Thursday, October 31, 2019
How does social reproduction relate to our understanding of the global Essay
How does social reproduction relate to our understanding of the global political economy How is it defined in the context of IPE - Essay Example From an overarching perspective there is the recognition that social reproduction has been situated within the global political economy in hierarchical ways. For instance, Bakker noted, â€Å"social reproduction is not confined to the household, but forms the foundation of Braudel’s hierarchical model of the economy†(Bakker, p. 542). This hierarchical structure is then view in terms of systematic interaction between the different levels. Notably, this view of social reproduction views it as necessarily in a conflicting relationship with the demands or processes of capitalism. One example of such systematic interaction is given in terms of witch hunts. In this way hundreds of women were executed on the grounds that they were witches. Within the context of the political economy this is viewed as a means of the capitalist apparatus reclaiming power. The fundamental recognition in this sense is that as ‘witches’ demonstrated alternative forms of morality, it w as necessary to execute them to reclaim the power of reproduction. Ultimately the extent this systematic interaction is dependent on conscious or unconscious perspectives is contingent on a variety of notions of social reproduction in the political economy. In the context of international political economy social reproduction takes on another mode of interpretation. Social reproduction not only involves the processes of human reproduction, but also the moral and cultural implications tied into these processes. An extensive array of research has examined this in the context of the international economy. Steans & Tepe consider the ways that international political organizations have worked to change the policy regarding specific groups or demographics. Considering one study they note it examines, â€Å"social reproduction, especially through the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) development
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Managing Diversity and Equal Opportunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Managing Diversity and Equal Opportunity - Essay Example The female literacy and economic empowerment is crucial not only for development but also for the children in the country. It is emphasized in the millennium development goals that child health and literacy levels in a nation show the quality of future population. Thus, at this epoch, management diversity with the provision of equal opportunity is a must to stimulate the economic growth of a country. The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 The parliament of United Kingdom had passed another gender related Act in 1975. The name of this Act was Sex Discrimination Act. This Act attempted to eradicate the discriminations on the grounds of sex and marriage in United Kingdom. The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) was established under the regime of this Act in U.K. The major concern of this Act was to create equal opportunities for both men and women in the workplaces. It was believed by the government of U.K., that progress of the nation would be just impossible without the support of gender u nbiased features in the economy (NCJRS, 1979). Equal Pay Act 1970 The parliament of United Kingdom (U.K.) in 1970 had established the Equal Pay Act that was related to gender issues in the economy. This Act primarily concentrated in reducing the unequal treatments between genders regarding factors like pay and employment opportunities. The Act was incorporated in the country after five years in 1975. The Act considered the factors like pensions, top wages, and leaves which are allotted equally to both the gender in the workplaces. However, the employers protecting their pay rights under the norms of this Act were supposed to consider that the work done by a competitor (whose salary the employers claims) should be same to the work executed by the employer. This Act made it sure that the salaries of two employees are same when the work load is alike. Differentials in pay would be gender neutral (EEOC, 2013). Case Studies Dr Bhal is an African black woman who lived in United Kingdom si nce she was 9 years old. This was the phase of time when the government of U.K. was demanding for equal opportunities for both men and women the country. So as a representative of the Commerce and Industry group in 1990, Dr Bhal was elected as one of the members of Council of Law Society in U.K. In 1993, she became the chairman of the EOC (Bailii, 2006). Dr Bhal had adopted active measures to improve the condition of women in U.K. Her work was appreciated by many officials in the U.K.’s government body. However, traces of her arrogance and rude behaviour were reported in 1998. Jean Johnson the director of the Human Resources claimed that Dr Bhal spoke to him very rudely over official calls (Xperthr, n.d.). The Director of Corporate Management also commented that Dr Bhals attitude in the business affairs were not good at all. It was very difficult to comment on the actual reason for such claims; it could take place due to gender discriminations or could also occur because Dr B hal became egotistical in her attitude. Ultimately the Law Society made Dr Bhal resign on such grounds. Dr Bhal claimed that this was done because the Law Society was gender biased in U.K. and filed a case against the organization in this ground. Dr Bhal’s strong comments to the media claimed that the Law Society had inherent â€Å"fossilised bureaucracy†and was â€Å"full of champagne-sipping racists†. On one hand, the staffs claimed that Kamlesh Bhal’s attitude was shrewd and unprofessional. On the other hand, Dr Bhal has claimed that alpha
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages To Using Indexes Computer Science Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages To Using Indexes Computer Science Essay Put simply, database indexes help speed up retrieval of data. The other great benefit of indexes is that your server doesnt have to work as hard to get the data. They are much the same as book indexes, providing the database with quick jump points on where to find the full reference (or to find the database row). There are both advantages and disadvantages to using indexes,however. One disadvantage is they can take up quite a bit of space check a textbook or reference guide and youll see it takes quite a few pages to include those page references. Another disadvantage is using too many indexes can actually slow your database down. Thinking of a book again, imagine if every the, and or at was included in the index. That would stop the index being useful the index becomes as big as the text! On top of that, each time a page or database row is updated or removed, the reference or index also has to be updated. So indexes speed up finding data, but slow down inserting, updating or deleting data. Some fields are automatically indexed. A primary key or a field marked as unique for example an email address, a userid or a social security number are automatically indexed so the database can quickly check to make sure that youre not going to introduce bad data. So when should a database field be indexed? The general rule is anything that is used to limit the number of results youre trying to find. Its hard to generalise so well look at some specific but common examples. Note the database tables shown below are used as an example only and will not necessarily be the best setup for your particular needs. In a database table that looks like this: Note: The SQL code shown below works with both MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. CREATE TABLE subscribers ( subscriberid INT PRIMARY KEY, emailaddress VARCHAR(255), firstname VARCHAR(255), lastname VARCHAR(255) ); if we want to quickly find an email address, we create an index on the emailaddress field: CREATE INDEX subscriber_email ON subscribers(emailaddress); and any time we want to find an email address: SELECT firstname, lastname FROM subscribers WHERE emailaddress=[emailprotected]; it will be quite quick to find! Another reason for creating indexes is for tables that reference other tables. For example, in a CMS you might have a news table that looks something like this: CREATE TABLE newsitem ( newsid INT PRIMARY KEY, newstitle VARCHAR(255), newscontent TEXT, authorid INT, newsdate TIMESTAMP ); and another table for authors: CREATE TABLE authors ( authorid INT PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(255), firstname VARCHAR(255), lastname VARCHAR(255) ); A query like this: SELECT newstitle, firstname, lastname FROM newsitem n, authors a WHERE n.authorid=a.authorid; will be take advantage of an index on the newsitem authorid: CREATE INDEX newsitem_authorid ON newsitem(authorid); This allows the database to very quickly match the records from the newsitem table to the authors table. In database terminology this is called a table join you should index any fields involved in a table join like this. Since the authorid in the authors table is a primary key, it is already indexed. The same goes for the newsid in the news table, so we dont need to look at those cases. On a side note, table aliases make things a lot easier to see whats happening. Using newsitem n and authors a means we dont have to write: SELECT newstitle, firstname, lastname FROM newsitem, authors WHERE newsitem.authorid=authors.authorid; for more complicated queries where more tables are referenced this can be extremely helpful and make things really easy to follow. In a more complicated example, a news item could exist in multiple categories, so in a design like this: CREATE TABLE newsitem ( newsid INT PRIMARY KEY, newstitle VARCHAR(255), newscontent TEXT, authorid INT, newsdate TIMESTAMP ); CREATE TABLE newsitem_categories ( newsid INT, categoryid INT ); CREATE TABLE categories ( categoryid INT PRIMARY KEY, categoryname VARCHAR(255) ); This query: SELECT n.newstitle, c.categoryname FROM categories c, newsitem_categories nc, newsitem n WHERE c.categoryid=nc.categoryid AND nc.newsid=n.newsid; will show all category names and newstitles for each category. To make this particular query fast we need to check we have an index on: newsitem newsid newsitem_categories newsid newsitem_categories categoryid categories categoryid Note: Because the newsitem newsid and the categories categoryid fields are primary keys, they already have indexes. We need to check there are indexes on the join table newsitem_categories This will do it: CREATE INDEX newscat_news ON newsitem_categories(newsid); CREATE INDEX newscat_cats ON newsitem_categories(categoryid); We could create an index like this: CREATE INDEX news_cats ON newsitem_categories(newsid, categoryid); However, doing this limits some ways the index can be used. A query against the table that uses both newsid and categoryid will be able to use this index. A query against the table that only gets the newsid will be able to use the index. A query against that table that only gets the categoryid will not be able to use the index. For a table like this: CREATE TABLE example ( a int, b int, c int ); With this index: CREATE INDEX example_index ON example(a,b,c); It will be used when you check against a. It will be used when you check against a and b. It will be used when you check against a, b and c. It will not be used if you check against b and c, or if you only check b or you only check c. It will be used when you check against a and c but only for the a column it wont be used to check the c column as well. A query against a OR b like this: SELECT a,b,c FROM example where a=1 OR b=2; Will only be able to use the index to check the a column as well it wont be able to use it to check the b column. Multi-column indexes have quite specific uses, so check their use carefully. Now that weve seen when we should use indexes, lets look at when we shouldnt use them. They can actually slow down your database (some databases may actually choose to ignore the index if theres no reason to use it). A table like this: CREATE TABLE news ( newsid INT PRIMARY KEY, newstitle VARCHAR(255), newscontent TEXT, active CHAR(1), featured CHAR(1), newsdate TIMESTAMP ); looks pretty standard. The active field tells us whether the news item is active and ready to be viewed on the site. So should we should create an index on this field for a query like this? SELECT newsid, newstitle FROM news WHERE active=1; No, we shouldnt. If most of your content is live, this index will take up extra space and slow the query down because almost all of the fields match this criteria. Imagine 500 news items in the database with 495 being active. Its quicker to eliminate the ones that arent active than it is to list all of the active ones (if you do have an index on the active field, some databases will choose to ignore it anyway because it will slow the query down). The featured field tells us whether the news item should feature on the front page. S hould we index this field? Yes. Most of our content is not featured, so an index on the featured column will be quite useful. Other examples of when to index a field include if youre going to order by it in a query. To get the most recent news items, we do a query like this: SELECT newtitle, newscontent FROM news ORDER BY newsdate DESC; Creating an index on newsdate will allow the database to quickly sort the results so it can fetch the items in the right order. Indexing can be a bit tricky to get right, however there are tools available for each database to help you work out if its working as it should. Well there you have it my introduction to database indexes. Hopefully youve learned something from this article and can apply what youve learned to your own databases. This entry was posted in Programming. Bookmark the permalink. 