again says that he made no mistake who she is and that she should apologize to that other man for deceiving him. This really sends her back to her past and she goes running into the woods to hide from the man and her past. After she gets to the dairy though she gets to talking to Marian and she tells her not to refer to her as Mrs.Clare but just plain Tess. This is because she doesn’t want to be sent back to everything she has been through Tess really wants to move on. I think that so far out of all the phase in this book that I’ve read this is my favorite. I feel this way because of the fact that I think Tess has really truly grown and learned something important life lessons here. I think that the growth from this phase will make the next even better.... Free Essays on Tess Of The D'Urbervilles â€Å"I take thee to be my lawful wedded [husband], to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto me, until death do us part.†Traditional wedding vows are held sacred not only to the ones who pronounce them but vows are also kept sacred in many religions. There are many contrasting views of this sacred sacrament that Christians call Marriage. In the religion of Catholics, marriage is a sacred bonding of the mind, body and soul. "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.†(Proverbs 31:29) In Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Tess, the focal point of the novel, remained faithful at heart to her marriage despite all of her hardships. As marriage completely changes people’s lives â€Å"for better or for worse†every day, Tess’s ceremony affected her actions and her ability to progress as a young woman. The book is divided into seven phases, each of which tells a concise and particular story within the larger story of Tess's life and each accomplishes specific goals in moving Tess from her simple, youthful life in the country to her tragic early death. To an extent, this makes the characters in Tess seem one-dimensional. Angel Clare, who appears briefly in the first section, is shown to be graceful, kind, and life loving but after a while, the genuine â€Å"angel†turns cold and heartless. Alec D’Urberville, who in the beginning took advantage of the pure Tess, ended up offering a home and family to her when she had no one else to turn to. For the reader, Hardy created predictable characters to produce suspense of not being able to guess how they will turn out by the end. Many readers of Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles believe that Alec, logically, is Tess's opposition throughout the novel. Often, readers lose perspective of not only the negative impact Angel has on Tess's l...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Research Paper
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis - Research Paper Example The multiple regression analysis methods show that the policy has contributed over 92% of the labor force, employment as per the expectation of the policy by the government. It concludes that the program is efficient, thus suggesting a continuation of such as policies for the unemployment rate reduction. The research findings show that all the coefficients are proportionally significant in the calculations and apart from inflation. This is because the statistics that are calculated are higher than the critical value identified. The results show that the model variables are accurate since they explain over 98% of the independent body. It is recognized that the policy has improved the employment of the labor force to rise above 100% as per the government policy. The research paper concludes that programs that support active employment have a great impact on the levels of employment. This is recognized through the comparison of each and every program’s impact on the employment le vel. The promotion program that deals with employment of the unemployed is identified to have the greater influence on the employment levels. The primary activity that is defined to be of much impact on the promotion program is job training. Comparison of the minor programs within the promotional program shows that capacity building programs and subsidies have a greater employment impact. The omission of observation activities in long periods is identified to be one of the demerits of the models.  Â
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Sales management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sales management - Essay Example Before the sales representatives go to the field, they have to acknowledge the approaches they can use to deal with different consumers. The electronic business should invest in regular training to make the workers familiar with the products offered by the company. Training is also vital because it enables the sales representatives to acknowledge the sales policies and processes. Some consumers are very rude. Consequently, failure to handle them makes sales representative appear rude. This may result into poor relationship between customers and worker. Moreover, it can make the firm to lose many consumers leading to low sales. The sales representatives should be trained on how to ignore rude customers. For example, customers may complain about things that do not involve the sales persons such as business policy or the prices of items. Workers should let the customers complain without responding to their complaints and express their regrets for any inconvenience later. Workers should receive sufficient training on approaches to address the polite customers to maintain good relationships with such customers (Overell 2003). Managers should equally stimulate consumers to be cooperative and committed to their work. They should set strategies for motivating the workers after seeking their opinions. Some of the common ways of inspiring the workers entail compensating and rewarding them. Managers should reward the workers by recognizing their efforts. This may entail praising them before other sales representatives or increasing their pay. Moreover, the managers should compensate the sales representatives who work extra time. For instance, some customers may set appointment times that are outside the usual working hours. Such workers who work beyond the working hours should be compensated by increasing their pay or other forms of compensation. Praising the workers and compensating them will increase the level of commitment and cooperation in the work places. Additional ly, the motivated workers will stop missing the scheduled appointments (Susan 2004 13). The managers need to create and maintain good relationships with the sales representatives. The relationship between workers and their leaders in the work places determines the communication between customers and workers. Good relationship may be created by involving the sales representatives in the decision-making process. This will make the personnel feel appreciated and contented consequently enhancing their productivity. The managers should also treat the sales representatives with courtesy and always acknowledge their presence and contribution. The managers should also comment on the work in private whenever it needs improvement (Garg & Rastogi 2006 577). Question 2 Globalised trade, high foreign investment and increase in cross-border transactions are putting a lot of pressure on businesses. This has forced businesses to devise innovative measures to allow them continue marketing their prod ucts and services. These measures include maintaining good and close relationship between the business and customers. This is difficult in the competitive environment because customers demand more choices than before. Consequently, for a business to meet customer demands and improve loyalty, it needs to access accurate and current customer information. This is possible with the application of the internet that is an ultimate communication tool. Using the internet can support businesses in maintaining customer loyalty because
Monday, January 27, 2020
Is Language Innate or Learned?
