Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Adolescence The Transitional Period Between Childhood...
Growing up is something that comes with life and is unstoppable. You start off as a baby and go through all of the life stages. Throughout these stages come happiness, sadness, and excitement. Adolescence is the time where we may have had the best times and the worst times while going through the stage of life. Adolescence is the time when young adults begin to change mentally and physically. During this stage of life, adolescents are introduced to many things such as the changing of the body, interest in different people, and trying to find themselves. When adolescence occurs they will experience puberty, growth spurts, development of body parts, hair growth, emotional changes, social changes, and the introducing of many things. This stage of life is when adolescents are transforming from children to young adults. There are many levels of adolescence that can cause hardships for the adolescence. According to Zastrow and Ashman (2013), adolescence is â€Å"the transitional period between childhood and adulthood†It can begin as early as nine years old but usually occurs between the ages of eleven and twelve. When adolescence begins, changes happen mentally and physically. Mentally, children begin to establish and maintain satisfying relationships by learning to share intimacy without feeling worried or inhibited (â€Å"Adolescent Development,†n.d). Physically, adolescents begin puberty. During puberty, adolescents mature sexually and the reproduction stage begins. Puberty occursShow MoreRelatedDiscuss the concept of adolescence as a social construct and its validity for different cultures1117 Words  | 5 PagesDiscuss the concept of adolescence as a social construct and its validity for different cultures. Adolescence describes the transitional stage in a teenager’s life, from childhood to adulthood, where an individual evolves physically, psychologically, emotionally, cognitively and socially. It is a defined social category that is expressed through immaturity and unpredictability and allows an individual to learn and discover their sense of self and identity. The idea of adolescence came into perspectiveRead MoreUnderstanding Youth And Adolescence Fall Into Five Main Perspectives Essay1552 Words  | 7 Pagesperspectives towards defining youth and adolescence fall into five main perspectives which help to portray and provide a thorough guide to gain an understanding on what is youth and adolescence. The perspectives are psychological sociological philosophical biological and cultural Youth and adolescence are words which often get confused with each other. The term can get crossed over with one another as they cover a timeframe that is sometimes viewed as the same transition period. Pierre Bourdieu (1978) claimsRead MoreEssay on Developmental Issues That Come with Emerging Adulthood901 Words  | 4 PagesDevelopmental issues that come with emerging adulthood (Transition from adolescence to young adulthood) Adolescence is the transitional period in a persons life time that links childhood and adulthood. The factors that influence development during adolescence include genetic/biological and environmental/social. There are many developmental issues that take place during the transition from an adolescent to a young adult. The issues of emerging adulthood(18-25) are characterized by new experiencesRead MoreThe Brilliant Club Final Assignment1683 Words  | 7 Pagescharacteristics change into adulthood. It will look at what characteristics change and what don’t, look up the information to do with the question and rewrite the information without changing the meaning and make sure it will have the source links at the bottom of the essay. It will show images of the brain at different ages. It will show; development of the brain, consequences of adolescence for example drink driving, what is fMRI, sMRI, PET and EEG. Main During adolescence the teenagers become moreRead MoreThe Conflict Of Adolescence And Early Adulthood1037 Words  | 5 PagesKimberly Koreen Research Methods: Introduction What is adulthood? Adulthood can be defined as a stage of being self-sufficient, or it can be defined by demographic transitions such as marriage, parenthood or financial independence. In the United States, one is legally considered an adult at the age of 18, regardless of any cognitive or demographic factors. Human development is divided into several different stages starting at infancy all the way to the last stage of maturity. One of the mostRead MoreAdolescent Stages of Development1500 Words  | 6 PagesAdolescent Stages of Development Adolescence is probably the most difficult period in life of every individual since it is a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood. In this period adolescents undergo significant changes in physiological, psychological and social aspects. Naturally, these changes produce a significant impact on their lifestyle, behaviour, psychology, etc. Traditionally, adolescence is considered to start at preteens, mostly from around 9-10 years of age till 19-20 yearsRead MoreWild Swans Analysis2040 Words  | 6 PagesShort Story Unit Writing Task How does â€Å"Wild Swans†explore the central character’s experience of adolescence? In Alice Munro’s short narrative Wild Swans, the female adolescent narrator, Rose, travels alone on a train ride to Toronto. On the train she is sexually harassed by a minister and through Rose’s reactions to the harassment, readers are given a vivid image of how Rose experiences adolescence. Throughout the story, Rose experiences fear and confusion about growing up, prompting herx to attemptRead MoreThe Current Stage Of Development1951 Words  | 8 Pagesof Development Over time scientist have been able to identify some of the main stages of the human life. Some of the major stages include infancy and childhood, adolescence, young adult, middle adult, and older adult stages. The current phase of development that I am in, or the stage I identify most with, is of the young adult. While in this period I have my own obstacles and developmental milestones that I have to go through. To get through this particular stage there have to be established goalsRead MorePregnancy And Its Effects On Children1444 Words  | 6 Pagesplanning services?†¢ Is there a link between the knowledge level of adolescent girls about reproductive health issues and the incidence of unsafe induced abortion?†¢ Is there a connection between their level of awareness about family planning services and their usage of these services?†¢Is there a link between the acknowledge of family planning services and unsafe induced abortion? 1.3 GENERAL AIM OF STUDY The general aim of this study is to assess the association between the sexual and reproductive healthRead MoreAdolescence Is The Most Important Stages Of Human Development1282 Words  | 6 Pagesduring human development; adolescence is one of the most important stages because it is the period that follows humans’ development from child to adult. According to Clause (2013), adolescence is broken up into biological, cognitive, and emotional stages. These aspects of adolescence are individually important because, it defines one’s personality and character as an individual and, it affects their future. Most people do not realize how big of an impact adolescence has; however, this essay will
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Since the beginning of the social networking craze it...
Since the beginning of the social networking craze it seems that people have become more distant from one another due to their constant use of it. Even though social networking does allow us to connect and communicate a lot quicker than before, real face-to-face interaction with each other should be what remains most important for the way we socialize. With the constant use of social networking sites we are driven to stay indoors and glue our eyes onto the screens of our electronic devices. By staying indoors it doesn’t only keep us away from socializing with the real world but it can also affect our life in a negative way. Experts claim that if too much time is spent indoors with no face-to-face interaction, it may affect us both†¦show more content†¦At some points those involved in the online relationship may take it a step forward and actually meet in real life. People are not sure whether to consider this cheating because it isn’t anything physical, but as soon as things start becoming more serious, that’s when cheating is no longer in question. Over trusting people online all leads to a whole different argument about social networking. Those on the opposite side of the screen may not always turn out to be whom they claim to be. Since so much time is spent online, we begin to grow a bond with those we connect to. Some friends may be completely trustworthy because we know them personally, but in other cases we connect with complete strangers and we have no clue whether they are who they say they are. In the online world it is very simple to be a completely different person on any social networking site than you really are. In a current study that was conducted, it was known that fake users are managing approximately 8.7% of Facebook profiles. This doesn’t only put our life in danger but it can also put our identity at risk. There are spam profiles within that 8.7% and these profiles can easily steal one’s identity with a simple click, causing problems that can possibly last a lifetime. Going back to meeting strangers, In 2010 a young man directed a documentary film about himself telling the story about the time he was in an online relationship with a woman whom he never met. When the time came theyShow MoreRelatedEffects of the Social Media on Relationship Trends of University Students9686 Words  | 39 PagesNAME OF PROJECT: THE EFFECTS OF THE SOCIAL MEDIA ON RELATIONSHIP TRENDS BY: SARAI WANJIKU NJENGA I.D # : 621920 A RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE JOURNALISM PROGRAM IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COURSE JRN 3024 COMMUNICATION RESEARCH USIU JOURNALISM PROGRAM 2011 DECLARATION I hereby declare that this is my original work. It has not been presented to any other institution for any other purpose. Name : Sarai Wanjiku Njenga Signature : ____________________ Read MoreTechnology Essay11684 Words  | 47 PagesYou can do the housework and let your wife go to earn money. Women are superior to men in many ways, including tolerance of pain, intuition, and freedom from neurotic compulsions to dominate and conquer things. Men can be pretty neurotic, and women have wisdom that we lack. So, be careful not to write in a way that assumes they belong in the kitchen, doing laundry, etc. You and I belong in the kitchen and doing laundry. :-)  Daily live is benefited by advances of technology, and it is also true thatRead MoreConsumer Lifestyle in Singapore35714 Words  | 143 Pagesthe import-reliant economy was affected by external factors, including the slowing economic growth in China, the sluggish growth of the US economy and fears about the impact of the eurozone crisis. These factors have also affected growth in 2012. Economists  at  the  Trade  Ministry  have  said  that  they  expect  Singapore’s  GDP  to  grow  by  about 1.5% in 2012, down from a previous estimate of 2.5%. A recent report from the BBC quoted Michael  Wan,  Singapore  economist  at  Credit  Suisse,Read MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesbusiness slowdowns and major fluctuations that challenge the longterm continuation of profitable earnings? As we continue to experience the twenty-first century’s economic, social, and political churning, how will these driving factors be influenced by the brutally competitive global economy in which organizations do not have any particular geographic identity or travel under any particular national passport? What will be the effect of the rapid gyrations in markets that emphasize the difficultiesRead MoreInvestment and Economic Moats46074 Words  | 185 Pages ffirs.indd ii 2/1/08 12:55:37 PM strategiesâ€â€indexingâ€â€can deliver the greatest return to the greatest number of investors. The Little Book That Makes You Rich, where Louis Navellier, financial analyst and editor of investment newsletters since 1980, offers readers a fundamental understanding of how to get rich using the best in growth investing strategies. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, The Little Book That Makes You Rich outlines an effective approach to buildingRead MoreMarketing Management 14th Edition Test Bank Kotler Test Bank173911 Words  | 696 PagesIt is of little importance when products are standardized. B) It can help create jobs in the economy by increasing demand for goods and services. C) It helps to build a loyal customer base but has no impact on a firms intangible assets. D) It is more important for bigger organizations than smaller ones. E) It is seldom used by nonprofit organizations. Answer: B Page Ref: 4 Objective: 1 Difficulty: Easy 2) ________ is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping
Monday, December 9, 2019
Fences By August Wilson Essay Example For Students
Fences By August Wilson Essay Imagine for a moment it is your big sisters 17th birthday. She is out with her friends celebrating, and your parents are at the mall with your little brother doing some last minute birthday shopping, leaving you home alone. You then hear a knock on the front door. When you get there, nobody is there, just an anonymous note taped to the door that says Happy Birthday, along with a hundred dollar bill. Youve been dying to get that new video game, and your sister will never know. You are faced with a tough decision, but not a very uncommon one. In both Fences, by August Wilson, and A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansbury, tough decisions have to be made about getting money from someone elses misfortune. But moneys that important right? The role of money in peoples day-to-day lives is quite amazing when its put into perspective. The primary reason most Americans get up in the morning is so they can go out and make money. Money buys things; money influences people; money keeps us alive; money makes us happy. Or does it? In Fences, by August Wilson, the Maxtons get their money when Gabes head is shot in the war. In A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansbury, the Younger family gets their money when Walters father dies. But do these things make them happy? Of course not. They are coming upon money from someone elses misfortune, someone they love. The money may have made life easier for a brief moment in time, but the novelty soon wears off and reality soon returns. The interesting thing about these two novels is that the money received by both the Maxtons and the Youngers did exactly the opposite of what everyone expected it to do. It eventually made problems for both of the families. In Fences, the Maxtons used Gabes money to buy a house and even though it seemed like a good idea, when Gabe moved out, it caused a great deal of guilt in the family, but especially in Troy. He just couldnt get over how he used someone he loved so much, and they didnt even know it. In A Raisin in the Sun, the Youngers also buy a house with the money the life insurance gave them. But their problem are caused not by guilt, but by two entirely different emotions. One is the feeling of being the object of racism in their new community when the Welcoming Committee tries to get them not to move in. The other one is the combination of defeat, loss, anger, and self-pity felt by the whole family when Walter loses the rest of the money and the Younger family is left with nothing but a house in a neighborhood where they arent wanted. And money is a good thing? Answering that question is a simple one. Yes, money is a good thing when it is dealt with in the right way. Both the Maxtons and the Youngers had trouble in how they handled their money and that led to many of the problems they both faced. Money is what makes the world go round in our modern society, but its not a way to measure success, love, or happiness. As Bob Dylan put it, Whats money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in-between does what he wants to do. All money really is, is a way to buy material things. Sure, its important, but not close to how important the people we love are. They are where real happiness comes from, not from little green pieces of paper. .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d , .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d .postImageUrl , .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d , .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d:hover , .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d:visited , .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d:active { border:0!important; } .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d:active , .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u927e4e636576d12d5155ef79a4553c9d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Csa EssayHappiness is not having what you want, its wanting what you have. .
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Jane Eyre - Setting. free essay sample
In the novel, ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Bronte, setting is used throughout the novel to illustrate the development in the character. The novel is revolved around five separate locations, ; the Reed familys home at Gateshead, the wretched Lowood School, Rochesters manor, Thornfield, the Rivers familys home at Moor House, and Rochesters rural retreat at Ferndean, these settings all play a very important part in Jane’s life as they all represent the development of Jane’s character and the different period’s of her eventful life. We first see Jane; vulnerable and lonely at Gateshead, where the orphaned little girl resides with her bitter widowed aunt and her children. Jane is sent to the ‘Red Room’ for retaliating when her cousin, John Reed strikes her with a large book. When entering the haunting room, Jane is fixated by the grand, superior surroundings, Jane views every day objects as extraordinary beings, she visualizes a four poster bed as a ‘tabernacle’ and a arm chair as a ‘pale throne’ this gives us knowledge that Jane imagines the room as very almighty and religious. We will write a custom essay sample on Jane Eyre Setting. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jane then encounters herself upon the looking glass, while in the Red Room she does not see herself, but in fact a mere ‘stranger’ Jane then starts to see herself as an ‘imp’, ‘a tiny phantom’ this sets a supernatural aura, whilst letting us know that Jane imagines herself like a character in a storybook, furthermore this tells us that Jane is incredibly imaginative and passionate, the setting of the Red Room symbolizes Jane’s childhood, it reflects her passionate nature and the red tones of the room show Jane’s fear and her fiery personality, although Jane is terrified of the room, it sets her imagination wild and inspires her overactive imagination and introduces us to the theme if the supernatural. The setting of the Red Room is of vital importance to the novel as a whole, as it represents Jane’s character development. Soon after, Jane is drastically changed at Lowood School, when she meets a friend, Helen Burns; this rec aps us of Jane’s passionate nature, but perhaps the most significant period of Jane’s life is when she embarks upon Thornfield Manor as a governess. One evening, few months after Jane’s arrival Jane and Rochester officially meet at Thornfield, the day after his arrival, Rochester invites Jane for tea. His attitude towards Jane is abrupt and quite cold, although he is charmed by Janes drawings. Jane feels unusually comfortable around Rochester; his peculiar mannerisms make Jane feel at ease whilst she is very interested and intrigued by him. Rochester’s manners comfort Jane, as if he has been polite and eloquent, she would not have been so taken by his witty charm. As time passes by at Thornfield, Rochester’s respect for Jane increases, ‘I don’t wish to treat you like an inferior’ this tells us that he sees Jane as an equal, rather than a servant – he enjoys her company. The pairs relationship soon develops due to their uncanny similarities Rochester feels very comfortable around Jane, as does she, We know this by their conversation and talk of unconventional things, this makes them feel at ease with one another, even though they are both set in diverse social classes. , this tells us that Jane, since her arrival at Thornfield Jane feels happy and respected. The pair’s relationship is tested when Jane is woken by an eerie laugh from the hallway. She hears a door opening and hurries out of her room to discover smoke bellowing from Rochesters room. Jane darts into his room and finds his bed and curtains in flames; Jane quickly floods the bed with water saving Rochesters life. Rochester awakens and notices a panic-stricken Jane, by his side. A half awake Rochester demands that the incident was a spell ‘In the name of all elves in Christendom, is that Jane Eyre? ‘What have you done with me, sorceress? ’ this yet again continues the idea of supernaturalism throughout their encounters. The scene ends with Rochester thanking Jane for rescuing him, and warns her not to inform anyone about the goings on of that night’s incident. Jane’s love for Thornfield and for Rochester grows along with her confidence; Thornfield comes to represent a happy period in Jane’s life. Jane finds courage to flirt and challenge the brooding lothario. Rochester teases Jane and holds flirtatious conversation with her, at one point he quizzes Jane ‘do you think me handsome? This is only an example of Rochester’s cheeky flair, however Jane does not remain mute, she defends herself against Rochester, ‘I don’t think, sir, you have the right to command me, merely because you are older than I. ’ This shows us that Rochester’s both emotional, and physical interest for Jane makes her feel valued. Jane soon begins to realize she is beginning to acquire feelings for Rochester and is upset he will be absent from Thornfield for several days to attend a party, Jane is furthermore disappointed when she finds out that he will be accompanied by Blanche Ingram, a beautiful lady – This clearly demonstrates Jane’s growing feelings for Rochester.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Important To Have Cultural Diversity At A Hotel Tourism Essay Example
Important To Have Cultural Diversity At A Hotel Tourism Essay Example Important To Have Cultural Diversity At A Hotel Tourism Essay Important To Have Cultural Diversity At A Hotel Tourism Essay The Hotel AAA is located in down south, the belongings has 192 suites. Well known as best five star resort in Benthota, Srilanka. The proprietor ship belongs to an international chaining. And Hotel has a watering place, luxury room installations. And the guest satisfaction, client relationship is up to standard. Facilities Adjustment. Butler service. Concierge. Banquet. Dining installation. Main eating house. Pool Bar eating house. Fine dining eating house. Sea side Restaurant ( Under Construction ) Admiration Hotel AAA owns by an Indian company. And it has more subdivisions worldwide. All top degree directors are from India and other than that the section caputs, executes and employees are from Srilanka and other Asiatic states. Organizational construction As I mentioned earlier organisation top direction is belongs to India, and they are the people who recruit employees for the top direction. The Company employees name will non be disclosed due confidential information being exposed and hazard of judicial proceeding. Hotel General director is the individual who responsible for the employees, and guest. He will describe to India. Six section caputs are pull offing their sections. All section caputs has their Executives, and staff to do the organisation to a better topographic point Datas Analysis Research informations aggregation methods Primary Data Secondary Datas Survey Hotel Human Rescores statistic study Personal interviews Scope of the research Employees working for the organisation were the topics of this research. The entire population of this organisation is 200 was used as a sampling frame, the choice was done irrespective to the gender which comprises both male and female respondents from the ages 19 to 55 old ages. The degree of instruction of participants scopes from Primary literate degree to third makings. This research has conducted in two months period when the clip that Company runs with extremely disgruntled employees. Two chief occupation classs are represented in the population i.e. professional ( Technical staff ) and disposal and supervisory employees. All participants were lasting employees of the organisation Restriction of the survey Due to Researcher subdivision is the clerical staffs it may be generate linguistic communication issues when giving questionnaires Employees may non supply existent facts for my inquiries Primary Data Collection For the research I have collected informations from their studies. And information shows the hotel employee dislocation construction harmonizing to the appellation, diverseness and current state of affairs about the hotel civilization. Hotel employee s appellation vise Further to the above pie chart refers the employee class dislocation harmonizing to appellation vise. None Executives 59 % Executives23 % Trainees 10 % Directors 8 % Hotel Employ Ethnic Diversity Above pie chart shows how the hotel civilization express, Sinhala 73 % Tamils 15 % Warren burgers 6 % Others 6 % Employment based on Permanent, Contacted, Temporary. Hotel has hired people harmonizing to the attached pie chart, Contact Staff 81 % Permanent staff 13 % Impermanent Staff 6 % Cultural diverseness based on, racial, gender, different cultural etc. when it s come to the current state of affairs of the company, Categorization of employees based on age group Categorization has been done grouping employee into 5 chief classs on Age group in the selected sample. The undermentioned pie chart exhibits how it comprises employees on age group in the selected employee sample for the research. Above chart following characteristics can be seen in Hotel AAA Out of 30 employees, 13 employees ( 43 % ) are in 21-30 age bounds and it is the highest per centum. 