22 Responses to Introduction to Database Indexes Jim says: February 17, 2006 at 7:13 am I think you need to be a bit more the reader knows absolutly nothing when describing the table joins. You lost me for a bit there. Perhaps a better step by step hand holding example would be better. [ Editors note: Sure thing. Ill see what I can come up with for next month! If youre desperate for information and cant wait drop me a line chris at interspire dot com and Ill explain it further ] Reply khani says: May 14, 2006 at 3:55 pm Good effort chris, You ve described Indexes in a simple way. Reply VRS says: May 24, 2006 at 1:32 pm Good article.Do include some explanation on clustered and non clustered indexes. Reply Vivek says: July 13, 2006 at 3:25 am Good article. Helped a lot in understading the basics of indexing. Thanks Reply Unknown says: October 11, 2006 at 8:43 pm Good article man. I really appretiate your effort. Reply Ayaz says: November 14, 2006 at 9:22 am Good article to understand indexes for a beginner. Reply Debiz says: November 27, 2006 at 5:21 pm Very well written and simply explained for those looking for a basic overview Reply Nand says: December 14, 2006 at 11:46 am Good article, felt like walking over the bridge on a gorge. Can u pl. explain drawbacks of using index also. [ Chris note The main drawback is that every insert, update or delete has to change the index as well. If you have a lot of indexes, that adds a lot of overhead to the operation. ] Reply Myo says: December 19, 2006 at 11:56 pm Very easy to understand and gives examples with different situations to demonstrate when and where we should use indexes and why. Thanks man! Reply John Lowe says: March 14, 2007 at 2:57 am A quick a useful reminder to what idexes are all about, thanks. Reply Shravanti says: June 26, 2007 at 3:11 am Good Introduction to Indexes. It would also be valuable to have information on how do indexes work on OLAP side of a Data Warehouse. Reply Harsha says: August 13, 2007 at 11:21 pm crisp tutorial.. good work Reply krish says: September 24, 2007 at 2:44 am Really very nice explanation Reply Alagesan says: October 10, 2007 at 11:33 pm This is a great article to learn indexing for beginners I really appreciate your efforts and good will in explaining them in words here.Thanks! Reply Heather says: October 12, 2007 at 8:23 am This was a great explanation of indexes for me I am self-taught when it comes to databases so the language in this tutorial was very easy for me to understand. Also, you used great examples to help explain your information. THANKS! Reply Jess Duckin says: October 28, 2007 at 4:58 am The explaination on the usage of indexing is very helpful Reply Mayur says: October 29, 2007 at 1:56 pm Thank you very much, a really informative tutorialfor me it was a 100% match to what I was looking for. Thanks Reply satish soni says: January 11, 2008 at 7:17 am Great article on indexes even oracle has not provided that much knowledge about indexes Reply Shweta says: January 11, 2008 at 4:25 pm Good. Just the overview i needed. Reply Hemant Jirange says: January 17, 2008 at 3:39 am Great articlethis is very simple to understand whole disadvantages about index Reply ramesh says: January 18, 2008 at 2:26 am impossible.even wikipedi couldnt match your tutorial on this topicthank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu very much Reply Ravi says: September 12, 2008 at 5:57 am thanks Chris, was an easy read for a database novice. I look forward to seeing the next chapter Reply Leave a Reply Name (required) Mail (will not be published) (required) Website Home | Email Marketing | Shopping Cart | Knowledge Management Software | Content Management Software | Ecommerce Software | Sell Products Online | Our Guarantee | Privacy Policy Copyright 1999-2010 Interspire Pty. Ltd. ACN: 107 422 631
Friday, October 25, 2019
I Was a Willing Participant :: Personal Narrative Writing
I Was a Willing Participant Toward the end of last semester, I registered for this class mainly for one reason: I had had Emily as a professor before, I liked her class and her teaching style very much, and I wanted to again take a class she was teaching. This was my first opportunity to do so, and I jumped on it. In the bulletin, the class was described as the Graduate Writing Seminar, and through the grapevine, I found out it was not a creative writing class, but instead, a study in critical feminist pedagogies.What the hell, I thought. Ià ll take it anyway. After all, I really just wanted to take another class with Emily, whatever the topic might be. Over winter break, I started thinking about who else would be in the class. I am sure some of the usual suspects would be in Dixon 432 on that first day. Sure enough, when I walked, in I saw Alicia, Megan, Kate, and Kelly, just as I had expected. Before that first day, however, the number one thought going through my mind about this class and the makeup of my classmates was, of course, just how many males would be in that room. For a while, I thought I may be the only one, but I shook that thought out of my mind pretty quickly when I reminded myself that, after all, this was grad school, and the guys here were actually open minded and weren't afraid to take a class containing the prefix fem. I was right. In walked to see Gary and Leon. I had had classes with both of them before, and I knew their ways of thinking, so I felt à ¬safe.à ® (Though I must admit that when Gary first proclaimed himself a à ¬feministà ® in Sharon Lewis' class last semester, my initial thought was à ¬this guy just wants to get laid.à ® That was stupid and wrong.) So here I was, one-third of a population of a class that was certainly not going to be the topic of discussion for the next 5 or so months. I was ready to accept that. The program here at MSU had given me many chances to expand my thinking in ways that I had not previously been exposed to, and this class was yet another in that long line.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Imperialism in Africa
Explain what is meant by the term imperialism. Discuss the causes of imperialism in the 1800s. Kamar Findlay ID# 092165839 Mico University College Imperialism in Africa Mrs. Pitter October 29, 2011 Imperialism is â€Å"the creation and or maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination†(Johnston, 2000. p. 375). In its simplest form Farah and Karls (2001) describes imperialism as one country’s domination of the political, economical and social life of another country.The Europeans imperialism during the 1800s occurs out of the advantages of strong economies, well organized governments and powerful armies and navies. ‘Superior technology including riverboats and telegraph, as well as improved medical knowledge also played a part’ (Esler et al 2009. p. 752). Advances such as the Maxim Machines Guns and steam driven warships were very st rong signals in persuading the Africans and Asian to accept European domination. European imperialism did not begin in the 1800s. European states have had empires in the Americas after 1492 and in South Asia and China.Imperialism has been found in the histories of Japan, the Assyrian Empire, the Chinese Empire, the Roman Empire, Greece, the Persian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire, ancient Egypt, and India and was a basic component in the conquest of weaker state. According to Smith (1998) the word itself, derived from the Latin verb imperare (to command), the Roman concept of imperium, while the actual term ‘Imperialism' was coined in the 16th century, reflecting what are now seen as the imperial policies of Belgium, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.Imperialism not only describes colonial and territorial policies, but also economic and/or military dominance and influence. From about 1870 to 1914, imperialist gain control ov er much of the world. Leading the way were the soldiers, merchants, settlers, missionaries, and explorers. In Europe, imperial expansion found favor with all classes, from bankers and manufacturers to workers. Western imperialism expanded rapidly for a number of reasons. The imperialism in the 1800s resulted from four key factors.First, nationalism created an atmosphere in which rival European countries build empires in their competitive quest for dominance in Europe and indeed the world. Secondly, the Industrial revolution created an extraordinary demand for raw material and new markets, which in essence push industrialized nations to seek over sea territories. Thirdly imperialism rested on the notion of what was called the â€Å"White Mans Burden†. This was a belief that was held by the European powers that it was their responsibility to civilize the people who the belief was pagans.Farah and Karls (2001) lamented that humanitarian impulses inspired many individuals to leav e their secure lives at home and head for distant colonies. The desire was to spread western technology, religion, custom and tradition to those how were seen as the uncivilized. Finally, according to Ellis and Esler (2009) behind the idea of western civilizing mission was the growing since of racial superiority. European races, the lamented, were believed to be superior to all others and domination of the weaker races was simply nature’s way of improving the human species.Nationalism played a vital role in the drive towards imperialism. ‘Nationalism is a political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms’ (Athena, 2001. p. 226) . It is also seen as the belief that a nation will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals Ellis et al (2009) lamented that western leaders claimed that colonies were needed for nationa l security. In the last half of the 1800s European nations visualize them self as the ideal country.If Great Britain started a small colony in distant or Africa, France had to start one too-and so did Belgium, Germany, Italy, Holland, Spain, Portugal and Russia. Nationalism in the extreme promotes the idea of national superiority. Industrialized countries therefore felt they had the right to take control of weaker areas. Countries also tried to increase their power through the control of more land and people. In the 1800s Europe underwent a renewed period of imperialism which was very sophisticated in its nature. Much emphasis was placed on gaining or controlling a colony.The resources and wealth gain from the colony was used to finance war and the army as well as the economy. The stronger a European military gets the more power full that country become in Europe and as such gaining the wealth from a colony could either break or build the power and prestige of a nation. When France for example, moved into West Africa, rival nations such as Britain and Germany seized lands nearby to halt further French expansion. In essence the Europeans taught of the colonies as a source of security. So strong and sophisticated was the sentiment of nationalism that it set of what was known as a ‘Scramble for Africa.West Africa was already known to the European but the interior was untouched. The Belgian king Leopold the second occupies and carry profitable economic activities in the Congo (South Central Africa). Before long Britain, France, Germany and Italy were all lock in a tussle, pressing rivals claim to the region. According to Bickers and Henriot (2000), the scramble was turning out to be bloodshed between European powers. However this was somehow prevented with the calling of the Berlin Conference in Germany by the German Statesman Otto Von Bismarck.This conference was design to reach a peace full agreement over the partition of Africa, but it reflect the ideals of imperialism as only the European powers were invited to the meeting and yet still it was the land of the Africans they were dividing among themselves. The Industrial Revolution of the 1800s knew no borders. The era known as the Industrial Revolution was a period in which fundamental changes occurred in agriculture, textile and metal manufacture, transportation, economic policies and the social structure