Is Language Innate or Learned? How do we learn language? Is it an innate ability or do we have to learn language? Can we find an absolute definition for language? These questions has been asked and investigated by many psychologists, but to date I have not been able to find any concrete evidence put forward to support any of the findings. Using the language acquisition theories of Chomsky and Skinner, as a base, I was able to compare of their findings by applying the theories to actual situations to determine the practicality of the results. As a result of making these comparisons, I was able to determine that each theory on its own had limitations, but I believe that if we took aspects of each and made one compilation, it is possible that we could eventually determine whether language is in fact an innate ability or whether it is developed through learning. Language is an innate ability and is not developed through learning To say that language is an innate ability and is not developed through learning, we need to look at the theorist arguments on language acquisition. One theorist argued that language is an innate ability, (Chomsky,1959), another argued that it is acquired by reinforcement and repetition (Skinner, 1957), another argued that it was part of the overall development (Piaget, 1969) and yet another argued that it is learned through interaction (Bruner, 1975). Although each theorist produced differing views on language acquisition, the debate still remains as to whether language is an innate ability or it is learned. I will be focusing on Skinners (1957) Behaviourist Theory and Chomksys (1959) Innate Theory as the base on this paper. Let us first look at the definition of language. Language, as defined by the Websters online dictionary states that it is a systematic means of communicating, by the use of sounds or convectional symbols. The idea is that language is facilitated and understood by the use of structured elements. These elements are not limited to auditory but also encompass the use of convectional symbols. What therefore are convectional symbols? Throughout the evolutionary process, countries have developed their own method of documentation using unique letters or numerals. They have also created signs which have no alphanumeric symbols but effectively communicate necessary information, for example, a single arrow pointing to the left could mean, left turn only or keep left. Similarly the outline of a man or woman on the doors of washrooms communicate the gender allowed to use the washroom. The symbol may have a definitive meaning, but the interpretation of the symbol will determine the appropriate act ion. Another definition found in the Oxford online dictionary, we see where language is defined as the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and convectional way. It is interesting to note the disparity in the two definitions. Whilst the Websters definition appears generic to any specie, the Oxford definition seems to be specific to communication in humans. Does the Oxford dictionary imply that communication is unique to humans? Based on the research done by the theorists we recongnise that humans talk and all other living species have their own unique method of communicating with each other. It is therefore not appropriate to disregard non-human communication abilities. Looking at the human interaction and how we are able to understand each other, especially as it relates language development in newborn babies, has encouraged many theories. De Villiers J. G. P. A. (1978), in their book, Language Acquisition, the question is asked, What does a child bring into the world with him by way of inherited knowledge or behaviour, and what is the product of the experience? (p.2). It is clear that both genetics and experience play an important part in language development, but the underlying question remains debatable. The arguments continue with Osherson, D. N., Gleitman L. R., Liberman M, (1995) in their book, An Invitation to Cognitive Science: Language, they state that some parts of the capacity to learn language must be innate. At the same time, it is equally clear that language is learned (Gleitman and Newport, chapter 1,p.1) The hierarchy of language, however complex, is influenced by the environment and experiences. In babies we recognise that there is no experience, therefore the development can only be linked or associated with their environment. The direct links that babies have in their early stages are only with their parents or other close family members who interact with them on a daily basis. Babies do not have the capacity to make audible sounds which constitute sentences; however they do have to capacity to make other sounds which can be interpreted as immediate needs or wants. As the child develops, the verbal interaction increases and depending on the appropriateness or the effectiveness of the interaction, the development progress will be determined. This means that how the parent speaks to the child or how often word or sentences are used will determine how quickly the childs language is developed. The comparisons between