8 employees ( 27 % ) are in 31 40 age bounds, 6 employees ( 20 % ) are in below 20 age bound and 3 employees ( 10 % ) are in 41-50 age bounds severally. The lowest per centum is relation to the in over 50 age bounds and there is no any employee ( 0 % ) in this age bound. Categorization of employees based on educational making Categorization has done grouping employees into 04 chief classs on their educational making. The undermentioned pie charts exhibits how it comprises employees based on their educational makings in the selected sample in the organisations. Harmonizing to the above chart following characteristics can be seen in educational makings of employees in Hotel AAA Out of 30 employees, 17 employees have educated until G.C.E ( O/L ) and it is shown as 58 % of the sum ; which is the highest per centum. The lowest per centum ( 7 % ) has obtained by 2 employees who belong to graduate. Other 04 employees ( 14 % ) are in A/L degree and 06 employees ( 21 % ) are in other district or professional class. Guest Diverseness Harmonizing to the study, Most of the Russian invitee has performed in the market. And secondly German market invitee has visited. Most of the invitee has travel to srilanka for pass their vacation in our state, 52 % of the travels visited srianka for vacation, 42 % of the travellers has visited srilanka for concern intents. Harmonizing to the above pie chart, Most of the blast has truly enjoyed their vacation in hotel AAA. And the direction demand to see about the 4 % of hapless servicers and complains that blast has made out of overall hotel. Finally direction demands find solutions for these hapless and mean countries. Company issues Purposes The intent of the assignment is HR patterns and measuring Motivation and leading theories Harmonizing to the current organisation happen out what are their failings, happening solutions in recommendations. Specific aim Identify the ground for employee occupation satisfaction Measures the employee s occupation satisfaction critically measure the theories harmonizing to the state of affairs. General Objective This will be bring forthing profit for direction. To heighten the cognition and accomplishment in this research country. Schemes of Hotel AAA Five successful factors Harmonizing to The organisation they are keeping five successful factors as follows, Current organisation invariably giving their best precedence to client outlooks, and making distinctions, the manner they really concerned about how to do their client happy at the terminal of the twenty-four hours and. Diversification at the Hotel AAA Employee Diversity Guest Diverseness It is really of import to hold cultural diverseness at a hotel. Between one employees work compared to work strength To accomplish marks and ends, in a work topographic point, the environment must be addition nonviolent environment employee. Harmonizing to the current state of affairs of the hotel, the employee has common regard among one another. Respect to their core workers may assist to construct the mutual work atmosphere. Mentioning to the Guest Diversity of current organisation, they are successful in positioning invitee in a higher topographic point. Guest is first , they are our foreman, like frailty. And The company is giving best precedence to fulfill invitees all around the word. Mentioning to the study when compared to other nationalities Russian invitee and German invitee are highest in reachings. Pull offing and fulfilling this client is the most critical way. Occasionally the linguistic communication barrio is at that place And it is necessary to develop staff by carry oning linguistic communication categories. Cultural Dimension Theory, Hofstede Mentioning to Hofstede frame work it has steps cultural variegation in different civilizations. Harmonizing to his frame elucidation Peoples are different from one and other. When adverting the Current state of affairs of the organisation. Power: Has every bit given to employees to harmonizing to their occupation description. In the working environment power will depend on the appellation of the individual. Masculinity vs. Femininity: Considering to this factor as an organisation demand to hold an merger of masculine and feminine employees. Harmonizing to the current Low of Srianka Female staff can be employed until 2300hrs. Nevertheless state of affairs of hotel AAA at all times masculinity taking the displacements. Individuality: Top direction anticipates more than independency work squad working with employees will do a better result. Carmazzi s Model of Culture Cultural Taboos Taboos are can be define as behaviours, manners public presentations harmonizing to the civilization. The current state of affairs of the company, there are different cultural tabu. All are working for one mark and some may understand and some nay non. Somehow direction realized the state of affairs and tried to do the environment harmonizing to the cultural tabu. They discipline extremely managed by the company. Cultural Shock Employees have many chances to direct their employees to different states. Some of the directors, making this to actuate staff but these are non go oning the manner they anticipate. Cultural daze is make employee demotivated. Harmonizing to Carmazzi s faculty of civilization the current phase of the company is unrecorded and allow unrecorded civilization. Leadership theories Trait Leadership theory Above leader ship manner can use to the top direction of the organisation. Nevertheless trait leading theory can use for effectual leaders and uneffective leaders in an organisation, when it comes to the current organisation, the directors have inordinate degree of accomplishing marks and carry throughing their aspiration in twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours work. When it comes to the top direction leader of the current organisation the emotional adulthood degree of the caput of section is high, therefore they can be adjustable in each and every state of affairs of the organisation. Even if it is a worse status or a moral status they are adjustable. Department caputs are saying their work with forenoon briefing, adverting what are the extraordinary things can be done in the hereafter. The people-oriented leader ( Fiedler, 1967 ) Above leading theory is devouring by the general director of the organisation. And he who shows these manners of leading there are some of his work manners below, Efficaciously manages the human resources of the organisation harmonizing to authorized forces policies and processs that to the full conform to current Torahs and ordinances Guarantees the company, marks, mission and, when it comes to guest satisfaction, leader must strongly act. A cordial reception and touristry ever depend on guest satisfaction ; all the employees are covering with human existences non with goods. Subsequently employees need to work smart. The leader will help their employee to do their working environment to a friendly topographic point. TransformationalA leading The most effectual leader ship manner, Transformational leaders are stirring for the ground that is they anticipate the unexcelled from employees. This leads from top to bottom efficiency and assignment from everyone in their squad When mentioning to the current state of affairs some of the leaders managed to move like transformational leaders. These leaders except greatest work from the employees who are working under his direction will acquire motivated. Leadership manners There are three chief leading manners, Autocratic leading Democratic leading Declarative leading ( Laissez Faire ) Senior director is the current organisation is a dictator moreover the top direction of the organisation has bossy leading manner. Employees are deficiency of emphasis under working status of an bossy leader. Clear behavioural guidelines are attached to the bossy leading. Making right suggestions and steer subsidiary to a right way are some o the feature of above leading manner. Motivation Critically evaluate and warrant the issues of motive Maslow s hierarchy of work motive ( 1943 ) Manager can use Maslow s theory and the demands that are likely to attach to them, with the intent of accomplishing motive of employees. Maslow s demand theory, Have five degrees. When these degrees completed people get motivated. Mentioning to above figures, in an organisation, The basic demand is an employee is wage ( rewards ) Then after Job security, with domination programs, Insurance, and employee support. The 3rd Social demands mentioned as squad work, accomplishments, official and non-official work Fourth Admiration demands, like acknowledgment, occupation rubrics publicities Last Self-actualization, Personal development. Two-factor theory Psychologist Fredrick Herzberg ( 1975 ) Further to the Herzberg theories, there are motive factors and hygiene factors are depending on the employee. How the organisation dainty on them. Current state of affairs of the organisation is. Job satisfaction and dis satisfaction both elements are every bit impacting the employees. Current motive Techniques available at The Hotel When it comes to the current state of affairs of the company, they merely utilizing a recasting system to actuate staff, and at the same clip they maintains a list of the employees who achieved their marks monthly wise, and it will be appreciated through the top direction. Trainings Organization has a preparation program with the employees in section wise but so once more caput of the section is responsible for maintaining proper preparation program to their trainees. Customer Satisfaction The company has a invitee satisfaction shows how the client satisfied out of their stay. When it comes to the employee the consciousness on the study is below norm. Some of them do non hold any clear thought of the guest satisfaction index system Recommendation Recommendations for Company Strategies Construct up quality footings in each and every section. And create mission and vision to each and every section. It will make an feeling among the employees. Give planned new employment chances for the following twelvemonth: Poolside Seafood Restaurant With the debut of the new Seafood Restaurant in the Pool country, we plan to enroll 10 new custodies for the operation and service of this mercantile establishment. Our scheme is to widen our seafood counters and drink services to the beachfront, since we realize that the sea beach is one of the major attractive forces where the guest discoveries relaxation, comfort and enjoyment during their visit/stay. At the minute, though we are non capitalising in this country, we propose to stretch our flushing amusement A ; every night activities to this section, in add-on to the nutrient, drink and other related services, in the close hereafter. Bettering our Banqueting Facility We are in the procedure of originating a major thrust in developing and upgrading our Banquet subject in order to pull more maps and local nuptialss from the locality. For this, we need to engage proper work force which unit will dwell of at least 10 crew members. Goal Puting Working with groups and, put their ends for one mark, one time a Month direction concept some marks and, inquire all the sections employees to carry through their marks and achieve the end. Guest Satisfaction Employees who has the good relationship with the invitee, and harmonizing to guest satisfaction they reword employee. And it will actuate staff. Training and development, Training is designed to alter the behaviour, attitudes, techniques, Enhance cognition, and accomplishments and better motive of their employees.Development involves larning that goes beyond today