in England’ (Ashton, 1969. p. 24).Advances in agricultural techniques and practices resulted in an increased supply of food and raw materials, changes in industrial organization and new technology resulted in increased production, efficiency and profits, and the increase in commerce, foreign and domestic, were all conditions which promoted the advent of the Industrial Revolution. ‘The industrial revolution was the most compelling driving force behind imperialism in the 1800s’ (Thompson, 1964. p. 147). The newly build machineries and factory in Europe and the un ited state utilizes tons of raw resources and produces a tremendous amount of manufactured goods.Europe alone could not provide the raw material and the bulk the recourses needed for manufacturing would have to come from outside of Europe. On the same note the European market was becoming overwhelmed with producers and a new market was also needed for the selling of the manufacture goods. As such, face with the desire for well needed raw materials and new markets, the industrialize countries of Europe set out on a quest for new colonies in order to facilitate the needs of their new industrialize cities.Fascinatingly the areas such as East Asia, Africa and the Americas were scarcely known to the Europeans. However the little they know about areas was compelling enough to indicate that these regions amass a huge amount of resources. Thus it is not surprising that these regions would become the safe haven for European exploit of raw material and markets. According Ellis (2009) the indu strial revolution started with the textile industry in Britain and the amount of textile produce was dependent on the availability of cotton.Cotton was grown in huge amount in the regions of North Africa particularly the ancient civilization of Egypt. Cotton was also grown in excessive amount in India and because of this supply it came with little or no surprise that the British would seize the opportunity to colonize and bring these areas under their control. In great demand was raw material such as gold, copper, Rubber, diamond, silver, ivory, steel, Coal, Petroleum. Most of these resources if not all could be found in Africa and areas in the Middle East (Near East).As such these areas became the catalyst of European exploiting and economic activities. The economic demands of the industrial revolution were one of the reasons why these areas with the abundance of resources succumbed to the burden brought by the European imperials ideals. Europeans also ventured on a path to civiliz ed (Civilizing Mission) the people who they themselves claim as uncivilized. The ‘civilizing mission’ as it was term was notably the underlying principle of French and Portuguese colonial rule in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.Kuper (1965) lament that it was influential in the French colonies of Algeria, French West Africa, and Indochina, and in the Portuguese colonies of Angola, Guinea, Mozambique and Timor . The European colonial powers felt it was their duty to bring Western Civilization to what they perceived as backwards peoples. Rather than merely govern colonial peoples, the Europeans would attempt to westernize them in accordance with a colonial ideology known as â€Å"assimilation†. Those who did not practice the Christian faith were seen as pagans and as such it was the ‘white man burden’ (Europeans) to save these people by Christianizing them.According to Esler (2009) during the age of imperialism, growing numbers of catholic and protestant missionaries decided to bring the Christian message to the most remote parts of Africa and Asia. Like many other Europeans and Americans of this period, these missionaries believed that Christianity and Western Civilization together could benefit and transform the world. Educating the people into western education was just another aspect of European conquest as even the education itself was design in such a way to prevent the people from the colonies to accept their own traditions and culture.To achieve these goal missionaries usually set up churches schools and hospitals as well. Esler (2009) explained that some Europeans seized on the theory of Social Darwinism as a proof of their cultural and racial superiority. ‘Social Darwinism’ is a belief, popular in the late Victorian age in England, and America which states that the strongest or fittest should survive and flourish in society while the weak and unfit should be allowed to die’ ( Hawkins, 1997. p. 457).The European adopted this theory and truly put it into effect as one of their reason for conquest and imperial rule was because they saw themselves as the dominant race with the god given right to rule. European during the 1800s and the earlier half of the 1900s view the non-white race of Africa and Asia as barbaric and uncivilized or somewhat a lesser species of the human race. Because of these descriptions the European held it in their view that this race should be control and dominated by the superior race which of course was the Europeans.European domination led to erosion of traditional African and Asian values and destroyed many existing social relationships. Native peoples were forced to work long hard hours for subsistence pay. In an attempt to come to a conclusion, the research done have shown that imperialism in the 1800s was cause out of four key factors. These were the Industrial Revolution, Nationalism, religion and racial superiority. The econom ic demands of the industrial revolution had a profound impact on European economy and the colonies the governed. The more resources came from he colonies the wealthier and more power full the mother country became. In their quest was also to civilized the people of the colonies who the thought were barbaric. As such schools and church alike was established within the colonies. Imperialism was also driven on the basis of racial superiority. The Europeans held the view that they were superior to the colonies over which they dominated. Africa and Asia were the continents that succumb to the imperialist ideals of the 1800s. They were a region with a lot of resources and wealth which was needed to foster economic growth n Europe.Reference Athena,L (2001). Encyclopedia of Nationalism. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers Ashton, T. S. (1969) The Industrial Revolution. London: Oxford University Press Chambers, J. D. The Workshop of the World. London: Oxford University Press, 1968. Esler, A and Ellis, E (2009) World History. USA: Prentice Hall Farah, A and Karls, A. B (2001) World history: the human experience. USA: McGraw Hill Hawkins, M (1997). Social Darwinism in European and American Thought 1860-1945: Nature and Model and Nature as Threat.London: Cambridge University Press Johnston, Ronald John (2000). The Dictionary of Human Geography (4th ed. ). USA: Wiley-Blackwell Kuper H,(1965) Urbanization and Migration in West Africa . California: Mayfield Publishers Company Bicker,R and Henriot,C (2000) New Frontiers: Imperialism's New Communities in East Asia, 1842–1953. Manchester: Manchester University Press Simon C. Smith, (1998) British Imperialism 1750–1970, Cambridge University Press Thompson, E. P. (1964) The Making of the English Working Class. New York: Pantheon
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Critical Analysis of the Methodology Used by Barba-Briosco et al. in Their Study of Pollutants in the Huelva Estuary, Spain
Introduction This paper provides a critical analysis of the methodology used by Barba-Brioso et al. (2010) in their study about water pollution from multiple sources in the Huelva Estuary, Spain. It discusses the extent to which this methodology has enabled the authors to achieve their aims and objectives, focusing on whether one could be confident with the quality of the data provided. It also tackles whether there are any areas in which the methodology could be improved. Barba-Brioso et al. (2010) studied major ions, nutrients, pesticides, etc. in human development-impacted coastal wetland of Huelva Estuary. The hydrodynamics of the area has been modified by previous land use, which led to the division of the ecosystem into a tideland and an artificial freshwater basin. The Huelva Estuary, which is polluted by mine, causes the flooding of the tideland stretch, which occurs twice a day. Acid discharges are also collected in the tidal channel from industrial point sources that play a part in metal enhancement. The tidal situation in Huelva Estuary has an important contribution to the transport of pollutants except for the artificial basin exhibiting cyclic mineralisation pattern. Barba-Brioso et al.’s Methodology The authors initially adopted sampling of the tideland zone in order to take into account the impacts of tidal regimes, in which nine samples were taken for high tide and twelve for low tide. A Zodiac boat was used to access the sampling site. The cyclic freshwater variations were examined by taking water samples of 1-20 cm in lacustrine zone whereby five were collected during winter and three during summer. Additionally, the study collected three samples of running water in summer and five in winter which were taken from open pipes and tributary streams. Field constraints caused an imbalance to the sampling design. The methodology also adopted several specific studies for the reference of general procedures in taking the water samples, which is considered the strength of the methodology since it sought evidence-based practice to utilising the selected procedure. Ion chromatography was also used to determine sulfate, nitrate, and bromide concentrations, amongst others. Critical Analysis of the Methodology The measurement used in Barba-Brioso et al.’s study is rather intricate and highly systematic, as the research itself is objective, quantitative, and is assumed to be statistically valid, as quantitative research must be (Bamberger, 2000; Bower, 2005). The methodology is able to address the primary objective of ascertaining how the concentration of pollutants is influenced by tidal and cyclical regimes in Huelva Estuary. This is demonstrated in the manner by which sampling was chosen, specifically the 9 samples for high tide and twelve for low tide, so that the impacts of tidal regime may be considered. The same was done for the cyclical regimes, in which the same sampling pattern for water was collected. This paved the way to addressing the research objective being mentioned. The adoption of intricate methods for the data in Barba-Brioso et al.’s (2010) study is similar in extent as other studies citing it, such as Zhang et al. (2011) and Guillen et al. (2012). The adoption of the experimental method in Barba-Brioso et al.’s study to examine the research problem is harmonious with its use of basic descriptive statistics of element concentrations and other elements in the wetland. The use of Merck 1000 ppm and bicarbonate determination indicate its pursuit for accurate generation of results relating to water and wastewater examination. The objectivity of the study is also shown in its triplicate measurement of the samples, with the representative value (mean) having achieved specific percentage accuracy. Barba- Brioso and colleagues also cited other authors in their calculation of the instrumental detection limit, which is suggestive of their stance to provide evidence to the relevance and applicability of the method to their study. It only means that the authors wanted to back up their use of such method through other studies utilising the same. Moreover, the objective of detecting anthropogenic inputs through hydrochemical irregularities was addressed in the study by tackling hydrochemical parameters, amongst others, in basic descriptive statistics organised based on tidal and cyclical conditions that took place at the time when sampling was carried out. This allowed the analysis of the estuarine waters to find slight alkaline content alongside local recording of acidic values at the rim of the tidal channel during low tide periods. The objective of detecting anthropogenic inputs through hydrochemical irregularities was also addressed by an identification of the wide variation in the mean pH values in the lacustrine wetland, which is higher during winter (8.4) than during summer (7.5). In addition, the methodology used a Piper diagram to plot the hydrochemical data, bearing dissolved prime cations and anions, which then exhibited two major water types in the wetland, specifically sodium chloride sulfate and a mixture of cal cium, magnesium, and sulfate-chloride. The Piper diagram has been used also in other studies depicting similar direction as that of this study, such as in the studies of Adams et al. (2001), Cloutier et al. (2008), and Van den Boogaart and Tolosana-Delgado (2008). The procedure in Barba-Brioso et al. (2010) revealed greater concentrations of nitrate distribution during low tide, which increases in the upstream route as well as detected the highest levels of nitrate and