nature versus nurture have been debated for a long time. The story has been written about the Egyptian King Psammethichus, who in an attempt to determine which race was more ancient, the Egyptian or the Phrygians, took two newborn babies and placed them in isolation. They were kept by themselves in a lonely cottage and no-one was allowed to utter words around them. After two years in isolation the caregiver of the children heard them say the word becos and he eventually reported this to the King. King Psametichus researched the word and found out that the origin of the language was Phrygian for bread. The discovery made the Egyptians yield their position of antiquity and conceded that the Phrygians were more ancient than they were. (Herodotus, De SÃ ©lincourt A., Marincola J. 2003), The Histories). The fact that these children had no verbal interaction at all makes you want to believe that babies are born with some innate ability for language development. Although this story is very old, we can also look at more recent language developments in children who are kept in isolated conditions. Feral children, commonly known as wild children, are children who have been brought up in total isolation. They may have some human contact but they are denied any kind of social interaction with other people. These children have been known to develop their own language as in the case of Genie, who was kept in isolation until she was 13 years old. This is a recent example of language development without guidance. She was not taught to speak and was denied any human interaction whilst in isolation and when she was found and tested (Curtis, 1977), it was discovered that Genie would never be able to master the rules of grammar. Although she had good semantic ability, she could not learn syntax and therefore was not able to form complete sentences. Going back to the theorist arguments, did Genies lack of communicative ability give credence to Skinners (1957) proposal that language can be acquired through a series of habit forming tasks? The experiments he performed were conducted on rats and birds, which were taught to perform various tasks successfully. This theory, known as the Behaviourist Theory, proposes that through repetition and subsequent rewards children learn how to communicate. In his 1957 book, Verbal Behaviour, Skinner argued that language was like any other form of behaviour which is acquired through conditioning. Rewards were given once the appropriate behaviour was achieved. However looking again at feral children, even with repetition and rewards they still were not able to master the rules of grammar. The common diagnosis was that these children had passed the critical period hypothesis, which is the stage before puberty before the brain becomes specialized in it functions. Language functions are assigned to the left brain, however before puberty the language function moves from one side to the next and after puberty this function is assigned to the left brain. Chomsky (1959) published a criticism of this theory. Chomsky believed that a childs brain contained special language learning abilities at birth which enabled them to communicate from birth the Innate Theory. He argued that a child was naturally predisposed to learn a language. This was possible by hearing speech which is interpreted by the brain using its natural ability to apply structures and principles. Chomskys view is that a child is held to be born with the entire set of linguistic universals plus evaluation procedures, built in, and that he somehow uses this set as a grid through which he filters the particular language he happens to hear around him (1968a, p.76). After reading the review it was interesting to note that Chomsky critised Skinner because he used only animals as the test subjects, and as a result the theory was silent on specie restrictions. Ironically, Chomskys innate theory was based on no test subject (human or animal). If we are to accept the innateness of language acquisition then we would have to somehow get into the mind of the child from birth to determine how the brain interpreted the speech it heard. Using the feral children Kamala and Amala, the two Indian girls that were said to be raised by wolves can we apply the innate theory? The missionary who found and adopted them (Singh) tried to rehabilitate them back to their human form. Unfortunately Amala died shortly after being found. Progress was slow and after three years, Kamala had only mastered about a dozen words. The question then is; where does the innate ability surface? Based on the innate theory, these children should have had some ability to understand human language, despite the fact that they were socialized by wolves in the early stages of development. It was several years later that Kamalas vocabulary increased to forty words. Gesell (1940) in his book, Wolf Child and Human Child, stated that Kamalas situation demonstrated just how mentally naked humans are when born and how much we rely on society to shape us. Conclusion After looking at the two theories I am still left to determine which one has more credence than the