s occupation has a more long-run focal prepares employees to maintain peace with the organisation as it changes. Solution for linguistic communication barriers For being a top ranking in cordial reception, they have to keep their position of commuting. Guest is coming all the manner from universe therefore every one demand to larn an international linguistic communication. English is the most indispensable linguistic communication. So by holding a preparation category to all employees who are deficiency of English will assist to keep company statues every bit good as the employee motive. Job Enrichment Vertical develop of the current, occupation giving the Employee. Control over planning, executing and rating of his occupation. Besides gives extra duty and independency. Job Enlargement The Horizontal develop of the current occupation. Will be responsible for more occupations and will hold more. Recommendations for Diversification Management techniques When it comes to an organisation in cordial reception industry, all of the employees are covering with human existences. Not with the goods. At the terminal of the twenty-four hours all are working for one mark that is client satisfaction. The first feeling will last long everlastingly. When enrolling employees, Well trained staff can be enrolling in the interim company can Concentrate on Job undertaking A ; achievement of their occupation descriptions. Enrolling more foreign employees. This can be done in the close hereafter harmonizing to the study highest reachings are from Russia. Sing to the fact we can enroll Russian talking employees or Russian invitee dealingss directors. New chances for calling patterned advance This has proved to be a remarkable motivation factor for keeping of a staff as there are invariably vacancies available at different degrees in all three establishments. In fact most our trainees over a period of old ages have found moneymaking in cardinal places all over the universe. The course of study that is soon been used has been designed with peculiar accent on the current National demands. Trainees Junior Executives Senior Executives Resident Manager Department Manager Senior Manager General Manager This calling way is good defined with difference guideline and is supplemented with classs at the Ceylon Hotel School and other external Training organisations. Performance Management and Employee Welfare A ; Profit Recognition-Appraise and appreciate people for their attempts and give them sense of accomplishment. Wages: a pecuniary expressing for the exceeding public presentation. Job Designing: Can re-design the occupation descriptions Job Rotation- systematic motion of employee ( s ) from one occupation to another. Provides assortment and stimulates the employee. Implement new Staff recasting system Organization can carry on more preparation about the industry, and what are the possible markets and how they increase similarly to acquire the thought of the organisation and their marks. Monthly wise they can choose staff from each section and direct them for outside preparations. Below reference facts are some recommendations to the organisation. Promotions and wage are non motivation factors them are hygiene factors excessively. Promotion In really simple term publicity means how far a occupation can guarantee 1s calling in occupation. It means whether the occupation is back uping the employee to be established or give range to develop 1s calling. Career has some stages. It starts with Recruitment and choice. The other stages are: publicity, preparation and transportation every bit good as arrangement. All these stages cover in the Company. Their satisfaction and dissatisfaction depends upon these factors through which an employee can make to the ultimate ends of the occupation. Salary One of the most of import intents to make a occupation is acquiring salary. If one gets a fine-looking wage by which one can afford the life may do occupation satisfaction. But if the wage can non bear 1s expenditure one should non be satisfied with the wage. Harmonizing to the Research company maintain fine-looking salary construction for all degree of employees so that will take for higher occupation satisfaction.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
SAT Standard Deviation What Does It Mean for You
SAT Standard Deviation What Does It Mean for You SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you've ever glanced through any of the year-end College Board data reports, you may have seen information about the SAT standard deviation. Unfortunately, the reports just list the numbers and then move on, without explaining at all what these numbers mean. So how is info about the SAT mean and standard deviation useful to you? In this article, we’ll explain what the term standard deviation refers to and what it means for you and your SAT score. Feature image credit: Bell Curve by Abhijit Bhaduri/Flickr Bonus: Looking for the very best guides to every SAT section? Check out our top guides for every single section of the SAT. Choose the score level you're aiming for: 800 Score Guides: SAT Reading | SAT Writing | SAT Math | SAT Essay Choose these guides if you're scoring a 600 or above on a section, and you want to get the highest SAT score possible. 600 Score Guides: SAT Reading | SAT Writing | SAT Math | SAT Essay Choose these guides if you're scoring below a 600 on a section, and you want to boost your score to at least a 600 level. These are the very best guides available on boosting your SAT score, section by section. They're written by Harvard grads and perfect SAT scorers. Don't disappoint yourself - read these guides and improve your score today. What Is the SAT Standard Deviation? The standard deviation of a set of numbers measures variability. Standard deviation tells you, on average, how far off most people's scores were from the average (or mean) score. The SAT standard deviation is195 points, which means that most people scored within 195 points of the mean score on either side (either above or below it). SAT standard deviation is calculated so that 68% of students score within one standard deviation of the mean, 95% of students score within two standard deviations of the mean, and 99+% of students score within three standard deviations of the mean. If the standard deviation of a set of scores is low, that means most students get close to the average score (in this case, 1060). This is pretty clearly not the case with the SAT, because otherwise schools that boast 1300+ average SAT scores for admitted students would have no students. By contrast, if the standard deviation is high, then there’s more variability and more students score farther away from the mean. Based on the most recent data released for the SAT, the standard deviation is relatively high, meaning that there is quite a bit of variability in how students score on the SAT. Below, we’ve created a table with the data about the SAT mean and standard deviation for each section of the test, as well as the mean and standard deviation for total SAT scores. SAT Participation and Performance Mean Standard Deviation Total 1060 195 EBRW 533 100 Math 527 107 Note: this table only includes data drawn from the most recent test scores of 2017 high school graduates. Hardeep Singh/Flickr What Does the SAT Bell Curve Look Like? The bell curve for SAT scores is pretty close to an ideal normal curve. Since the average score is higher than the midpoint of the range (1060 instead of 1000), it's a little shifted over to the right, but otherwise the SAT bell curve is a regular bell shape. Because the SAT standard deviation for total SAT scores is 195 and the mean is 1060, we can do a little quick math to figure out the score ranges for the first, second, and third standard deviation. % of SAT scores in range Total Score Range EBRW Range Math Range 68% 865-1255 433-633 420-634 95% 670-1450 333-733 313-741 99+% 475-1600 233-800 206-800 To help you better visualize the distribution of SAT scores, we've graphed out the SAT bell curve (in blue) for composite SAT scores (out of 1600) and added in lines for the mean and each of the standard deviations. The green line in the chart is the average SAT score (1060), while the lines on either side of the mean represent the boundaries of the different standard deviations. The two yellow vertical lines on the chart represent the first standard deviation scores, 865 and 1255. The scores of 68% of all students who took the SAT fall in between those two lines. The two orange lines on the chart represent the second standard deviation scores, 670 and 1450. The scores of 95% of all students who took the SAT fall in between the two orange lines (including the 68% who scored between an 865 and a 1255). The two red lines on the chart represent the third standard deviation scores, 475 and 1645. Technically, because the SAT only goes up to 1600, there are no students who scored above that, which is why the blue curve of all student SAT scores stops abruptly at 1600. The scores of about 99% of all students who took the SAT fall between the two red lines, with the remaining 1% falling below the leftmost red line (scores of 475 and below). Extra Advice: Want to get into the best college you can? Read our famous guide on how to get into Harvard, the Ivy League, and your top choice college. In this guide, you'll learn: What colleges are looking for in your application How to impress your top choice colleges Why you're probably wasting your time on activities that don't matter Even if you're not actually interested in Ivy League schools, you'll still learn something fundamental about how to apply to college. Read our top college admissions guide today. Why Does the SAT Standard Deviation Matter? As a student, the exact details of the SAT bell curve and standard deviation aren't going to be all that relevant. Most of the info you’d get from standard deviations you can just as easily get from the information about your percentile rank that's included on your score report. For instance, knowing you’re in the 98th percentile is probably more useful to you than knowing you’re a little more than two standard deviations above the mean SAT score. Learn How Much Scores Vary The size of the standard deviation can give you information about how widely students' scores varied from the average. A larger standard deviation means there was more variation of scores among people who took the test, while a smaller standard deviation means there was less variance. As we discussed above, the SAT standard deviation is 195, which is relatively high and therefore indicates there's a lot of variation in scores among students who take the SAT. Practically speaking, this means that high-achieving students have to get relatively high scores in order to distinguish themselves. To do better than 98% of students on the SAT with a mean of 1060 and a standard deviation of 195, you must get a 1450 or higher on the test. Discover How Your Score Stacks Up The standard deviation of SAT scores is also useful information because it gives you a good general idea about how well you performed, compared to other students. Based on which standard deviation you fall into, you can even figure out your rough percentile score (if you don't know it). If your SAT score is more than one standard deviation above the average SAT score, then you did better than about 84% of students, which puts you in a strong position for most state schools (including UMass Amherst, University of Cincinnati, and UT San Antonio) and some private schools (like Pace University, Temple University, and Quinnipiac University). Similarly, if your score is more than two standard deviations above the mean SAT score, then you did better than around 97% of students, which is great and makes you a strong candidate for more competitive schools like NYU, UMich (Ann Arbor), and even Ivy-League schools like UPenn and Brown. On the other hand, if your score is more than one standard deviation below the mean, you definitely have your work cut out for you if you want to be a competitive applicant for most schools. You’ll need to put in some serious study time to boost your score up to an 860+ score level. Bonus: Want to get a perfect SAT score? Read our famous guide on how to score a perfect 1600 on the SAT. You'll learn top strategies from the country's leading expert on the SAT, Allen Cheng, a Harvard grad and perfect scorer. No matter your level, you'll find useful advice here - this strategy guide has been read by over 500,000 people. Read the 1600 SAT guide today and start improving your score. What’s Next? Ready to get more precise information of how your SAT score compares to other students' scores? Check out our article on SAT scores and percentiles to figure out where you fit in. Are you a high-achieving student with high SAT score dreams? Learn what SAT scores you need to get into the Ivy League here. What if you're worried your score might be too low to get you into college at all? Find out what the minimum SAT score for college is here. Need to figure out what SAT score to aim for in the first place? We have a complete guide to setting your target SAT score in this article. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Environment for IKEA UK Research Paper