phosphate in small streams. It may thus be inferred that these data emanating from the methodology, enabled Barba- Brioso et al. to address the second objective, which again is to detect anthropogenic inputs through hydrochemical irregularities. Such objective was also addressed by the methodology’s stance to determine Ca and Mg concentrations through atomic absorption spectroscopy as well as atomic emission spectroscopy to determine K and NA. The application of SPE and HPLC procedures in quantifying all the studied pesticides was also congruent with the objective of identifying the various sources of pollution by apportionment procedures. In the same manner, the methods being carried out alongside this (e.g. use of water and methanol to condition the cartridge, etc.) app arently supported the study’s intention to tackle the objective of identifying anthropogenic inputs through hydrochemical irregularities. Furthermore, to determine trace elements, the methodology used measurements of iron elevated contents at the convergence of the Tinto River and the Tidal channel. Citing the methodology In the study of Guillen et al. (2012), the authors did not use the same methods as Barba-Brioso et al. (2010) in their (Guillen et al., 2012) attempt to find out trace elements’ mobility through the modified BCR sequential extraction method. Rather, atomic absorption spectroscopy and atomic emission spectroscopy were utilised by Barba- Brioso et al. (2010). Mass spectroscopy with plasma of inductive couple carried out the analyses of dissolved trace elements in Barba- Brioso and colleagues’ study. The pursuit of the method to derive the expected precision was seen in an attempt to correct for any drift during the analysis through the measurement of certified reference material, thereby producing the range of a specific mean precision for all the analyses and a particular detection limit optimisation for all the trace elements being analysed.The apportionment methods also allowed different potentially toxic elements to be distributed on a closely parallel manner with the pattern of major cations and anions, in which a declining upstream trend was depicted during both high and low tides. The method used enabled the study to determine the sources of pollution in the Domingo Rubio wetland in Tideland area and overall wetland. The manner of data collection was highly scientific and accuracy-specific, as the study intended to investigate the major ions and trace elements as well as the pesticide distribution in the coastal wetland. The passing of the replicates of water sample through the equivalent cartridges at a specific flow rate was also indicative of an aim to ascertain pesticide distribution, which was linked to an objective of identifying the various sources of pollution in Domingo Rubio. It may also be observed that the analytical methods concerning anions and nutrients in which Merck 1000 ppm and Standard Methods were used to examine water and wastewater were parallel to the objectives of determining hydrochemical anomalies and various sources of pollution in the wetland. It may therefore be claimed that the extent to which the methodology has enabled the investigators to meet the stated aims and objectives is sufficient enough. Further, the quality of the data being provided was something to be confident about. The authors enumerated the analytical methods and procedures one by one, strongly focusing on the details of these procedures, including the elements being examined. They also used a table on which to organise the data, clear enough for the reader to understand them. The high confidence level of the data being presented is indicative of how they were analysed in the results section, in which the parameters of water quality were summarised and compared, alongside the samples’ chemical composition. In this regard, the study is able to pinpoint that the tidal channel is characterised by slight alkaline content, describing its pH mean values during low tide and high tide, and that there is the presence of acidic values at the rim of the tidal channel during low tide. This specific analysis was enabled by the kind of data being gathered and the manner through which to analyse them. In addition, the methodology paved the way for the result to conclude that the water samples being examined were oxidising. Similarly, it was able to point out that the most acidic water had the higher Eh values, leading to a deviation from the common pattern demonstrated by the dominant waters in the wetland. The results also revealed the existence of the effect of tidal interaction through the way the data were used to examine the gradual decline of the electrical conductivity in the upstream route. The data also allowed identifying the period when the maximum value was recorded. The study’s depiction of dissolved oxygen concentrations in the draining streams across the agricultural areas is parallel to its objective to find out the influence of tidal and cyclical conditions on the concentrations of pollutants. An interesting point to mention is the fact that Barba-Brioso et al.’s (2010) study was cited by Haarstad et al. (2011) in their investigation of pollutants in natural wetla nds and the latter also used the experimental design, enabling the authors to identify the pesticides found and identify toxic heavy metals. An experimental design – with a different statistical approach – was also utilised in Barba-Brioso et al.’s (2010) study on the application of the life cycle impact assessment to the Domingo Rubio tidal structure. With the above discussion, it is thereby concluded that there are no more areas in which the methodology could be improved as it was able to cover all the necessary aspects deemed to be achieved by the objectives. Conclusion This paper has been focused on analysing critically the methodology adopted in the study of Barba-Brioso et al. (2010), which is about water pollution from multiple sources in the Huelva Estuary. This work is able to pinpoint the extent to which the methodology has allowed the aims and objectives to be addressed in their entirety. Sampling for both high tide and low tide was utilised in Barba-Brioso et al.’s study to consider the impacts of tidal regimes, in which water samples were taken during winter and summer. A highly systematic and intricate methodology was adopted, considering that the study itself was quantitative where objectivity and statistical validity were highly considered. The study’s adoption of the experimental method is consistent with the use of basic descriptive statistics that allowed examining the concentrations of elements in the wetland. It also utilised hydrochemical parameters, amongst others, as a way to contribute to addressing its objective to identify hydrochemical irregularities. With the study’s identification of dissolved oxygen concentrations in the draining streams, it likewise tackled the objective of recognising the influence of tidal and cyclical conditions on the concentrations of pollutants. The conclusion thus generated is that the methodology was able to cover all areas and that there were none left to be improved because of this. References Adams, S., Titus, R., Pietersen, K., Tredoux, G., and Harris, C. (2001) Hyrdochemical characteristics of aquifers near Sutherland in the Western Karoo, South Africa. Journal of Hydrology, 241 (1-2), 91-103. Bamberger, M. (2000) Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Development Projects. Washington, DC: The World Bank. Barba-Brioso, C., Fernandez-Caliani, J. C., Miras, A., Cornejo, J., and Galan, E. (2010) Multi-source water pollution in a highly anthrropized wetland system associated with the estuary of Huelva (SW Spain). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60(1), 1259-1269. Barba-Brioso, C., Quaranta, G., Galan, E., Fernandez, J. C., and Miras, A. (2010) The life cycle impact assessment applied to the Domingo Rubio tidal system by the study of seasonal variations of the aquatic eutrophication potential. Science of the Total Environment, 408 (23), 5897-5902. Bower, M. (2005) Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice: Thinking under Fire. East Sussex: Psychology Press. Cloutier, V., Lefebve, R., Therrien, R., and Savard, M. M. (2008) Multivariate statistical analysis of geochemical data as indicative of the hyrochemical evolution of groundwater in a sedimentary rock aquifer system. Journal of Hydrology, 353 (3-4), 294-313. Guillen, M. T., Delgado, J., Albanese, S., Nieto, J. M., Lima, A., and De Vivo, B. (2012) Heavy metals fractionation and multivariate statistical techniques to evaluate the environmental risk in soils of Huelva Township (SW Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 119-120 (1), 32-43. Haarstad, K., Bavor, H. J., and Maehlum, T. (2011) Organic and metallic pollutants in water treatment and natural wetlands: A review. Water Science & Technology, 65 (1), 76-99. Van den Boogaart . K. G. and Tolosana-Delgado, R. (2008) Compositions: A unified R package to analyze compositional data. Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), 320-338.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Integration of Non-Verbal Communication in the Workplace essays
Integration of Non-Verbal Communication in the Workplace essays Within the education system, and educational institutes, body language can aid teachers and counselors when dealing with troubled students or students who seem to be performing poorly in the classroom. "Teens are particularly expressive when it comes to body language" (Pierce- Rusunen, D.1) and recognizing the cues and signals could assist in gauging self-esteem issues and problems at home or at school. "Girls will let their hair fall so it covers their eyes or the sides of their face [and] they're more hunched over, their eyes are downcast" (Pierce-Rusunen) are all cues that teenage girls have issues with confidence and being assertive. These are all vital skills and traits for not only dealing with school, but also after school when students move on Body language cues could also aid school counselors with problem or troubled students. Two forms of body language in students tend to be most prevalent; lowered eyes and the stare'. "They stare when they are upset or angry." (Pierce-Rusunen) and lowered eyes' usually occurs when teachers search for an answer after asking a question and they look around the room. Teachers can also be aware of the non-verbal cues they are giving off to their students. It is important that teachers do not alienate students, or appear vulnerable in the classroom so good non-verbal communication skills can support their role within the classroom, making them more effective teachers and better communicators. Teachers can also instruct students on the value of body language and especially younger children and teenagers this could be not only beneficial in a social context, but also in protecting themselves against strangers or unusual circumstances. Beyond the classroom, body language could be used amongst faculty members and staff in their own dynamics as it is used in the business world ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Young orphan boy Essay Example