other. I am almost tempted to conduct my own research, similar to King Psammethichus, the only risk with doing that would be the impending prison time I may have to serve for offences committed against a minor. I am however able to give my opinion on the theories. I do not agree that language acquisition is solely dependent on an innate ability; there must be some learning which takes place during the early developmental stages. Humans may be born with a pre-disposition for language, however there has to be some social interaction that defines the language, grammar and speech. We teach our children language by using a variety of methods, such as visual aids and verbal reinforcements. If we only show them the visual aids, without explaining what they are seeing, they will ultimately create their own description and possibly create their own language. The feral children did not necessarily create their own language, instead they adapted to their environment. In the case of Genie, she had limited human interaction; therefore it is possible that her language development was only based on the few words spoken to her during her isolation. The meals she was served may have just been shoved at her with harsh accompanying words of eat this or here. Applying Skinners theory, the reinforcement may have been the harsh words heard regularly but not enough to develop the syntax needed to form sentences. Here Chomskys theory may have been more appropriate, in that there was some amount of innate understanding of human communication; Genie responded to human speech althou gh she was not taught. In the case of Kamala, who was raised by wolves, the innate theory is not possible. She had to be taught everything as she did not understand anything her adoptive parent said. Skinners theory here is more believable. It was through constant repetition and reinforcement that she was able to develop some kind of vocabulary database to eventually communicate. What is interesting is the length of time it took for her to grasp a dozen words. In a normal three year old child, you will find that they are most communicative and speaking constantly at this age. In conclusion, I believe that the two theories go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other. We may be born with some amount of innate ability, but it is through repetition and reinforcement that we are able to communicate effectively. The necessary grammar and syntax ability requires practice and this can only be achieved with being taught. It is my opinion that both Skinner and Chomsky were on the right path but they needed to work together to get the language acquisition theory more credence.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Hip Hop Childrenswear
The style express how active they were, and this collection adapted the idea of free, colorful, youthful but still comfortable to wear for children. This collection uses a lot of prints, and bright colors but still looks good on Fall/Winter season for children. Last but not least, I hope this collection can give inspiration and knowledge about the world-changing movement, hip hop. THE BEGINNING OF HIP HOP Hip hop started to began in South Bronx, New York city, around late sass. At that time black (skinned) people that mostly African-American was living as a group of minorities in America.They can't get the same facilities that white people can easily et. One of the story was, black (skinned) kids had to walk to school even their school has a far distance. But, for the white children, they can use the public transportation like buses. Then to express the injustice, they show it through creative ways. One of the hip hop pioneer is DC Cool Here (Clive Campbell). He is one of the people who developed hip hop music before later spread out through the world. Fig 1. DC Cool Here (Clive Campbell), 2008 At that time, hip hop also helped youngsters.Instead of fighting with the street gangs, they spend their time dance battling. Then Africa Bumboat founded the Zulu Nation, it's a confederation of street-dance crews, graffiti artists, and rap musicians. After that, hip hop movement gained more and more media attention, Billboard magazine printing an article titled â€Å"B Beats Bombarding Bronx†, commenting on influential hip hop figures like DC Cool Here. Hip hop still developing, until now, there are female hip hop artists too like Nick Mina] and Queen Latish. They also protesting the graphic hip hop lyrics depicting rape and violence against women.Rap is also a part of hip hop. Rap became a way for artists to spread political and social messages to people who still unaware about the life of African-American people. Fig 2. Africa Bumboat (Kevin Donovan), founder o f Zulu Nation, 2012 Later then, Hip hop started to spread out to the world â€Å"the center of a mega music and fashion industry around the world†that crosses social barriers and cuts across racial lines. 