Business Environment for IKEA UK - Research Paper Example The product is packed flat for easy assembly at home by the customer. IKEA began in 1943 in a small farming village in Sweden. Ingvar Kamprad started the business at age 17 and used his own initials plus the first letters of Elmtyrid and Agunnaryd, the farm and village where he grew up, to create the name IKEA. Although it didn't start out as a furniture company, furniture became the focus of the business in the 1950s when IKEA turned its problems into opportunities (About IKEA: Timeline) by: The IKEA group has 90,000 co-workers and operates in 44 countries, and the unique focus of IKEA UK continues to be on its customers, offering eye-appealing furniture design and keeping prices low by finding ways to shorten the route from manufacture to customer without detriment to the quality and ease of assembly for the buyer (About IKEA: in the world). A SWOT analysis of the organisation shows internal and external factors which affect its overall identity in the global marketplace. According to Wikipedia, Albert Humphrey developed the SWOT analysis in a research project for Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s. It evaluates strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in an organisation-the first two internal, the second two external. IKEA's major strengths are brand recognition, customer communication and staff satisfaction. One of the most difStrengths: Brand Recognition One of the most difficult selling points to establish in an organisation is positive brand recognition. Over time, IKEA UK has managed to do this by not compromising on its promise to its customers to maintain brand quality, easy construction and low prices. In addition, the packaging of the various components is personalised by simplifying instructions (the need for the customer to buy an electrical cord for a lighting product is shown by a simple sketch of the cord on the package) and creating a connection between the customer and the company by giving the product a unique name and printing the designer's name on the package. The personal touch establishes the brand and makes the customer feel a special bond. An additional benefit for the customer is the ability to design a complete room and to be given a copy of the plan if the purchase will be made at a later time. Strengths: Customer Communication Good leadership creates good business practices. Never has this been more evident than with the IKEA group. The organisation started its first store in the United Kingdom in 1987, and as it expanded, customer satisfaction was key. Convenient IKEA distribution centres in different sections of the UK offer customers the opportunity to go directly to the warehouse and centre and pick up materials after utilising the IKEA OnlineWeb site to design and order whole rooms of furniture (Investor). By encouraging the "IKEA Way," the company has established its unique methods-according to CEO Peter Hogsted, "we do 50-you do 50" (Lewis, par. 20). Another area of customer relations is recognizing concern for the environment, and IKEA was the first to suggest reuseable
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Outline presentation+PP presentation slides Essay
Outline presentation+PP presentation slides - Essay Example In the past, electronic cigarette has been seen as a media ploy. However, with technological change, it is possible to develop unique products and services. The E-cigarette is a product of innovation and intelligent product. The amount of money spent on cigarette has been increasing over time due to increasing costs of production. However, with the production of the E-cigarettes have been effective in reducing the cost of cigarette consumption (Malaval and Benaroya 89). The research by the Howie Zee, the average consumption cost reduces over year, and the graph below illustrates the changes in costs after the uptake of the new product. The results are based on the personal consumption rate of one pack per day The graph above illustrates the performance of E-cigarette compared to the tobacco cigarette which has been in use for a long time. However, the establishment of the e – cigarette brand has been poor due to poor investments over the years. Media use has improved the performance of the cigarette for the last decade with the main beneficiary being the Blu brand of E-cigarette. The blue cigarette has been developed with several flavors making it diversified with exceedingly many options. The product comes with seven flavors namely cherry crush, classic tobacco, Java Jolt, Magnificent Menthol, and vivid vanilla. Other flavors are peach schnapps and Pinna Colada. The variety offered makes the products better in providing options in the cigarette industry. The products do not have smoke, ash or smell making them valuable especially when used in public areas. The products contain rechargeable packs and the flavors are presented using cartridges in order to facilitate easy change of flavors (Preston 23). The flavor cartridge has great vapor and come with a single design, and each cartridge is equivalent to one pack of cigarettes. In addition, the company obtains smoke juices, which are manufactured in Wisconsin and the flavors
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Continuing Academic Success Essay Example for Free
Continuing Academic Success Essay Of course everyone wants to be successful! It takes 100% of effort and determination to be successful. Maintaining believable goals keeps you on track for the road of success. If you keep your goals in mind, you will not astray from them. Achieving goals that you have set for yourself is your responsibility. It is easy to get distracted from your academic goals, if they are not maintained on a daily basis. Continuing academic success has helped numerous of students succeed. Continuing academic success means to have an advantage by resuming academic growth in an educational environment. Success is the ability to plan, be persistent, set goals, and accomplish them. There are so many fundamentals for continuing academic success, in which your attitude has a great impact on your academic structure. Accomplishing academic goals are an advantage for growth and numerous opportunities. Continuing your academic success is important in which you conduct research to gain knowledge. Another important necessity needed for success is to set goals. The best decision any person could make is to plan ahead for your desired position in life. Applying skills from your resources in or outside of school can also help you to be successful. Gaining Knowledge Acknowledging your learning style gives you insight on how to obtain a constructive pattern towards success. There are 3 different modes of learning styles which are visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. In visual mode, you can describe your learning preferences if you can learn by pictures, Shapes, sculpture, or paintings. Some individuals prefer learning by gestures, body movements, object manipulation and positing, which is kinesthetic. Last but not least, there is the auditory mode which includes listening, rhythms, tone and chants. According to, Alsop Ryan, 1996, learning styles have a profound impact on learning. Personal awareness of learning styles and confidence in communicating this is the first steps towards achieving an optimal learning environment. (Alsop Ryan, 1996.) Discovering your personal learning style helps you with your skill development. This also gives you personal awareness and helps you to utilize your thinking skills effectively. Knowing your learning style helps you to navigate through your career and helps you to be in control of your own success. For instance, Omrod, 2008, p.106 wrote, â€Å"Some cognitive styles and dispositions do seem to influence how and what information is presented through words (verbal learners), whereas others seem to learn better when it’s presented through pictures (visual learners)†. Thus educational psychology students and aspiring teachers are being taught that students have particular learning styles and that these styles should be accommodated by instruction tailored to those learning styles. Having knowledge of my personal learning style helps me to make better judgments, when deciding on my point of view on a particular subject. I believe that being a visual learner, is a great way to learn. Most things people know is by seeing with their eyes and watching. When watching, it’s easier to learn a lot about people and things that are beneficial to you. I learn a lot about my surroundings and things about myself, being a visual learner. It is easy for me to organize information, define problems and develop theories. I believe being a visual learner is a strong asset because it helps me achieve on higher levels on a daily basis in everyday life. It is more convenient, well an advantage to know your learning style and to utilize it. Setting Goals Success comes from acquiring a positive mentality, preparing and focusing on desired goals. Success is making the best choices to prevent failure and to succeed. Success requires a challenge and commitment and helps an individual to accomplish goals. It is based on Ryan (1970) premise that conscious goals affect action. A goal is the object or aim of an action, for example, to attain a specific standard of proficiency, usually within a specified time limit. As industrial-organizational psychologists, our primary interest has been to predict, explain, and influence performance on organizational or work-related tasks. Thus, we focused on the relationship between conscious performance goals and level of task performance rather than on discrete intentions to take specific actions (e. g. , to apply to graduate school, to get a medical examination). According to Dobbins, Pettman, 1997, Set Goals It’s mandatory to set goals, so that you can be successful. Goal setting can help an individual tremendously because they can set short term goals and accomplish them. I have many goals, dreams and aspirations†¦ My lifetime goal is to become a CEO of a 500 fortune company 10 years from now. Setting short term goals can help me achieve my long term goals and get closer to my dreams. Setting goals can also give me a peace of mind and keep me focused . Time management gives you the opportunity to get a lot done throughout the day. Eventually you will be able to accomplish small to larger tasks. Setting goals and managing time, you would surely achieve your set goals. Skills that you learn daily from school or your personal life can be used as transferable skills that will help you advance at being successful. We know that success is derived from both knowledge and positive mental attitude. We also know that failure is strongly associated with lack of knowledge and negative attitudes. Focusing upon desired goals stimulates excitement and enthusiasm, which are in turn strongly associated with positive mental attitude. Very few people are prepared t o set goals. Most people are not prepared to learn more or make the necessary efforts to be more positive. Apply Skills The writing process helps you advance in your education and career because it’s easy to brain storm. Applying knowledge you gain will always be beneficial. Academic integrity is important you are taking responsibility for your work. As far as conducting research and citing information where you have found your sources. Plagiarism a complex concept, argues Sutherland-Smith, who isolates six elements of plagiarism (pp. 70-3) from the work of Peccorari (2002): language borrowed or stolen source, by whom, without acknowledgement, with or without intent to deceive. Plagiarism comes with consequences if one isn’t careful. There is a possibility of being expelled from school. Conclusion Continuing academic success is a great path to take. On continuing your education you learn to gain knowledge, set goals and apply what you have learned. Knowing your learning style will also help you to achieve in being successful! References Dobbins, R., Pettman, B. O. (1997). Set goals. Equal Opportunities International, 16(6/7), 9-43. ProQuest Central. Robertson, L., Smellie, T., Wilson, P. (2011, March). Learning Styles and Fieldwork Education: Students perspectives. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58(1), 36-40. ProQuest Central. Ryan, T. A. (1970). Intentional behavior. New York: Ronald Press White, G. (2009) ). Plagiarism: The internet and student learning-improving academic integrity. Australian Journal of Education,53(2), 209-211