Young orphan boy Essay Example Young orphan boy Essay Young orphan boy Essay Essay Topic: Black Boy Great Expectations is an enthralling, complex tale with a surprising twist. It is a rags to riches story for a young orphan boy, whose name is Pip. In the beginning of the novel, Pip the protagonist, has a chance meeting with Magwitch an escaped convict, still in leg irons. Pip is threatened, and shortly returns with food and a file, which pleases Magwitch. Pip has no idea of the significance that this chance meeting will have on the rest of his life. Some time later, Pip meets the wealthy, eccentric Miss Havisham and her adopted daughter, Estella. Miss Havisham is a deeply troubled individual. On her wedding day her groom fails to turn up and the wedding is cancelled. This has lead to Miss Havishams vendetta against all men, and she uses the beautiful Estella as the main tool in this quest. Despite Estellas spitefulness, Pip immediately falls in love with her. Pip learns that he has a mystery benefactor, which he assumes is Miss Havisham. With his new found wealth, Pip decides to go to London to pursue to life of a gentleman. Pip disowns and is embarrassed by his past. Many years later Magwitch appears on the scene and announces that he is the secret benefactor, which leaves Pip in a state of shock. Pip eventually reacquaints himself with his past and befriends Estella. Pip has learnt during his life that money is not everything and happiness is more important. In Great Expectations there are many themes the most important of which is power. For example, Miss Havisham seeks total power over men. Another major theme is friendships. The manner of friendships is explored and how they can change over time. Finally ambition and self improvement is a potent theme. Pip seeks to gain an education and is not satisfied in being a blacksmiths apprentice. The wealthy, barely sane Miss Havisham lives in a decaying mansion called Satis House. Firstly, Dickens describes her appearance as being withered along with her bridal dress. He also says that she looks like a waxwork and a skeleton crossed together which seems inhuman to Pip, as a young boy. Furthermore Dickens says the dress had been put on it a rounded young figure of a young woman, and that figure of which it now hung loose We can learn from these descriptions that Miss Havisham no longer cares about her figure after being jilted on the day of her wedding, as she still sits in her wedding dress. Another way Dickens represents Miss Havisham is by showing her actions. He says that she sits there each and every day corpse like. Miss Havisham also orders Pip around, for example she says Play, play, play! This would make Pip intimidated as he is just a young boy, this would also make the reader dislike Miss Havisham. Additionally, Dickens uses her interactions with others to describe her. Firstly she talks to Pip as though he is not in the room, for example she says to Estella Well! You can break his heart. This implies she wants to hurt Pip and she does not care about his feelings. Miss Havisham is a very demanding person. For example she says to Pip I have a sick fancy that I want to see some play. There, there! This implies that she has nothing good to do with her life and is extremely bored. Miss Havisham also fells sorry for herself. When she touches her heart she says Broken! Dickens writes that she says it in a boasting tone of voice which again implies that she wants the listener to feel sorry for her. After reading chapter 8 nobody will feel any sympathy towards Miss Havisham. She treats Pip with disdain when he has done nothing wrong. Miss Havisham presents herself as a disturbing character because of her clothes, speech and general rude behaviour. Miss Havisham comes across as an arrogant person. This shows through her hatred of men, and the way in which she has moulded Estella into her way of thinking. As the story progresses we come to understand just why she is so obsessed with destroying mens lives. Dickens reveals that Miss Havishsams mother died at an early age, which immediately set her on the wrong path in life. The first experience of a man betraying her came when her father secretly marries his cook. Miss Havisham is completely oblivious to this, it is only when his new wife dies that Miss Havisham is informed. Worse still that she also has a secret half brother. In Victorian times all of these matters would have been seen as unacceptable. Indeed, Mr Havisham being a wealthy, powerful businessman should not be seen marrying a mere cook. But what was to happen next to Miss Havisham would be far more damaging. In time Miss Havisham falls in love with a less than kindly gentleman. In fact it is said that she idolised him. He insists on taking over all of Miss Havishams business interests. Little does she know that her fianci e and her estranged half brother have been plotting together to ruin Miss Havisham. It is at twenty minutes to nine on her wedding day that Miss Havisham discovers her fianci e is an evil trickster and that the wedding is off. Victorian women were expected to be hard working around the house and to have and respect a husband. Women were also expected to have children. Additionally, Victorian women would not have been expected to have control over business affairs. So it seems that on all these issues Miss Havisham has failed. She has been jilted on her wedding day, has no child but an adopted daughter, and has handed over her business affairs to her swindling fianci e. It is in chapter 22 that Dickens changes our view of Miss Havisham. Our feelings towards Miss Havisham do change somewhat. It is apparent that Miss Havisham is a victim of an evil plot where two men have betrayed her. This has been the trigger that has started her vendetta against all men. When Estella returns from London in Chapter 38, Dickens shows a different side to a usually in control Miss Havisham. When Miss Havisham is arguing with Estella, she shows characteristics of how Pip was feeling in Chapter 8, such as being helpless. Miss Havisham is now speaking in a desperate manner as she knows she is losing the power she once had in her self contained world. This shows when she turns to Pip for support and says Did I ever give her love! This also shows that she needs Pip where before she just needed him to tease. This is an example of her losing control over Estella. Furthermore Miss Havisham now interacts with others differently. For example, when she is talking with Estella, Dickens adds exclamation marks to emphasise the more desparate nature of her speech. This is in contrast to Chapter 8 where she is in complete control. Now it seems she is stressed, as she knows that she is losing Estella which is worrying her deeply. In Chapter 38, the reader may start to sympathise with Miss Havishams plight, as she is losing the only thing that she lives for, Estella. Miss Havisham is now seen as being pathetic as Dickens says She hung upon Estellas beauty, hung upon her words, hung up on her gestures This shows that she is obsessed by her and is afraid of her walking out of her already dismal life. Therefore the reader has sympathy for Miss Havisham very much in contrast to Chapter 8 Is Miss Havisham a victim of her own bitterness and anger? I do believe that Miss Havishams response to her life problems is ridiculous and out of all proportion. One should remember that she had a wealthy and privileged up bringing. However the dreadful experiences she has had have been truly harrowing. Towards the end of the novel Dickens does wish the reader to sympathise with Miss Havisham. My belief is that Miss Havisham has led a misguided and wasted life.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
5 Simple Ways to Building a Great Reputation at Work
5 Simple Ways to Building a Great Reputation at Work Your good reputation is something you should start to cultivate right out of the gate in your first job, and continue to build and protect throughout your career. The better your reputation, the easier it will be for you to move up and keep going in the direction of your dreams. Here are 5 simple ways to building a great reputation at work so you can continue to cultivate your reputation and move up in the world.1. Earn before you askYou know you’re going to do good work and be an asset. You also know you’re going to need to ask for a favor now and then- some PTO, an extra privilege. Have a bit of patience and wait to ask for these perks until you’ve really proven yourself. Show your reliability and don’t ask for anything until you’ve earned it. Down the line, you’ll find you have much more leeway.2. Take initiativeTackle that big project without being asked to do so first. You won’t always get specific assignments, and you certainl y won’t get graded feedback. Think beyond your immediate to-do list and figure out what you could do to help the company- and yourself grow. Sometimes this is as simple as cleaning out the supply closet and earning a few brownie points.3. Be tactfulEven when you’re right, it’s best to couch your opinions with a bit of politicking and humility. Wait to bluster around until you’ve earned that position with battle-tested experience. At the beginning at least, be tactful and try not to come off as an insufferable know-it-all.4. Keep work first with work friendsSome of your best adulthood friends will be friends you make in the workplace. But keep in mind that, at least while you work together, these are professional relationships first and foremost. Even if the company seems totally close-knit, don’t leap into intimate secret telling too quickly. Let it happen naturally. Keep your cards a bit closer to your chest until you’re on more solid groun d.5. Get it doneAsking for help and getting clarifying instructions from your supervisor is a great idea, particularly in your first few weeks, and particularly when you’re still learning the ropes. But after a certain amount of time, you need to learn when to just figure it out and get it done, rather than running to your boss. Remember, they hired you to do the job, not so they could hold your hand.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Why the project fails Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Why the project fails - Essay Example A common factor in all projects is the presence of employees assigned to the project. Most projects are led by a project manager or team leader. The success of a project is dependent on a variety of factors. A lot of times projects fail and companies pay the consequences in terms of monetary and time losses. The purpose of this report is to analyze the different reasons projects fail. The report will also include an analysis of the Smithers case study. One of the most important aspects of working in a team is to have good communication among the team members. The members of a team must communicate well in order for a project to be successful. A lack of communication can lead to undesirable behaviors such as friction, arguments, and a lack of cohesiveness among the employees. â€Å"Effective communication occurs when the intended meaning of the source and the perceived meaning are virtually the same†(Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2003, pg. 339). A lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings between the workers. A way to improve communication between people working on a project is by the members becoming active listeners. Active listening can improve productivity and it enhances the ability of people to communicate, persuade, and negotiate (Mindtools, 2013). A second major obstacle that diminishes the ability of a company to achieve success in its projects is a lack of teamwork. Teamwork has become a critical success factor in the 21st century. Individualism is an undesirable trait among members of a team working on a project. Teamwork occurs when the members of a group work together in ways that utilize their skills well to accomplish a purpose (Schermerhorn, et al, 2003). A project is doom to fail if the members of the team do not work together as a cohesive unit. Companies can enhance the teamwork skills of its employees by offering training and development. â€Å"Problems in project management teams begin when not everyone feels involved or som e are doing a lion's share of the work while others are perceived as doing very little†(Zaphyr, 2013). An employee that plays a critical role in the success of a project is the project manager. This person is responsible for providing leadership for the team. Project managers that do not have good leadership skills are a liability for a company. The presence of strong leadership is needed to guide the efforts of the members of a team working on a project. Without leadership the people working on a project lack the direction and guidance needed for them to perform at a high level. Leadership is important because it enables a person to influence the work behavior of the people working on a project. Three effective leadership styles are transactional, charismatic, and transformational leadership. Without strong leadership the chances of project failure increases dramatically. A factor that is critical towards the success of a team is having adequate resources. A lack of resource s is a constraint that can lead to project failure. Some of the important resources that projects must have are financial, human labor, and machinery and equipment. Sometimes companies undertake a project that they can not fully finance. A shortage of cash can lead to disastrous results for a project such as complete stoppage of work or bankruptcy. A labor force with inadequate skills and capabilities can lead to the demise of a project. Old obsolete machinery and equipment hurts the ability of success of a project. Another factor that is important for the success of a project is the implementation of technology. Analysis Smithers Case Study The Smithers case study discusses the role John Smithers had on a change management initiative of implementing a project to improve the quality control of the company Sigtek. There were
Friday, October 18, 2019