4 HIP HOP INFLUENCE ON FASHION †Hip- hop has become a lifestyle that's no longer Just associated with African- Americans or Latino, it has a global reach. – Task Lewis, Ph. D. '09, assistant professor of fiber science and apparel design in the College of Human Ecology. Hip Hop movement is no longer associated only with one group of people, the hip hop style adapted to the fashion world, where now people can wear tracksuits, sporting gear, oversized T-shirts, overalls and combat boots. In sass, this look was adopted by major fashion labels, becoming part of the mass culture. Also, the hip hop subculture embraced the country club luxuries of more venerable brands, which features not usually marketed to urban youth.In sass, one of the hip hop endorsement in fashi on industry was done by Ideas, which shell shoe get popularized by group Run DMS. Ideas reportedly paid Run DMS $1 million for the deal. From there, hip hop's influence in fashion continued to grow with corporations, and later with hip hop artists creating their own fashion labels. Ideas ads, Run DMS Fig 3. Michael Jordan with Nikkei Air Jordan, 1984 Then in 1984, Michael Jordan and Nikkei collaborated to create the Air Jordan basketball shoe. These shoes would become the most sought-after accessory since the Hermes Firkin.While the price point was high ($100 at the time), it did not stop young men from lining up. Nikkei still sells the Air and releases retro versions of the sneaker that sell out in hours across the globe. 6 Hip hop in early development in clothing was embraced by American designers, Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hellfire. Men would buy clothes a few sizes bigger, adapted the baggy silhouette rappers were known for both on and offstage. Russell Simmons, one of hip hop prod ucer, capitalized on this trend by creating Path Farm clothing, the first hip hop clothing label.This revolutionized the fashion world, and many would follow in his footsteps, including Sean â€Å"Daddy†Combs and rappers Newly and 50 Cent. Path Farm Clothing Fig 4. Russell Simmons, 2013 After that, hip hop style spread out more and more through any part of the world, to he Paris and Tokyo streets. Designers took note of this and began adding a dose of hip hop to high end collections, such as the 1991 Channel collection, where Karl Laagered showed piles of gold Jewelry on models. In sass, many hip hop artists and executives started their own fashion labels and clothing lines.This ready to wear collection is focused on children at their teenage (5-7 years old) whose parents living in upper-middle class. Focusing on parents who want to dress up their children based on unique street style but still comfortable to wear. Children who also fond of fashion and to look different amon g the others. All looks in this collection can be worn daily, at any occasions. In this childlessness project, I have learned that hip hop style which usually worn by adults can also adapted to kids garments.Since its childlessness, all of the garments in this collection use comfortable material and easy to manage. From using the denim fabric, I also learned that many fabric manipulations can be made, such as making pleats from a piece of denim or ripped it. And by using subtle colorful fabric, it give more fun feeling to this collection. Overall, I have improve my knowledge in how to get theme, how to research on the theme and how to realizing my collection room the design stage until finish. BIBLIOGRAPHY Resellers, D. (2012, August 15).
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
Biographical information about the author: William Shakespeare, born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England, was an English poet and playwright. Shakespeare was believed to have been educated at the King’s New School in Stratford about a quarter-mile from his home. At the age of 18, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway. The ceremony may have been arranged in some haste because six months after the marriage Anne gave birth to a daughter named Susanna.About two years later they had twins, a boy and a girl, and the boy died of unknown causes at the age of 11. It is not known when Shakespeare started writing but several of his plays were on the London stage by 1592. Shakespeare divided his time between London and Stratford during this time of his career. In 1599 he moved to Southwark while his company constructed the Global Theatre there. After 1610, Shakespeare wrote very few okays before his death on April 23, 1616. Historical information about the period of publicat ion:Queen Elizabeth was in rein during this time period from 1559-1603. She was very fond of Shakespeare and loved his works. The inspiration of the play Twelfth Night was more than likely influenced by the queen wanting a play related to the holiday season. Twelfth Night is a Christian holiday that takes place on the 12th day after Christmas. On this day the roles in society are flipped. Kings and queens dress up as peasants and men and women dress up as each other. At the beginning of the Twelfth Night festival a cake that contains a bean is eaten. The person who finds the bean would be the ruler of the feast. Midnight marks the end of their rule and everything goes back to normal. Characteristics of the genre:A Shakespearean Comedy normally has a happy ending that involves