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Indicactor Lab: What is in each Test Tube? :: essays research papers
What is in each test-tube? What proof do I have of this? Test-tube A: Test-tube A had water in it. I can base this on the fact that it was a neutral, reacting neither to red or blue litmus paper. Phenolphthalein also did not react to this substance. The pH value was 7, neutral, also adding to the proof that this substance was water, because water is neutral. The substance was clear and odorless, and all of these reactions combined led me to my conclusion of substance A being water. Test-tube B: Test-tube B had spoiled milk in it. The substance reacted to blue litmus paper, and red litmus paper underwent no change. Phenolphthalein did not change, and the pH value was 6, a weak acid. The appearance of this substance was a thick, white liquid that had a horrible odor. These observations led me to my conclusion that substance B is spoiled milk. Test-tube C: Test-tube C had ammonia in it. The substance reacted to red litmus paper, and it had no effect on blue litmus paper. Phenolphthalein turned a hot pink color very quickly, and the pH value was about 11.5. The substance was clear and had a strong odor to it. These results led me to my conclusion that substance C is ammonia. Test-tube D: Test-tube D contained lemonade. The substance reacted to blue litmus paper, and red litmus underwent no changes. It had no effect on Phenolphthalein, and its pH value was 3, a strong acid. Knowing that lemons are very acidic, and that the substance was yellow and sweet smelling, I concluded that substance D was lemonade. Test-tube E: I could not come to a conclusion on what substance E was. It reacted weakly to blue litmus paper, and it did not change red litmus. It had no effect on Phenolphthalein, but its pH value tested as 7. This cannot be correct however, because all acids have a pH value less than 7. The appearance and smell were not of any help, because it was a clear substance with a slight odor I couldn’t key in on.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Marketing plan description
What major demographic developments and trends pose opportunities or threats to firms doing business in this product category? Cutter Automotive can expect the following demographic changes to affect them (Ferron J) Reduction in number of customers who buy on impulse The customer base is decreasingly responsive to novelty , change and variety The customer of the present generation is looking for quality , durability and appropriateness There is an increased trade off between time and convenience to get a good buy. The customer base is looking for the best bargain and is not loyal like the earlier generations There is noticed increased loyalty to brands but not over all the products of that brand. The generation of today is spending more time and money at home There is noticed an increased focus on purchases with the future in mind. The customer is also information savvy and can be expected to know the in and out of the products and offers. The above list of changes can be an opportunity or a threat to the firm depending on the decisions that it implements. The firm can tailor its future business plan to take into account the changing mindset of the customer and make the shift in demographics an opportunity not a threat. The customer of the future is looking for the best bargain and is working more often than not on a budget.  The families of tomorrow are also 2 or more car families and if the dealership can convert sale into loyalty, the benefits could accrue in the form of future business. Due to the advent of the information age, the dealer can no longer rely on smooth talking sales personnel but on delivery of facts and offers. The dealership also needs to keep in mind the increase in online booking especially since the cars are mass made. What broad cultural or sub cultural patterns affect the public’s attitude towards the firms and/or products of the firms doing business in this product category? There exists a general perception amongst the public that car dealerships can be equated to words like â€Å"fleecing†. There also exists a perception like the dealership sells old cars made to look like new, over charges for accessories, the discounts advertised are not really discounts; customer is leeched if not careful. In a study conducted by HarrisInteractive for a project entitled Automotive Retailing today in 2004 , it was found that negative perceptions about what it is like to buy a car from a dealership is very different from actual experiences . These are sentiments handed down from generation to generation or person to person. A sample few may have had a bad experience or the dealership attitude may have been in the projected negative mould, and this has established itself as the image associated with a car dealership. This perhaps stems from the time when manufacturers were few , the car dealer was the all knowing and important person in control of sales , there was a monopoly of sorts and the product was an expensive investment. This situation may have given rise to the advice â€Å" Be careful while buying a car from the dealership , they will try to fleece you†. The study also found that people did not trust car dealerships in general but trusted â€Å"their†dealership, people held the perception that buying a car from the dealer is always a bad experience but personally never had one , women are not treated as well as men in an auto dealership. Cited Ferron , J., an
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Write a comprehensive note on the role of a teacher in the Montessori classroom
The teacher in a Montessori classroom takes on a completely different role to a teacher in a traditional classroom. So much so, that directress or guide are preferred over the word teacher. The reason for this is that it is the teachers main role to guide the children and help the children in their learning. The teacher isn't a person who pushes the child to learn when & what she wants them to learn. The teacher doesn't cause the child to learn. They aren't the conduit for knowledge that than flows into the child's mind. The child's active mind will do the learning on its own.Being a guide doesn't just consist of just talking to the children. A guide must be aware of each child's personality, how they work,what they are interested and which stage of development that are at. They must also understand child development and growth. The guide must also be aware of her behaviour and attitudes as well. The teacher is responsible for putting Montessori principles into practise in the classr oom. The environment in a Montessori classroom is also vitally important. It is the role of the teacher to prepare the environment to allow the learning process to happen naturally.A full understanding of the Montessori method is vital so she she can use the correct classroom materials and techniques to encourage the child's learning. A teacher shouldn't be the focal point in the environment she is creating. The learning materials very important and must cater for the needs and interests of the children in her class. She will usually be found working with an individual child or a couple at at time. It is very rare that the teacher will present a large group lesson. She may present a new lesson and observe and advise the students, as the priority is the child's learning.She needs to meet as many needs as possible for as many students as possible each day. This is a big part of planning the environment because each child is an individual with different needs and are all at different d evelopmental stages. Interests, desires and learning styles also differ immensely. It is important that all these factors and all students are considered when preparing an environment. When an enviroment is set up correctly students should be able to easily choose their own activities and find their own answers to problems with their teacher there to mentor and guide them.Students will be scattered through out a peaceful classroom, individually or in small groups of 2's and 3's, totally absorbed in working on appropriate activities for their stage of development. Often it can be difficult to pick out the teacher in the type of environment. A teacher in a Montessori classroom would normally be involved in the following activities through the course of a day. Preparation of the environment. This needs to be in line with the students in her class, the activities they are interested in and the stages of development they are at.She is the link between the environment and the child and is engaged actively between the two. The teacher is also responsible to keep the classroom in perfect condition. It is important that the children can make their own choices easily. The environment needs to be changed and updated whenever required. At times things will need to be added and at other times, things taken away. The teacher will experiment with the environment to work out what is needed to meet the needs of her children. Observing the child is vital in the Montessori classroom.By constantly observing the children, the teacher is able to understand their interests and tailor the environment to suit. All observations should be done in a systematic way and all observations must be noted. Through these observations the teacher is always aware of the children's sensitive periods, their progress, needs & interests. She is always carefully noting the outcomes of her observations. A Montessori teacher will give only brief lessons. She does this with the simplest information needed to entice the child to work alone on the project that he is curious about.Her presentations need to be demonstrated in a clear and interesting fashion which is relevant to the child. The way this all comes about is, the teacher will be watching the child as they explore the shelves & equipment to make their choice. She will go to the child and take consent to work with that particular material or piece of equipment. She will get the child to help take the material to an area where he will work and specify its place on the shelf. The teacher gives the child the rules for using that piece of equipment and gives a brief, precise demonstration of the things that can be done with that equipment.This demonstration is a brief introduction and an initial exploratory procedure. The child is encouraged to explore further on their own. The goal of Montessori is for the child to become independent and self disciplined. Presentations let the child investigate, work autonomously and at their own pace, moving on to the next step when they have achieved their objective, therefore helping to achieve independence as the child learns to use the materials & the classroom with a minimum amount of supervision and no interruptions.The main purposes of a Montessori guide are to focus on the child rather than the lesson. She evaluates the child and his progress each day. Through these evaluations she is also discovering whether her preparation of the environment has been effective too. The teacher nurtures the child and inspires him to ask questions and be a thinker so he can discover and keep exploring for himself. She does all this in an atmosphere of warmth, safety, stability and friendship. She is the child's mentor & coach.She learns when it is appropriate to offer help or set limits and when it is best to leave the child to himself. She needs to communicate with the child and encourage him to communicate with her. She is a role model for the children in the area of behaviour an d consistency and also follows the classroom rules as an example to the child. It is her responsibility to report to parents and other staff on the progress of each child. The roles of a Montessori teacher are wide & varied and one where the child's best interest is of the highest value.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Social Environment Essays - Aid, Humanitarian Aid, Poverty