Regulatory Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Regulatory Theory - Essay Example In fact, before these far-reaching reforms, telecommunication service provision remained a monopoly of state corporations or in rare cases, was monopolized by private entities. Due to the fact that the provider of telecommunication services in most cases was the government, the regulation of this sector was never quite independent since, all the policy-making and regulatory powers lay with the government and its agencies (Welfens, 2010). Therefore, the management of telecommunication frequencies and the responsibility of operating networks were a preserve of the government of the day (Davidson et al., 1986). For many developed countries, this classical approach to ICT management was quite profitable for some time, given that the increased international tariffs for telecommunication services covered for the subsidized local tariffs. In addition, with the decreased telecommunication cost that resulted from technological advances, the classical approach to ICT operations did well for mo st developed countries (Welfens, 2010). Unfortunately for the developing and the underdeveloped countries and regions, the classical approach to ICT operation did not work well. The reason for this scenario being that these countries’ networks were somehow restricted to major cities and towns, implying that only the middle and high socioeconomic status citizens could access and utilise ICT services in these countries. While the low socioeconomic status citizen had to make do with poor quality telecommunication services and long waiting lists, the high-income end of the population were advantaged by the cross-subsidisation of ICT prices (Welfens, 2010). Regrettably, the classical approach to ICT regulation did not generate investment income for the developed and the developing countries alike. During the 1980s and the 1990s, the role of telecommunication in the economic growth of countries and the entire world became rather apparent, leading to the development of a number of r egulatory and competition polices, even though to a limited extent, in many countries (Koops et al., 2006). Besides, regulating competition, the regulatory and competition policies were expected to instill dynamism, innovativeness, augment availability, accessibility and increase ICT choices and lower tariffs for customers. The first effect of the wave of ICT reforms that peaked in the 1990s was the privatisation of telecommunication service operators. The second effect of the ICT regulatory policies was the introduction of new varieties of services such as mobile telephony and value-added services (Koops et al., 2006). This paper thus explores the need for the regulation of ICT, whether regulation works in the interests of the public and the implications of convergence and innovation on ICT regulation. The Importance of Regulation That the core role of regulation in any industry is to enable sustainability, growth and development is quite apparent and cannot be overemphasized. Ther efore, the information and communication technology sector, like the other sectors of an economy, requires a strong legal framework and regulatory mechanisms to function for the betterment of the public. A number of reasons have since been identified to underlie the need for the regulation of information communication and technology. Generally, ICT the need for ICT regulation arises from the recently observed structural changes in the communication industry. The transformation of the industry from a monopoly to a competitive one in many a country has particularly necessitated its stronger regulation (Baldwin et al., 2012). Therefore, the regulation of the ICT sector has been particularly important in the creation of an effective environment for fair competition that supports both
Mathematics of infinite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Mathematics of infinite - Essay Example Calculus passed along a dramatic path, with a history worth reminiscing and value worth appreciating. Introduction Calculus, is a branch of mathematics that deals with rates of changes of quantities, area, volume, length and motion of objects. It is also called analysis, real analysis or infinitesimal analysis. Calculus is divided into two branches: differential calculus -concerned with derivatives and the integral calculus- that deal with integrals (Calculus 2013). The invention of Calculus is basically accredited to Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716). Newton and Leibniz’s breakthrough in mathematics had triggered a lot of debates and arguments from their successors which somehow contributed to the total development of the modern calculus that is existent today. The Birth: Calculus by Newton and Leibniz It is amazing to note that Newton and Leibniz discovered the concepts of calculus independently in separate periods of time, in years 1665 and 1673 respectively. Newton first discovered the subject although Leibniz was the first to publish his works in 1684. Leibniz uses symbols and notations and developed formulas obeying certain rules that transformed the theoretical methods of calculus. Leibniz’s study of the relationships of sequences of sums and differences has contributed greatly in concrete problem solving making it the essence of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. He also established the harmonic triangle forming sequences of sums and differences. Leibniz’ another major contribution is the idea of â€Å"characteristic triangle†where a triangle with a curve running along it has infinitesimal sides at every point of the curve (Leibniz’s Fundamental Theorem of Calculus n.d : 133-136). Newton established calculus based on three methods which are the infinitesimal, method of fluxions and the ultimate ratios. He also introduced â€Å"moments of fluxions†, as the amount of increas e of a fluxion in an infinitely small period of time. The â€Å"ultimate ratios†is his attempt to lay the foundation of calculus with the concept of limits (The Calculus of Leibniz and Newton n.d). Newton uses fluxion and fluent instead of derivative and integral. He uses infinitesimals for computations and provided more concepts about differentiation. Newton and Leibniz were not the first mathematicians that made the evolution of calculus possible. They were the first to define â€Å"algorithmic processes†and to set general notations. They formulated the inverse relationship of integration and differentiation in the most logical manner. Their ideas though individually and independently discovered by each one but resulted to be very related has made calculus to stand on firm foundations of knowledge which until now has been used and applied. As a general statement: â€Å"Newton’s legacy is more about the sorts of scientific problems that calculus has consider ed during the past three to four centuries, while Leibniz’ legacy is more about the way such problem are studied†(Burton n.d) Gray Period: Berkeley’s Criticism Newton and Leibniz’ profound usage of â€Å"infinitesimals†has disturbed many mathematicians succeeding them. Lord Bishop Berkeley is one of those who hurled stinging and serious criticisms to this idea. In his book, The Analyst, he exposed his judgment about the validity of calculus comparing it with religion. He derided the idea of â€Å"
Governance of international football Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Governance of international football - Essay Example To logically comprehend the gist of the topic, it is mandatory to understand the concept of governance, a word quite in vogue in the contemporary world. One of the reasons behind the adoption of governance through different fields like international relations, politics and sports is because of the space of authority and need of monitory force in every aspect of human life. Stated differently, no field in the scene of human existence is devoid of the need for controlling and managing forces. The concept of governance has gone through a constant phase of transition through the passage of time. Previously reckoned as the responsibility of a solitary authoritative body, governance today stands for a collaborative work of local authorities, public departments and voluntary organizations. This changing concept of governance is based on the notion of governance as a steering force which means that the responsibilities of governing bodies keep changing and the modern way of governing is by the delegation of responsibilities rather than the concentration of the duties in a single authoritative body. The second approach of governance that focuses governance as networks also opposes the concentration of power to a single entity and favours the positive relationships among organizations (Heacademy: 2007). Governance of Sports: Background: The emergence of governance concept in sports is followed by a number of factors. It was necessarily because of certain flaws witnessed in the governance of sports at different times that led to the attention drawn towards increasing importance of governance of international sports including football. Some of the noticeable flaws of governance in past include the continued confusion is coming up to any decision for the redevelopment of Wembley Stadium. Similarly, the world of football is not devoid of such shortcomings of governing bodies in the recent past as it is clear by the failed bid for the 2006 FIFA World Cup Finals (Heacademy: 2007, p.2) Introduction to Governance of Sports: Aart Kraay elucidates the concept of governance in different scenarios. If applied to the world of sports, governance means the set up by which the authority in any sport is exercised. The process involves the recruitment and monitoring of governing bodies, ability of the authority to implement the policies made for the concerned sport and the respect of members from different countries participating in the sport (2006, p.1). Since the world of sports is wide ranged, different organizational bodies assigned to different sports are designed to govern a specific sport or group of sports. FIFA and UEFA: Since the topic delves into the workings of FIFA and UEFA in terms of governance, it is essential to build a basic
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Investment and Portfolio Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Investment and Portfolio Management - Essay Example The political turmoil in Libya is one of the most crucial among them. Asian markets were one of the most performing ones in the year 2010. The political unrest in Libya has casted a significant impact on the performance of Asian markets. â€Å"Asian currencies completed a weekly decline, led by the Taiwan dollar and South Korea’s won, as an uprising in Libya pushed up oil prices and sapped demand for emerging-market assets.†(Teso, 2011) Due to the serious political unrest in Libya crude oil climbed at a higher rate to $103.41 a barrel. This lead to fall of many Asian stocks as investors withdrew much higher than before. The situation impacted the currency market more than the stocks. It is very much evident that crude oil prices are one of the most important elements of market movement. Many developing nations’ market, especially in Asia is highly depended on the crude oil prices. Therefore, the future of Libya crisis is one of the most important concerns for in vestors across the world. Environmental issues: One of the greatest environmental factors that had affected the market recently is the earthquake in Japan. The fact that Japan is the world’s third largest economy will make the impact even worse. â€Å"The most direct impact is likely to be seen in Japanese exporters, like Honda, Toyota and Sony, whose production facilities will face disruption in the coming days.†(Schlesinger, 2011) Apart from the impact on major Japanese Automakers, the earthquake will impact the liquidity of many insurance companies. All largest insurance companies in Japan will be impacted heavily as they will now have to fund the insurers. As Japan is one of the largest economies in the world, big companies from across the world... This essay stresses that based on the analysis the above three are some of the alternative strategies for Philip Capital. All the three portfolios have their own unique nature. The first strategy is moderate as it has equal distribution of equity and other instruments. The second strategy is aggressive in which the percentage of equity is higher. The third strategy is mainly aimed at risk reduction. On a growth perspective, alternatives 1 and 2 are the best for Philip Capital. Philip Capital should still make a decision about where they should make and active investment and where they should make a passive investment. Generally speaking a passive strategy is useful when the broader market is expected to perform well compared to performance of individual stocks or sectors. The report has given a deep insight into the current issues in investment environment. Investment environment will always be prone to some challenges. The winners are those who come out of such challenges successfully. In terms of Philip Capital, the challenge is a volatile and unpredictable market situation. Based on the analysis of the market conditions, Philip Capital can adopt the two strategies that are mentioned in the previous section. The existing portfolio of Philip Capital has more than 50% of exposure towards UK equities and debts. This percentage is reduced in the two recommended portfolios because the UK market is not expected to perform well in 2011. Philip Capital will thus have a better return on investment from the new portfolio.