marriages between the unmarried characters. There tends to be a greater emphasis on situations than characters; there is almost always a clever servant; multiple, intertwining plots; and the main issue in Tw elfth Night, deception among characters. Plot Summary:After a huge storm at sea, a young woman named Viola finds herself washed up on a shore with the ship’s captain. Here she grieves the loss of her twin brother Sebastian who she believes died in the storm. The Captain informs her that they are in Illyria and he helps Viola disguise herself so that she may go to a man named Duke Orsino and become his servant. During this 3 month period Viola, now known as Cesario, has to persuade Lady Olivia, the woman Duke Orsino is in love with, to marry him or at least take some interest. Olivia is also grieving her brother’s death and does not want to see any man that Orsino sends to her.However, she takes a liking to Cesario and falls in love with him. Unfortunately, Cesario (Viola) is now in love with Orsino, who loves Olivia, who loves Cesario. A crazy love triangle. Meanwhile, we meet other people in Olivia’s court such as her uncle Sir Toby Belch; the maid Maria; Tobyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s friend Sir Andrew Aguecheek who is trying to court Olivia; Feste, Olivia’s fool; and Malvolio, the arrogant and self-centered steward of Olivia’s household. Since Malvolio likes to ruin the other’s fun, Maria forges a letter, supposedly from Olivia, to make Malvolio think Olivia is in love with him.Malvolio finds this letter, thinking it is for him, and, wanting to marry Olivia, follows its commands of dressing in yellow stocking, cross-gartering, to smile constantly, and to not explain his actions to no one. Once Olivia sees him behaving so strangely she thinks that he has gone mad. Meanwhile, Sebastian, who we find to still be alive but believes his sister Viola to be dead, arrives in Illyria along with his friend Antonio. Antonio has been taking care for Sebastian since the shipwreck and is passionately (and some think sexually) attached to Sebastian; so much so that he follows him to Orsino’s court, in spite of the fact that he and Orsino are old enemies.Once Sir Andrew sees that Olivia has taken a liking to Cesario he challenges Cesario to a duel. Sir Toby loves to see Sir Andrew make a fool of himself so he encourages Sir Andrew to continue. However, when Sebastian-who looks just like his disguised sister Viola-, appears he ends up fighting Sir Andrew and Sir Toby because they think he is Cesario. Olivia shows up seeing what is going on and asks Sebastian, who she thinks is Cesario, to marry her. Sebastian is very confused because he has never seen her before but he says that he will go with her to be married because of her wealth and beauty.Meanwhile, Antonia has been arrested and begs Cesario to help him because he thinks Cesario is Sebastian. Viola says she does not know who Antonio is and Antonio is taken away while he says that Sebastian has betrayed him. We soon learn that Malvolio has been locked away in a small dark room and although the group has tormented him throughout his time in there, Sir Toby allows Malvolio to send a letter to Olivia asking to be released. Orsino now decides to go visit Olivia and he brings Viola (still disguised as Cesario) and other men in his court. Olivia states that Cesario is her new husband when in reality it is her brother Sebastian.Orsino is furious but then Sebastian appears and everyone is awestruck. Viola and Sebastian are reunited and Orsino can officially express his love for Viola now that he knows she is a woman. We also figure out that Sir Toby and Maria have been married. Finally, Malvolio shows up and the trick that took place on him is revealed. Malvolio storms off saying he will seek revenge and he leaves everyone else happy and joyful.Describe the author’s style: Shakespeare’s first plays were written in the same style as those who were also writing at that period of time. However, he soon began to use the traditional styles in his own unique way. Most say that Twelfth Night is one a Shakespeare’s most poetical and mu sical plays. This basically means that Shakespeare decided to make some of the major characters sound more like amazing poets than average people. In this case he is using them to make fun of the shallowness of love poetry. An example that demonstrates the style:â€Å" Away before me to sweet beds of flowers: Love-thoughts lie rich when canopied with bowers.†(1.1.4) Memorable Quotations Quotation Significance â€Å"And all is semblative a woman’s part.†Orsino is telling Cesario (Viola) to woo Lady Olivia and he tells him that he is much like a woman and therefore will be more appealing than if he went himself. â€Å"Oh Time, thou must untangle this, not I. It is too hard a knot for me t’ untie!†Viola realizes the love triangle she has gotten herself into and says that only time can fix it. â€Å"I hate ingratitude more in a man Than lying, vainness, babbling, drunkenness, Or any taint of voice whose strong corruption Inhabits our frail blood.