Social Environment Essays - Aid, Humanitarian Aid, Poverty Social Environment Social Environment and Its Effect On One's Life Social environment is influenced by one's power and wealth. This, in turn, determines success or failure in peoples' lives. If one were born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he would easily be able to attend a fancy school no matter how intelligent he is or have any luxury he wants just because of power and wealth. On the flip side, if one were born to a poor family in a bad neighborhood infested with violence and drugs, he would have a much smaller chance of succeeding in life, more especially, going to an upper-class school. It is hard for many poor to go to college because of such high tuition costs. Scholarships are available; but, even though one shows financial need, one still has to have a high grade point average and test scores. Even if one has a good mind, trying to study in a gang-ridden neighborhood with constant gunfire isn't easy. With both parents working two jobs, there isn't any parental guidance. Whereas, the affluent, even if busy or working, have the means to insure that their children are supervised and well taken care of. The rich also have the luxury of affording special tutors to help their children while other children are on their own. For example, there are three students, one from a clean, upper-class community, another from a small, middle-class suburb and the other from a graffiti-ridden slum. All three of these students have exceptional GPA's and scored very well on standardized testing. The student from the upper-class community will have the best chance of succeeding. Tuition will never be a problem and chances are that those parents have some pull because of who they are. The middle-class student won't have a great problem but there is still the fact of paying tuition, which would limit the options quite a bit. One may be smart enough to get grants but the family makes too much money. Also, if he sought admission into a prestigious school and it came down to the student or someone richer, the middle-class student would probably lose out. Some of the many reasons for this are that the affluent family will most likely have been an alumni to that particular school. If not, they will have better connections and will have a more impressive letter of recommendation written for the student. However, the lower-class student would have a much rougher time. Even with good grades, he might lack the opportunities that others may have. Tuition is definitely a problem and with an overworked guidance counselor, a problem of a poorer school system, scholarship information might be missing. Most importantly, there would be a decided lack of motivation on the part of the school, family and maybe even the student. I am not saying that social environment is the definitive factor in someone's lifetime accomplishments. It is common knowledge that it is difficult to get out of a bad situation such as growing up without any of the advantages others have, but many have managed. There is a way out, it just takes a strong mind and a strong will to do so. If someone is intelligent enough, they can try to go out and grab the recognition they deserve. Social environment as a determining agent is definitely a human-made force. In society, the poor are regarded with contempt or completely ignored while the rich are seen as having the authority over everything. The poor are seen as undeserving, therefore, not receiving much of an education, if any. In any society, there are always the strong and the weak; and, in this case, the weak are portrayed as the poor by the rest of society. Some feel that the weak in our society should be eliminated because they are no more than mere pests, irritating the rest of society. In my opinion, there isn't much to be done to change the way society thinks. As long as the elite control businesses and schools, they will still have the authority over what the public thinks and does. The best thing to have is a positive outlook on all situations and never stop trying. If one never gives up, one can achieve his goal no matter how unreal it may seem at the time. The most important thing is never to let society get in the way. One must not fall prey to society's evils and give up. If there were to be a solution, it would have to be bringing more
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Used To vs. Use To
Used To vs. Use To Used To vs. Use To Used To vs. Use To By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, Which is correct  He USED to go to the game on Friday. He USE to go to the game on Friday. When the statement is positive, as in the reader’s example, the expression is used to. In negative statements, the expression is use to. For example, â€Å"He didn’t use to go to the game on Friday.†The expressions are used to speak about things that were habitually done in the past. Both used and use are followed by an infinitive. For example: We used to play baseball every Saturday. I used to live in Cleveland. There used to be a house on that corner. The d is dropped when the sentence is negative: I didn’t use to worry about money. I didn’t use to celebrate Christmas. There didn’t use to be a gas station on that corner. Here are some current examples from the Web: Chris Pratt Used To Live In A Scooby Doo Van Pope Francis reveals he used to work as a bar bouncer He [Jon Stewart] didn’t use to care and his show was funnier. Actors didnt use to be celebrities. Women didnt use to talk politics in this country. I used to tell people wed sell everything but the kitchen sink. I used to love this view Positive sentence: used to. Negative sentence with didn’t: use to. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Spelling Test 134 Writing Tips That Will Make You a Better WriterThe Difference Between "Shade" and "Shadow"
Sunday, November 3, 2019
History Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
History - Term Paper Example Seeking to explore the emergence of Nazi political dominance in the wake of the collapse of the Weimer Republic, this question will explore the political evolution of fascism in Germany. Many questions will be discussed with reference to the creation of German fascism and how it came to be the underlying ideological underpinning of the Nazi regime. Arguing that unlike the Republican parties of the Weimer Republic, Adolf Hitler and Nazi Party never lost sight of politics, this essay will explore the evolution of National Socialism in Germany with an eye to how the Nazis appealed to their constituents and grew, up to, as well as after the Weimer Republic collapsed. An authoritarian political movement which evolved during the early half of the twentieth century, fascism was the dominant political ideology in Germany for more than a dozen years. Championed by the charismatic torchbearer of this new and increasingly powerful political movement, Adolf Hitler brought fascism to the forefront of German politics by tapping into widespread social discontent following World War I. The section below will describe nascent fascism and its early years in Germany. What lead to the development of fascism in Germany? Fascism arose in response to a variety of domestic and international factors following World War I. Fascism can be defined as a militant political movement which promoted a unique mixture of ideology and organization in an attempt to create a â€Å"new type of civilization†(Knox 11). German fascism advanced an ideology of extreme nationalism, secular idealism and national rejuvenation. From a tactical and organizational standpoint, this movement employed the use of violence to achieve its aims and rejected parliamentary democracy. Additionally, it drew upon corporatist ideas of harmony through hierarchy and advocated national efficiency. Revolutionary in nature, it sought to transform and renew German society though a rejection of egalitarianism and by
Thursday, October 31, 2019
How does social reproduction relate to our understanding of the global Essay
How does social reproduction relate to our understanding of the global political economy How is it defined in the context of IPE - Essay Example From an overarching perspective there is the recognition that social reproduction has been situated within the global political economy in hierarchical ways. For instance, Bakker noted, â€Å"social reproduction is not confined to the household, but forms the foundation of Braudel’s hierarchical model of the economy†(Bakker, p. 542). This hierarchical structure is then view in terms of systematic interaction between the different levels. Notably, this view of social reproduction views it as necessarily in a conflicting relationship with the demands or processes of capitalism. One example of such systematic interaction is given in terms of witch hunts. In this way hundreds of women were executed on the grounds that they were witches. Within the context of the political economy this is viewed as a means of the capitalist apparatus reclaiming power. The fundamental recognition in this sense is that as ‘witches’ demonstrated alternative forms of morality, it w as necessary to execute them to reclaim the power of reproduction. Ultimately the extent this systematic interaction is dependent on conscious or unconscious perspectives is contingent on a variety of notions of social reproduction in the political economy. In the context of international political economy social reproduction takes on another mode of interpretation. Social reproduction not only involves the processes of human reproduction, but also the moral and cultural implications tied into these processes. An extensive array of research has examined this in the context of the international economy. Steans & Tepe consider the ways that international political organizations have worked to change the policy regarding specific groups or demographics. Considering one study they note it examines, â€Å"social reproduction, especially through the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) development
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Managing Diversity and Equal Opportunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Managing Diversity and Equal Opportunity - Essay Example The female literacy and economic empowerment is crucial not only for development but also for the children in the country. It is emphasized in the millennium development goals that child health and literacy levels in a nation show the quality of future population. Thus, at this epoch, management diversity with the provision of equal opportunity is a must to stimulate the economic growth of a country. The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 The parliament of United Kingdom had passed another gender related Act in 1975. The name of this Act was Sex Discrimination Act. This Act attempted to eradicate the discriminations on the grounds of sex and marriage in United Kingdom. The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) was established under the regime of this Act in U.K. The major concern of this Act was to create equal opportunities for both men and women in the workplaces. It was believed by the government of U.K., that progress of the nation would be just impossible without the support of gender u nbiased features in the economy (NCJRS, 1979). Equal Pay Act 1970 The parliament of United Kingdom (U.K.) in 1970 had established the Equal Pay Act that was related to gender issues in the economy. This Act primarily concentrated in reducing the unequal treatments between genders regarding factors like pay and employment opportunities. The Act was incorporated in the country after five years in 1975. The Act considered the factors like pensions, top wages, and leaves which are allotted equally to both the gender in the workplaces. However, the employers protecting their pay rights under the norms of this Act were supposed to consider that the work done by a competitor (whose salary the employers claims) should be same to the work executed by the employer. This Act made it sure that the salaries of two employees are same when the work load is alike. Differentials in pay would be gender neutral (EEOC, 2013). Case Studies Dr Bhal is an African black woman who lived in United Kingdom si nce she was 9 years old. This was the phase of time when the government of U.K. was demanding for equal opportunities for both men and women the country. So as a representative of the Commerce and Industry group in 1990, Dr Bhal was elected as one of the members of Council of Law Society in U.K. In 1993, she became the chairman of the EOC (Bailii, 2006). Dr Bhal had adopted active measures to improve the condition of women in U.K. Her work was appreciated by many officials in the U.K.’s government body. However, traces of her arrogance and rude behaviour were reported in 1998. Jean Johnson the director of the Human Resources claimed that Dr Bhal spoke to him very rudely over official calls (Xperthr, n.d.). The Director of Corporate Management also commented that Dr Bhals attitude in the business affairs were not good at all. It was very difficult to comment on the actual reason for such claims; it could take place due to gender discriminations or could also occur because Dr B hal became egotistical in her attitude. Ultimately the Law Society made Dr Bhal resign on such grounds. Dr Bhal claimed that this was done because the Law Society was gender biased in U.K. and filed a case against the organization in this ground. Dr Bhal’s strong comments to the media claimed that the Law Society had inherent â€Å"fossilised bureaucracy†and was â€Å"full of champagne-sipping racists†. On one hand, the staffs claimed that Kamlesh Bhal’s attitude was shrewd and unprofessional. On the other hand, Dr Bhal has claimed that alpha