Discuss ideologies using a marxist approach Essay
Discuss ideologies using a marxist approach - Essay Example This is because the economy and its indices play very important roles in determining who we are. Modern socialism is, in its content, primarily the product of the perception on the one hand of the class antagonisms existing in modem society between possessors and non-possessors, wage workers and bourgeois; and, on the other hand, of the anarchy ruling in production. In its theoretical form, however, it originally appears as a further and ostensibly more logical extension of the principles established by the great French philosophers of the eighteenth century. Like every new theory, it had at first to link itself to the intellectual material which lay ready at hand, however deep its roots lay in economic facts. Engels 185 Marxism principally has to with the modes of production in any society. Marxism recognizes that there are two main social classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The division can be further divided into petit-bourgeoisie and the lumpen-proletariat. The mode of production which Marxists advocate is socialism. Socialism is a system of production in which everyone in the society is equal; in this society, every form of inequality as a result of ownership and control of the mode of production by individuals is not welcome. Unlike what obtains in a capitalist state, the majority will no longer toil only for the non-working upper class to reap the fruit of their labor. However, Marxists believe that the transformation from capitalism will not happen all of a sudden. The change will go through some evolutionary and revolutionary stage. The change which the people desire would only come when they arrive at that point where they determine that they want it bad enough to ask for itâ€â€this is the time the proletariat have been pushed to the wall. Marxists believe that capitalism will not exist forever because before it, there were some other modes of production like feudalism and slavery. When the proletariats have taken the reins of power from their oppressors, then socialism will emerge. Socialism is the stage where the masses have been able to remove class stratification. Yet, socialism is itself not perfect until the mode of production become communist. The bottom-line is that no matter what the ideology is, the Marxist approach is against it if it promotes social inequality. In trying to come out as conquerors in the battle waged against capitalism and other holders of ideologies that are incoherent with what Marxism stands for, Marxists are well aware of the fact that one of the first places key to their victory is the minds of the oppressed. In daily living, our consciousness plays a very integral role. Every human being makes use of their consciousness in everything they do. Capitalism has succeeded, through bourgeois ideology, in capturing the operations of the consciousness of many people such that they themselves are now the ones that have given themselves to the dictates of capitalism. All these happen because anything that happens under capitalism is built under the construct of ideology. It is the belief of capitalists that profit must be made at all cost. So, they explore all they can; every machine, every human power. The situation in many capitalist enterprises is such that the laborer is far less important than the machine. Capitalism
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Investment and Portfolio Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Investment and Portfolio Management - Essay Example The political turmoil in Libya is one of the most crucial among them. Asian markets were one of the most performing ones in the year 2010. The political unrest in Libya has casted a significant impact on the performance of Asian markets. â€Å"Asian currencies completed a weekly decline, led by the Taiwan dollar and South Korea’s won, as an uprising in Libya pushed up oil prices and sapped demand for emerging-market assets.†(Teso, 2011) Due to the serious political unrest in Libya crude oil climbed at a higher rate to $103.41 a barrel. This lead to fall of many Asian stocks as investors withdrew much higher than before. The situation impacted the currency market more than the stocks. It is very much evident that crude oil prices are one of the most important elements of market movement. Many developing nations’ market, especially in Asia is highly depended on the crude oil prices. Therefore, the future of Libya crisis is one of the most important concerns for in vestors across the world. Environmental issues: One of the greatest environmental factors that had affected the market recently is the earthquake in Japan. The fact that Japan is the world’s third largest economy will make the impact even worse. â€Å"The most direct impact is likely to be seen in Japanese exporters, like Honda, Toyota and Sony, whose production facilities will face disruption in the coming days.†(Schlesinger, 2011) Apart from the impact on major Japanese Automakers, the earthquake will impact the liquidity of many insurance companies. All largest insurance companies in Japan will be impacted heavily as they will now have to fund the insurers. As Japan is one of the largest economies in the world, big companies from across the world... This essay stresses that based on the analysis the above three are some of the alternative strategies for Philip Capital. All the three portfolios have their own unique nature. The first strategy is moderate as it has equal distribution of equity and other instruments. The second strategy is aggressive in which the percentage of equity is higher. The third strategy is mainly aimed at risk reduction. On a growth perspective, alternatives 1 and 2 are the best for Philip Capital. Philip Capital should still make a decision about where they should make and active investment and where they should make a passive investment. Generally speaking a passive strategy is useful when the broader market is expected to perform well compared to performance of individual stocks or sectors. The report has given a deep insight into the current issues in investment environment. Investment environment will always be prone to some challenges. The winners are those who come out of such challenges successfully. In terms of Philip Capital, the challenge is a volatile and unpredictable market situation. Based on the analysis of the market conditions, Philip Capital can adopt the two strategies that are mentioned in the previous section. The existing portfolio of Philip Capital has more than 50% of exposure towards UK equities and debts. This percentage is reduced in the two recommended portfolios because the UK market is not expected to perform well in 2011. Philip Capital will thus have a better return on investment from the new portfolio.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Rodney King Essay Example for Free
Rodney King Essay Initially, I did not have that much knowledge of the Rodney King beating. I have heard of the event on multiple occasions and the brutality that came about after the trial verdict. I only had knowledge of King being an African American man who was beaten by white officers. I didnt know he was speeding and that it led to a police chase. As to the riots, I had known of the protests and the violent outbreaks against the verdict of the officers. Hearing of Los Angeles people stand up against such a aye as Kings gave me a good feeling. I strongly disagree with any form of prejudice acts and knowing that people from such a mixed city stood against it as well made me happy. Because of my little knowledge of such an event In Californias history, I think that It was In Anna Deveare Smiths mind that years later, young kids will not know about Rodney King. using a stance such as people that were actually involved in riots or effected by them or Just knew about the events because they lived in LA is such a throng point of view to see. Reading real words that people spoke and see them portrayed on stage would be so much more effective than any fictional play that Smith could have thought of in the first place. She captured the events of through peoples words, different ethnicities and backgrounds at that, and that is something that history books could never show. Twilights recognition that we must reach across ethnic boundaries Is simple but true.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Malnutrition in Older Hospitalised Patients
Malnutrition in Older Hospitalised Patients Malnutrition has significantly increased in the ageing population resulting in a major health problem in the United Kingdom and is a cause and consequence of ill health. This essay will seek to critique three research papers based on Malnutrition in older hospitalised patient. It will include evaluation of strengths, limitations of the research and a reflection on how the researched was undertaken. Evidence has shown that malnutrition cost the National Health Service around thirteen billons a year resulting in one of the highest spend in health care (British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 2009).Dunne (2009) also states that one in five people ranging from 65 and over will be affected by malnutrition by the year 2020. Malnutrition is therefore â€Å"a state in which a deficiency of nutrients such as energy, protein, vitamins, and mineral causes measurable adverse effects on body composition function or clinical outcome†(National Institute for health and Clinical Excellence, 2006). In light of the information above, this had stimulated an interest to conduct a research to analyse what is being done and what can be done to reduce the prevalence of malnutrition in older patient. Whilst out in placement, I witness nutrition fell low on the list of nursing priorities of care, not by choice but nurses have so many tasks to complete in a given day. I observe both nurses and health care assistant struggled to cope during meal times and expressed their frustration on the subject on few occasion. Also looking at it from a professional stand point, malnutrition can affect every system in the body leading patients to become vulnerable to illness. This can lead to complication and in the worst case death, it also increases patient’s length of stay in hospital and readmission of patients to hospital. It is vital that information that is used to address malnutrition is extracted from evidence based sources as this aims to provide care in a suitable and efficient way to patient (Craig Smyth, 2007). I used critical appraisal skills programme to analyse my research paper as this model helped me to ascertain the relevance and importance a particular research topic relates to practice as well as conduct a systematic review of the article .It assess whether the three research paper was worth reading and helped me to make sense of the qualitative information (Cutcliffe Ward, 2007). I obtained my three research paper by using search engine such as CINAHL, INTERNURSE and PUBMED. I searched CINAHL (2007 to 2013), INTERNURSE (2005 to 2013) and PUBMED (2007 to 2013) for articles published in English. The search strategy will be explained in details in the reflection section part of the essay and will be demonstrated in Table 1 and Table 2. Table three comprises of the three research which can be found in the appendix. Reflection is seen as an important aspect of nursing, as it improves the quality of care we give to patient as well as it can enhance practice and greater competence. Ghaye, Gillespie and Lillyman (2000) point out that, reflection is a central part of experiential learning and the improvement of practical knowledge. I have chosen to use Rolfe et al model over John’s model because it gave me a better understanding in comparison with John model. It consists of three simple questions which are what, so what and now what. This helped me to organise my thought process. In the next sections of the essay two tables will be shown to depict my search strategy along with the critical appraisal of the three research paper. SEARCH STRATEGY Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria Table 2. Identifying and selecting relevant articles The first research paper was written by Angela Dickinson, Carol Welch, Laurie Ager, entitled No longer hungry in hospital: Improving the hospital mealtime experience for older people through action research, published in the year 2007. The title reflected the content of the research and was clear, specific and concise. It seeks to draw the reader attention to the exact area of study conducted. Marshall (2005) states that a research article should accurately and succinctly reflect the