â € Cesario is defending himself against Antonio who is charging Cesario of ingratitude. â€Å"What relish is in this? How runs the stream†¦If if be thus to dream, still let me sleep!†Sebastian is very confused but yet happy about Olivia wanting to marry him. He has never seen her before but she is in love with him. â€Å"Thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges†Setting Significance of the opening scene Twelfth Night takes place in an imaginary place called Illyria. Illyria also happens to correspond to a place on the Adriatic coast which most Elizabethans knew nothing about and most people from London have never been there. This makes it the perfect location for the mysteries of this play.Viola decided to make a new life in this unfamiliar Dukedom. The same thing that draws her to Illyria, Shakespeare uses that to draw the audience in; the mystery, romance, and dreaminess of far-off places. One strange setting would be when the audience sees the out o f control crew at Olivia’s home and also her weird behavior. Another setting that seemed to be over the top would be Duke Orsino at his home listening to his live band while lying of the couch daydreaming about being in love. In the opening scene the audience meets Duke Orsino and we see that the woman he loves, Lady Olivia, is grieving over the death of her brother therefore she has decided not to get married for another seven years.Orsino, being obsessed with Olivia, wants to just lie around on beds of flowers, listening to music and dreaming of Olivia. This shows the audience of the persistence Orsino has and although he seems to be deeply in love with Olivia he will quickly change his mind. Meanwhile, on the Illyrian sea coast Viola and her twin brother Sebastian are in a shipwreck. Viola was found and rescued but she doesn’t know where her brother is. Although the captain tells Viola that Sebastian may still be alive she does not believe it to be so. In the meanti me, however, she needs to find a way to support herself in Illyria. This leads her to Orsino’s court and thus the beginning of what will soon be a crazy love triangle. SymbolsSignificance of the ending/closing scene A pearl- A token of love; romantic attachmentDarkness of Malvolio’s Prison- insanity; madnessChanges of Clothing- class distinction; power, change in gender During the closing scene everyone finds out that Cesario is really Viola (a female) and that Sebastian is the â€Å"real man†of the family. Olivia finds out that she was in love with a woman but ended up marrying her twin brother on accident. Of course she doesn’t mind because she is happy regardless. Duke Orsino is glad because he can now express the feelings he has been having for Cesario because he is now Viola. Most of Shakespeare’s comedies end in a â€Å"happily ever after†way so he had to find some kind of what to bring happiness to the end of this play. The happines s lies in the marriage of Olivia and Sebastian, the secret marriage of Sir Toby and Maria, and the marriage of Duke Orsino and Viola. Possible ThemesLove out of Suffering- Despite the happy ending, Shakespeare shows that love can cause pain Uncertainty of Gender- Viola disguising herself as a man; Olivia ends up being in love with a woman, even if she thinks Viola is a man; Orsino comments on Cesario’s beauty, which suggests that he is attracted to Viola even though she is still in disguise.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Evolution Of Gangs And Gang Related Activity Essay
The Evolution of Gangs in the United States Throughout history, divisions and factions have been made amongst people based on race, ethnicity, religion, territory, and several other personal factors. In most cases, people prefer to be within a group of individuals who are similar to them, rather than feel out of place. One of the easiest ways for people to remain attached to their â€Å"own kind†is for them to form special groups and bonds within certain areas, which have since been labeled as gangs. When gangs first originated they were meant to keep certain groups of people linked, because when everyone is dispersed those groups do not have as big of impact on societal functions. However, since then, gangs have changed drastically, in both their purpose and organization. Over the past five centuries, the United States has experienced a dramatic increase in gangs and gang-related activity due to technological advances among other factors, and this increase is not expected to slow down in the near future. Many different definitions for a gang exist, but according to in their article, â€Å"11 Facts About Gangs,†a gang is defined as, â€Å"A group of people who claim a territory and use it to make money through illegal activities.†However, this is a modern definition of gangs, and it does not necessarily define gangs that existed in early history. Yet, some characteristics of gangs today are similar to characteristics of past gangs. For example, members of a gangShow MoreRelatedGraffiti Essay1124 Words  | 5 Pagesof this simple essay will centre on the controversy surrounding â€Å"graffiti art†â€â€is it art or simply vandalism. 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