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages To Using Indexes Computer Science Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages To Using Indexes Computer Science Essay Put simply, database indexes help speed up retrieval of data. The other great benefit of indexes is that your server doesnt have to work as hard to get the data. They are much the same as book indexes, providing the database with quick jump points on where to find the full reference (or to find the database row). There are both advantages and disadvantages to using indexes,however. One disadvantage is they can take up quite a bit of space check a textbook or reference guide and youll see it takes quite a few pages to include those page references. Another disadvantage is using too many indexes can actually slow your database down. Thinking of a book again, imagine if every the, and or at was included in the index. That would stop the index being useful the index becomes as big as the text! On top of that, each time a page or database row is updated or removed, the reference or index also has to be updated. So indexes speed up finding data, but slow down inserting, updating or deleting data. Some fields are automatically indexed. A primary key or a field marked as unique for example an email address, a userid or a social security number are automatically indexed so the database can quickly check to make sure that youre not going to introduce bad data. So when should a database field be indexed? The general rule is anything that is used to limit the number of results youre trying to find. Its hard to generalise so well look at some specific but common examples. Note the database tables shown below are used as an example only and will not necessarily be the best setup for your particular needs. In a database table that looks like this: Note: The SQL code shown below works with both MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. CREATE TABLE subscribers ( subscriberid INT PRIMARY KEY, emailaddress VARCHAR(255), firstname VARCHAR(255), lastname VARCHAR(255) ); if we want to quickly find an email address, we create an index on the emailaddress field: CREATE INDEX subscriber_email ON subscribers(emailaddress); and any time we want to find an email address: SELECT firstname, lastname FROM subscribers WHERE emailaddress=[emailprotected]; it will be quite quick to find! Another reason for creating indexes is for tables that reference other tables. For example, in a CMS you might have a news table that looks something like this: CREATE TABLE newsitem ( newsid INT PRIMARY KEY, newstitle VARCHAR(255), newscontent TEXT, authorid INT, newsdate TIMESTAMP ); and another table for authors: CREATE TABLE authors ( authorid INT PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(255), firstname VARCHAR(255), lastname VARCHAR(255) ); A query like this: SELECT newstitle, firstname, lastname FROM newsitem n, authors a WHERE n.authorid=a.authorid; will be take advantage of an index on the newsitem authorid: CREATE INDEX newsitem_authorid ON newsitem(authorid); This allows the database to very quickly match the records from the newsitem table to the authors table. In database terminology this is called a table join you should index any fields involved in a table join like this. Since the authorid in the authors table is a primary key, it is already indexed. The same goes for the newsid in the news table, so we dont need to look at those cases. On a side note, table aliases make things a lot easier to see whats happening. Using newsitem n and authors a means we dont have to write: SELECT newstitle, firstname, lastname FROM newsitem, authors WHERE newsitem.authorid=authors.authorid; for more complicated queries where more tables are referenced this can be extremely helpful and make things really easy to follow. In a more complicated example, a news item could exist in multiple categories, so in a design like this: CREATE TABLE newsitem ( newsid INT PRIMARY KEY, newstitle VARCHAR(255), newscontent TEXT, authorid INT, newsdate TIMESTAMP ); CREATE TABLE newsitem_categories ( newsid INT, categoryid INT ); CREATE TABLE categories ( categoryid INT PRIMARY KEY, categoryname VARCHAR(255) ); This query: SELECT n.newstitle, c.categoryname FROM categories c, newsitem_categories nc, newsitem n WHERE c.categoryid=nc.categoryid AND nc.newsid=n.newsid; will show all category names and newstitles for each category. To make this particular query fast we need to check we have an index on: newsitem newsid newsitem_categories newsid newsitem_categories categoryid categories categoryid Note: Because the newsitem newsid and the categories categoryid fields are primary keys, they already have indexes. We need to check there are indexes on the join table newsitem_categories This will do it: CREATE INDEX newscat_news ON newsitem_categories(newsid); CREATE INDEX newscat_cats ON newsitem_categories(categoryid); We could create an index like this: CREATE INDEX news_cats ON newsitem_categories(newsid, categoryid); However, doing this limits some ways the index can be used. A query against the table that uses both newsid and categoryid will be able to use this index. A query against the table that only gets the newsid will be able to use the index. A query against that table that only gets the categoryid will not be able to use the index. For a table like this: CREATE TABLE example ( a int, b int, c int ); With this index: CREATE INDEX example_index ON example(a,b,c); It will be used when you check against a. It will be used when you check against a and b. It will be used when you check against a, b and c. It will not be used if you check against b and c, or if you only check b or you only check c. It will be used when you check against a and c but only for the a column it wont be used to check the c column as well. A query against a OR b like this: SELECT a,b,c FROM example where a=1 OR b=2; Will only be able to use the index to check the a column as well it wont be able to use it to check the b column. Multi-column indexes have quite specific uses, so check their use carefully. Now that weve seen when we should use indexes, lets look at when we shouldnt use them. They can actually slow down your database (some databases may actually choose to ignore the index if theres no reason to use it). A table like this: CREATE TABLE news ( newsid INT PRIMARY KEY, newstitle VARCHAR(255), newscontent TEXT, active CHAR(1), featured CHAR(1), newsdate TIMESTAMP ); looks pretty standard. The active field tells us whether the news item is active and ready to be viewed on the site. So should we should create an index on this field for a query like this? SELECT newsid, newstitle FROM news WHERE active=1; No, we shouldnt. If most of your content is live, this index will take up extra space and slow the query down because almost all of the fields match this criteria. Imagine 500 news items in the database with 495 being active. Its quicker to eliminate the ones that arent active than it is to list all of the active ones (if you do have an index on the active field, some databases will choose to ignore it anyway because it will slow the query down). The featured field tells us whether the news item should feature on the front page. S hould we index this field? Yes. Most of our content is not featured, so an index on the featured column will be quite useful. Other examples of when to index a field include if youre going to order by it in a query. To get the most recent news items, we do a query like this: SELECT newtitle, newscontent FROM news ORDER BY newsdate DESC; Creating an index on newsdate will allow the database to quickly sort the results so it can fetch the items in the right order. Indexing can be a bit tricky to get right, however there are tools available for each database to help you work out if its working as it should. Well there you have it my introduction to database indexes. Hopefully youve learned something from this article and can apply what youve learned to your own databases. This entry was posted in Programming. Bookmark the permalink. 22 Responses to Introduction to Database Indexes Jim says: February 17, 2006 at 7:13 am I think you need to be a bit more the reader knows absolutly nothing when describing the table joins. You lost me for a bit there. Perhaps a better step by step hand holding example would be better. [ Editors note: Sure thing. Ill see what I can come up with for next month! If youre desperate for information and cant wait drop me a line chris at interspire dot com and Ill explain it further ] Reply khani says: May 14, 2006 at 3:55 pm Good effort chris, You ve described Indexes in a simple way. Reply VRS says: May 24, 2006 at 1:32 pm Good article.Do include some explanation on clustered and non clustered indexes. Reply Vivek says: July 13, 2006 at 3:25 am Good article. Helped a lot in understading the basics of indexing. Thanks Reply Unknown says: October 11, 2006 at 8:43 pm Good article man. I really appretiate your effort. Reply Ayaz says: November 14, 2006 at 9:22 am Good article to understand indexes for a beginner. Reply Debiz says: November 27, 2006 at 5:21 pm Very well written and simply explained for those looking for a basic overview Reply Nand says: December 14, 2006 at 11:46 am Good article, felt like walking over the bridge on a gorge. Can u pl. explain drawbacks of using index also. [ Chris note The main drawback is that every insert, update or delete has to change the index as well. If you have a lot of indexes, that adds a lot of overhead to the operation. ] Reply Myo says: December 19, 2006 at 11:56 pm Very easy to understand and gives examples with different situations to demonstrate when and where we should use indexes and why. Thanks man! Reply John Lowe says: March 14, 2007 at 2:57 am A quick a useful reminder to what idexes are all about, thanks. Reply Shravanti says: June 26, 2007 at 3:11 am Good Introduction to Indexes. It would also be valuable to have information on how do indexes work on OLAP side of a Data Warehouse. Reply Harsha says: August 13, 2007 at 11:21 pm crisp tutorial.. good work Reply krish says: September 24, 2007 at 2:44 am Really very nice explanation Reply Alagesan says: October 10, 2007 at 11:33 pm This is a great article to learn indexing for beginners I really appreciate your efforts and good will in explaining them in words here.Thanks! Reply Heather says: October 12, 2007 at 8:23 am This was a great explanation of indexes for me I am self-taught when it comes to databases so the language in this tutorial was very easy for me to understand. Also, you used great examples to help explain your information. THANKS! Reply Jess Duckin says: October 28, 2007 at 4:58 am The explaination on the usage of indexing is very helpful Reply Mayur says: October 29, 2007 at 1:56 pm Thank you very much, a really informative tutorialfor me it was a 100% match to what I was looking for. Thanks Reply satish soni says: January 11, 2008 at 7:17 am Great article on indexes even oracle has not provided that much knowledge about indexes Reply Shweta says: January 11, 2008 at 4:25 pm Good. Just the overview i needed. Reply Hemant Jirange says: January 17, 2008 at 3:39 am Great articlethis is very simple to understand whole disadvantages about index Reply ramesh says: January 18, 2008 at 2:26 am impossible.even wikipedi couldnt match your tutorial on this topicthank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu very much Reply Ravi says: September 12, 2008 at 5:57 am thanks Chris, was an easy read for a database novice. I look forward to seeing the next chapter Reply Leave a Reply Name (required) Mail (will not be published) (required) Website Home | Email Marketing | Shopping Cart | Knowledge Management Software | Content Management Software | Ecommerce Software | Sell Products Online | Our Guarantee | Privacy Policy Copyright 1999-2010 Interspire Pty. Ltd. ACN: 107 422 631
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