content of the work allowing the reader to be stimulated by the content. This is important as a title that is long and ambiguous can lead to misunderstanding and somewhat misleading. The abstract was excellent, in that it was succinct, containing no jargon and clearly written in a coherent manner that gave a satisfactory overview of the study. It was able to stand on its own as it includes brief summary of the Aims and objectives of the research, the background surrounding the study, the methods used, results collated, the conclusion and the relevance to clinical practice. Paratoo, (2006) points out that the information provided in an abstracts should aids readers to decide whether to obtain the entire article or not. Although evidence shown that ethical approval was granted, no mention of consent of the subjects taken part in the research as in accordance with the Nursing and midwifery council code of professional conduct (2008) which states that consent should be obtained before undertaking any task. Also the authors stipulated that they were unaware of other studies available that addresses meal time care in the way they have carried out the research. A more thorough search could have been conducted to rule out this assumption as this research paper might just be adding to knowledge and understanding already available or it could have been compared and contrasted to better understand the issue or to establish new truths The second research paper was written by Heaven, B, Bamford, C, May, C and Moynihan P entitled Food work and feeding assistance on hospital ward and published in the year 2012. The Authors gave a timely overview into the prevalence of malnutrition in the introduction extracted from reputable sources and demonstrate a good critiquing ability by identifying a gap in a previous related study of which they concluded that little is recounted on the practicalities of the provision of food in hospital and how feeding assistance is seen alongside other nursing priorities which lead them to justified their rationale for undertaking the research. Wigen (2003) states that an introduction should illuminate the rational for the research and highlight any previous research that was conducted on the similar topic. The Authors used a qualitative paradigm research that made it straight forward to follow and was applicable for the intended research. Methods such as interview and focus group was utilised to investigate malnutrition in older hospitalised patient. They provide evidences illustrating that interviews, allowed them to get close to their subject to glean information and to clarify questions that were not fully understand. The focus group they find helped them create an atmosphere where discussion and brain storming can occur to establish the problems surrounding malnutrition in older hospitalised patient and finding measures that can help to resolve the problem. Ellis (2010) suggests that the relationship between the researcher and the researched is part of the research process and is essential to gain the insider perspective that qualitative research seeks to pursue. In addition qualitative research is more suited for nursing as it can focus more on the care a patient receive as well a s their experiences (Jolley , 2010). The author took ethical issues into consideration as appropriate measures were put in place to obtain consent and prevent physical harm, hunger, discomfort or psychological suffering by not carrying out observation on feeding assistance. Ellis, 2010 highlights that ethics should saturate all that nurses do in the delivery of health and social care. However the implication of using method such as interviews can sometimes be hard to replicate as people tend to give their views, attitude, ideals ,pre-existing ideas and their beliefs which does not necessary explains the point to why malnutrition does occur (Ellis, 2010). In addition, they can be take up vast amount of time and can be expensive (Jolley, 2010). The third research paper was written by Vanderwee, K, Clays, E, Bocquaert, I, Verhaeghe, S, Lardennois, M, Gobert, M and Defloor, T, entitled Malnutrition and Nutrition care practices in hospital wards for older people, published in the year 2010. This research was conducted in a hospital ward for older people in Belgium. Although the research was not conducted in the UK, this paper gave insights that suggest that malnutrition in older hospitalised patient is not only a reoccurring problem in the UK but a wide spread problem. The sample selection process was adequately described, stating the intended process of the research by using precision in information provided such as, the time period the research was carried out, the age restriction of patient involved in the research process. Consent was also obtained and adhered as specified by the Department of health (2009) which states that consent must be given unless stated or proven otherwise that they do not have the mental capacity to do so. The authors did an exceptional job in the discussion by highlighting information that was already known about the topic extracted from a wide range of credible evidence based sources that support the importance of nutrition. It contains the findings of the research which identify a balance argument into the meaning of the result and provide recommendation that was developed from the finding. Lastly, it highlights some thought-provoking lines of enquiry for future studies to be undertaken to tackle the problem and to extend knowledge of malnutrition in older hospitalised patient. . The limitation of this study indicates that the authors use a cross sectional study where all information of nutrition status and nutritional care practices of the ward was collated at the same time. Hence, no casual connection could be identified and patients and health care professionals could not express their views on malnutrition, leading to results that could not be quantified. (ref give reason as to why quantitative study)The author or researcher could have carried out a longitudinal study to research and analyse the impact that malnutrition has on older hospitalised patient .Ref (back up the benefits of longitudinal study) . Collectively, these three research paper provide concrete evidence on the prevalence of Malnutrition and the dire consequent it has on the aging population and Health Service. They mention the benefits that can be derived from the prevention of malnutrition and practical steps that need to put in place to help tack malnutrition extracted from NICE guidelines (2006). A general consensus among the authors of the respective paper that for true progress to be achieve in preventing malnutrition all health professional needs to understands the pervasiveness of malnutrition in hospital and the effect patient nutrition care may have on whole clinical outcome. Lastly they conclude that nutrition intervention greatly improved clinical outcome and reduce cost of care, predominantly in patient 65 years of age and above and challenge health care professional to address the barriers and change the paradigm of nutrition care. However, authors from one of the research paper went as far as to say that health professional have often failed to prioritise understanding the enormity of malnutrition in their respective hospital and the impact on cost and quality of care and was backed up by the Bapen ,2009 ) that states that nurses are at time removes from the task of assisting patient at meal time and has been delegated to less qualified staff which further strengthen the notion that mealtime care is unskilled and not important. My first challenge in conducting a research was to identify a topic or area of interest. This was obtained by looking at websites such as Royal College of Nursing, talking with my lecturers, students and staffs on placement as well as reflecting on issues that I was personally interested in. After Collating all the information, I sift through interests, experiences and ideas that had been discussed eventually leading me to conduct a research on Malnutrition and consolidated by the use of the Rolfe et al reflective model. I undertake my research by using a selection of different sources such as Cinahl, internurse, PubMed, Cochrane library but instantaneously found out using these data base on their own can produce a wide variety of information. The search strategies was very instrumental as it helped me to effectively narrow my search down to a manageable number and furthermore it was less time consuming .The search strategy includes Boolean operator, key words that encapsulate malnutrition , peer reviewed and limiters of inclusion and exclusion outline in table 1 and table 2 . For example, when I type malnutrition into Cinahl without using the search strategy I obtained an exhaustive result of 6461. I did another search this time with a more specific aim and objective of a topic and the usage of the different search strategy which includes peer reviewed article , date restrictions (2007- 2013) which eliminate old article , key words (malnutrition and nutrition, hospital and older people) this refined my search down to 11 papers. My aim is to obtained three paper for my research ,so I read through the abstract eliminating paper that had no relevance to my chosen topic . I also found that the Abstract was a good indicator to identify relevant keywords to help with my search. I was now short of one paper so I check the Cochrane library which did not produce any relevant article followed by PubMed which produced 112389 at first. I included my search strategy using key words such as malnutrition, older people, hospital, feeding and a time period of 5 years, this further reduced my number down to 10 hits .I also examine the abstract with a critical eye and scan through literature to find the appropriate research articles. Although I did not use wild card and truncation I know the importance of their uses and I am quite positive they will come in handy in the future. Part of the aim of this assignment was to gain information and understanding of malnutrition in older hospitalised patient by examining the evidence that is already available and seek to find new knowledge on what can be done to reduce malnutrition among the target group. This has put me in good stead as I have gain tremendous amount of insight into the evidence I found from the three research article as well information glean from books and journals that can be applied into practice. For example It was interesting to read nutrition now 2007, who took on a proactive approach in dealing with malnutrition by educating all members of the multidisplinary team to better understand the primacy of good nutritional care and the pivotal role they play in providing it and also implementing ways to work effectively as a team to eliminate the problem of malnutrition. Age concern (2006) also implemented seven steps to end the scandal of malnutrition in hospital, evidence was also shown how variou s hospital took on the initiative, saw a significant improvement in their quest to reduce malnutrition in their hospitals. The ultimate key is to systematically recognise patients who are malnourished or at risk and quickly intervene (Dunne, 2009) The implication of the research papers showed that although research had been carried out and the accessibility of validated screening tools malnutrition still continues to go unnoticed and untreated in many older hospitalised patients (Bapen, 2009). As a student nurse it is important that refection is part of my daily routine as this can enhance my effectiveness as an individual that enhances the quality of care I give to patient. I identify that malnutrition is every one responsibility and requires the collaboration of a multidisplinary team to leverage success in tackling malnutrition and that preventing malnutrition is a pivotal role in my nursing practice Undertaking this assignment I was able to identify my shortfall and limitation and has taught me effectively ways to conduct a search and access academically evidence based resources. This illustrated to me the importance of not taking information at face value but adhering to the correct procedure to obtain articles and examining articles with a critical and analytical mind to decide the credibility of the article. As the profession Nursing, cannot agree to any research at face value and need to be able to ascertain strengths and limitations of the research when evaluating the information available on the research topic (Ryan et al 2007). Conclusion To above information has demonstrated APPENDIX Table 3 Research studies critically appraised REFERENCES
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